Abe's Ideas

For explosions under water. Just hold your breath and cast a fireball while submerged. No need to add aquam.

Gunpowder is 1216. I'm not sure explosion is a concept before that, nor how it would relate to Ignem.

I would like to take a moment and express my admiration and appreciation for Ray. He is obviously facing challenges, but he makes up for his deficiencies with enthusiasm. He is having fun, and I am proud to be his friend.
Post on Abe. Post and have fun.

thank you very much!

you do if you need to send out explosions DEEP underwater

If you're using Aquam to (for explosions under water), you don't need Igenm - and explosion is just a sudden (usually violent) expansion, the fire's just a side effect of how to most easily cause such an expansion.

But using Aquam, you could create a sort of 3D Wave effect that pushes water to whereever you want it, and with enough levels, that could certainly be a destructive effect.

There's a ReAq 3 guideline that allows you to change water to steam. Could that be used underwater to create some sort of "explosion"? Or would just the Base 10 control in an extremely violent way be the way to go?

new virtue? gift of the gongfarmer
basically your immune to the plague/deseases!
not sure what the point cost would be though.

That's not a new virtue.

that's why I put down the question mark after the word virtue silly.

why is answering a question silly?

Sorry, force of habit.

New flaw? Killer halatosis
your breath can kill a moose at a mile & 1/2!
not sure if it's been done before or what the price should be.

Isn't this just a social handicap?

Is it? You said you have the book, you should be able to tell us.

Sounds less like a flaw and more like a spell - Mu(Cr)Au perhaps?

Maybe this work as a lesser version?

new flaw? progeria( advanced old age)
basically you make aging rolls at -10 starting at birth!
any ideas on how to make this flaw better?

That's actually a pretty neat concept, but -10 is way too intense, probably even for a Major flaw. I'd go the route that half-demon children go, where, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong here since I'm AFB, they are treated as twice their age and roll two Aging rolls per year instead of one. It's a balancing factor for the Virtue in the half-demons' case, but makes a legitimate Flaw on its own.
