1.1 Things Go Bumping in the Night

Miklos halts and holds up his clenched right fist. He turns to those following and draws his two daggers pointing both to the rocks on his right. When he is sure people have seen him and reacted he will attempt to hide so as to gain advantage with a surprise attack if possible.

Maia hurries towards ser Giorgios, and with a slightly unsteady and very urgent voice says: "Ser, what would be the best place to make a stand until the dawn arrives, with the men we have...were the lore on these telonia wrong?" That animal back there was tracked and hunted, but it looks to me like a scene, like...bait. For us? See, unless the mule crossed the ford on its own, it was fleeing that monster, which followed it across the stream and then snapped its neck by its lonesome.

Sir Georgios turns around to hear what Maia has to say. Over her shoulder he can see Miklos waving and pointing. «Psst, Maia,» he whispers, «look at Miklos. We may have a more immediate challenge.» He then looks, mace and shield on high alert, to see if he can see the danger that Miklos pointed to.

What do we see? Scanning the area, could I see any defendable location where we could make a stand? How far are we really from the ford?

[tab][/tab] The party is in high alert while traveling. At the rear-guard Maia and the knight have a low murmured chat until sir Georgios spots Miklos motioning to stop. Quickly your party accesses the situation and any threats... but there is nothing there. Only the rush of the river and the mournful cries of night birds. Where the slav is pointing with his daggers is the lots of boulders, above and bellow the path, some rangy early grasses and the cliff. As for defensible positions, the terrain is filled with shale, rocks and boulders. The path is sure footed, on the right side about a meter to two of loose rocks dropped from above then steep cliffs. On the left, rough terrain with lots of cover, giving into long grasses and shrubs the nearer you go towards the river. Around the banks, a thick wooded area of water trees shields the river from your sight but not your hearing. Tactically any place where you can put your back into would be more defensible, but your party has no idea what the enemy is or what it can do. The place where you have forded the river is 200-500 meter away by rough estimation. Or perhaps you could ford here in the dark and take your chances.
[tab][/tab] Slow minutes pass and nothing happens, nothing appears, while Miklos is lost from sight....

«I wonder what Miklos saw. Any idea, Maia?» the knight asks in low voice. «If we have two enemies, one of whom will stay on this side of the river, and the other roams freely, I'd rather be on the other side.» Lowering his voice even further, he adds, «You are right, Maia, we should not assume the danger is over once we cross. Against mortal enemies, we could take a stand behind, those boulder, but who knows what these infernal fiends can do?» He hesitates, and then he asks, «do you know, Maia?»

<OOC Faerie Lore roll?, Perception to where Miklos was pointing?>

I have witnessed many things outside my experience this night, ser Giorgios. Even a four-winged dove! She scrutinizes the knight's face for a reaction. She goes on. I hope my fears are unfounded! But in my heart I see multiple devils waiting to ambush us nearby, as we cross. God protect our flesh and our souls indeed. But we must save all these poor men, knight! To be feasted upon like that mule, gods... Maia thinks hard about some other crossing or solution in her experience.

«Four-winged dove? Where?» the knight asks surprised, «Anyway. With a loaded horse and handlers, it is a bad time to explore. As you say, the priority is to get them safely back. Are you suggesting to ford in a different place, to outwit whomever might wait by the ford? Maybe wise, but why did they not attack the first time we crossed?»

Maybe they did not expect so many of us? An ambush at the crossings seems like a good place to scatter us and make off with the slowest or the unluckiest. Even a mighty knight can be dragged and drowned in shallow waters. She winces at this thought.
Who knows how they think. But they seem ravenous. And that mule back there was long dead, so it has to be a ruse! What else would you make of it? I am...I am open to less hopeless interpretations. she smiles ruefully.

She concentrates to see what Miklos was warning them about

For Miklos

Dex 2 + stealth 4 + Puissant 2 + roll 9 = 17

[tab][/tab] A few minutes pass. The can hear the river and the bird cries, one of your horses huffing, the nervous shuffling of the teamsters. Miklos is nowhere to be seen, so is the scout that went to the bank. Into this calm before the storm, you again hear that dreadful clacking sound of snapping teeth coming from the east, behind you. This time it sounds closer, the echoes shorter.

Miklos shouts out "Beware ambush on the rocks above you, ropes and monsters, ropes and monsters"

[tab][/tab]Miklos' cry rends the night, giving up his position, and making everyone look up the cliffs. You see nothing there. Yet an angry hiss echoes from up front and you can hear things bumping in the night, coming towards you. The guard hunkers down, the teamsters seem lost looking around.

