Faith & Flame: The Provençal Tribunal

The version that made it in the book is actually a third Val-Negra. I did the original, Jarkman deconstructed and revised it after I dropped out for a spell, and when I came back I was allowed to revise it again and added back some of my original. Compromises :slight_smile:
I also did Basques and their magic, which is cut but what remains is unaltered. I also did the original draft of Bellaquin, which was revised and finalized by Ben. I honestly think that the material is awesome, but would have been ten times better if we had just a little more space

And shame on you lot for not just using LaTeX and voiding such problems :wink:

Latex? I get on well with my fellow authors but I'm not that kind of girl!

I lost the group photo after the game!
But great anyway!

Wy cj, I didn't know you were any kind of girl at all! :wink:

MuCo botch. I'll PeVi it right by tomorrow :wink:

cj x

Tres destroyed Mistridge and has a general hate on for other magi, and he's protected by Code as any other mage - he's a clear, obvious threat, and therefore a good villain. There are other good villains in F&F, but he's the most forefront.

I just thought of a feature that makes Provencal unique (besides being the only tribunal that is "normal").
There is a vast network of hedge wizards in submission to the Order. The Sorginak. No animosity, maybe some corruption, but pretty copasetic.
And there are many approaches. The ungifted are the most common, and basically amount to the stereotypical village wise woman. The gifted are potent folk withes with a potential chthonic bend. The classic witch. Then there is the Hermetic Maga Sorgina Ex-Exmiscellanea option. I think Erik made a whole subplot with that, a hedgie infiltration!
Or there is the magus from Gascony who casts spells in a strange ancient tongue but otherwise is a stereotypical Tremere/Flambeau/Jerbiton/etc.

Is the Abbey of St. Hillaire supposed to be the one in Aule, or the one closer to Avignon?

There's also the hedge wizards (see my article on the "Masques") allied to the Coenobium, but the major details of this concept were cut for space reasons and because of the similarity with Hibernia.

I really like the concept of Basque magi using Exotic Casting though, Hermetic or no-Hermetic.

The Basque language is a fascinating aspect of history. It is unrelated to any other, and thus disrupts language theories from [i]Ancient Magic[/]. It is Neolithic in origin, and is the oldest living language in existance.

Doesn't it share this with Transylvania (Witch Hunters)?

Doesn't Hibernia have a lot of folk witches? (Serf's Parma)


I'm not really sure the Fectores can be considered Hedge Wizards since they are, technically, members of the OoH.

The situation in Connaught is different and while one could reasonably claim the Coill Tri is in a state of submission to the Order, the specifics of the treaty creates a situation where the two sides rarely interact with each other directly. Especially now with the influx of continental and English magi.

To be honest, I think the Sorginak are described as members of the Order who don't really participate, because they're more initiated than Gifted, rather than subordinate. I have to go find the exact text, but I believe there's even a story seed about mobilizing the Sorginak to become more involved in Hermetic politics to accomplish some goal.



I have few questions about Faith & Flame.

p31: the covenant of Portus Termini is mentioned for a Guernicus Magus. This covenant is mentioned nowhere else. Is it a mistake?
p93: Folk Witch Ceremony mentions about the Feminine ceremony ability, supposed to be described in chapter 3. I didn't find any mention of this ability in chapter 3. What is cut off? Can you tell us more about it?
p12: Oxioun of Aedes Mercurii is mentioned as leader of this covenant in 1207. He is not mentioned in chpater 6. Should i assume he disappeared between 1207 and 1220? (it's actually of little matter, but i actually liked my version of this NPC in previous editions, and i was interested to know how he fares in 5th :wink: )

Thank you :slight_smile:

Portus Termini was part of the Coenobium, originally, I believe, but was removed in a revision for space.

Feminine Ceremony was a version of Ceremony specifically for women. It saw mixed results in playtest, and we wanted to err on the side of balance, so we cut it. It might see light in Sub Rosa.

Oxioun is mentioned as leading the tribunal discussion in 1207 (which was held at Aedes Mercurii), not the covenant itself-- although I'll want to go confirm the text myself in the book. He's a Tytalus, but I don't know that we assigned him to a specific covenant. EDIT-- the last draft shows him as a part of Aedes Mercurii, and a potential pater.


Unofficially, as it never made it to print -- Portus Termini is reputed to be a small covenant consisting of a Cult of Mercury Mercere & a Tytalan necromancer today living in great seclusion in a cavern in the Verdun Gorge as I recall. I'm not sure if it lasted long enough to formally join the Coenobium, or if they are still there today, but it was site wise an offshoot of Portus Cottiae. It was around in the eleventh century, when some Ex Misc necromancers joined them -- in fact I'm pretty sure it was founded after the Saracens destroyed Portus Cottiae in 906. If Portus Termini does still exist it is not politically active, or indeed even known to most.

Lachie is the authority here. It may be it will re-emerge from seclusion, and start voting again, but who knows? Might get a write up in Sub Rosa one day, or we may hear of its fate I guess...

cj x

Actually, I was planning for the cut draft of Portus Termini to be the 5th instalment of my Provencal material. :slight_smile:

I'll try and post the section and some backstory to it later this weekend.

Essentially it's where the remnants of the scions of Portus Cottiae and the Alyscamps Necromancers ousted by the Coenobium fled to - a strange marriage to be sure. It has links to Hedyosmos, the Theban Guernicus covenant with remnants of the Terrae Cult (see the Sundered Eagle pages 66-69 and my Scholae Petrae article on my blog for some ideas on Earth Cult magi). It's other major role is as the ossuary and crematorium of the Cult of Mercury with links to the River Styx and the Greek/Roman Underworld.

As it was a bit way out for Provencal and was effectively hidden / linked more to Thebes in theme, I dropped it and left only a mention...

Such a tease, eh?



Where is Chorges talked about in the book?