(Please roll initiatives and tell me what your characters do)

[tab][/tab]Miklos: Miklos gives his warning and the creatures hone in on his position. The capped one raises its head and hisses angrily at him. He can now see that it wears a pelt of some kind over its head and down its back, fox or wolf or some other predator complete with ear. The long hair are parted and you can discern black eyes with no luster in them maliciously eyeing you. It points forward with a metal knife handle and all, that looks like made from rusting iron, and its companions quickly surge forward...towards the horses.

Sir Georgios storms forward towards the monsters, doing his best to get past people and horses. What he lacks in quickness (Init 4), he takes out in an angry yell, shield forward and mace raised.

Maia has her bow out, but her main concern is getting the group to make it across the ford. She shouts hoarsely "Stay close together, spears like a hedgehog, keep your knives out to cut any noose!" To the horses/mules "Stay with man, help man. If no man, very bad!"
Init: -3 + _: 1D10 = [6] = 6 = 3, even slower than ser Giorgios! She will shoot any creature she sees, but in support of the others. And she is trying to move the group inch by inch towards the ford, if not exactly by the same path as before, now that the ambush is revealed.

(ST EDIT) The place where you forded is quite away from where your group is. In fact you can't even see it yet. Its about 5 minutes of walking away

Miklos comes screaming out of the night wielding two daggers and makes a leap in among the boulders. "Run for your lives, they are here, run, run while I buy you a head start!"

(ST EDIT) The place where you forded is quite away from where your group is. In fact you can't even see it yet. Its about 5 minutes of walking away

<OOC We ain't walking! OOC :cry: > Maia screams, Torches in front, guards on our flank (where the boulders and the ambush are), teamsters drag your horses, RUUUN for the ford, cross it! RUN!

Maia will shoot to discourage, she will absolutely not leave anyone behind, counting and recounting party members feverishly, although right now she can do little for Miklos and the knight. Where is the scout?

Miklos will attack the one with the hat, in the hope of demoralising the rest.

(And I will roll up a new companion as this seems to be going very badly).

(ST EDIT) Relax, have fun. You also need to roll Initiative :smiley:

[tab][/tab] A high pitched scream shatters the night sounds, obscenely echoing in the gorge, shocking your party; sir Georgios recognises this as the panic-stricken neighs of horses slaughtered in the siege of Constantinople, a sound he was unfortunate to have experienced himself. For Maia it is especially vile, striking her to the core as she understands the terror and desperation the animal is feeling at its moment of danger. A large, strong net made out of coarse, black hair is expertly thrown from above onto your party, completely enveloping your pack horse. In the grips of hysteria, the horse tries to get the net off but further entangles itself, losing its balance and falling on its flanks, flailing hooves desperately trying to find any purchase. It is joined by the yells of one of your hapless teamsters who is also trapped under the net.
[tab][/tab] The other teamster, the one carrying the torch was luckier. He had gone off the path a bit and was looking upwards, the net narrowly avoiding him. In horror he watches demonic silhouettes leap up from the night towards him and he panics. He turns around, mouth agape in trepidation and runs towards the back, behind the knight and Maia. The guard though warned by Miklos, throws the net off his spear. In a flash of inspiration, he jams the torch he has in a crevasse of the cliff so that light still shines and takes out his shield. He looks determined, emboldened by sir Georgios speech and ready to fight.
[tab][/tab] You can now see two shapes high above, clinging on the cliff. Yet more pressing are the ghostly shapes leaping out of the darkness from ahead, their inky-grey clawed arms stretched forward ready to rend flesh, eerily silent. Four of the creatures converge on the hapless, downed animal, mouths agape and filled with pointy teeth. It is clear they are more interested in butchering the creature than you. The other two go for the knight's other horse. But the warhorse is another matter all together. A thoroughbred and battle-trained, it rises on its back legs with a mighty challenging trumpet, flashing fore-hooves, making the creatures pause. Swiftly it executes a pivot on the narrow path and kicks out with its hind feet. One telonio evades by jumping back, but the other is not so fortunate. The unshod hoof finds it right on the skull; you hear the crushing of bone and the kick propels it and grinds it on the cliff, a splash of inky-black ichor spraying the surface. The imp is instantly killed, face caved in and its corpse falling down, while what seems to be its blood is slowly steaming sepia tones vapor that looks more like boiling shadow. The horse menacingly displays its teeth, not allowing anyone near it.

[tab][/tab] Maia takes a shot at a telonio, and tries to give some direction to the others of the party. She sees the teamster run in panic and tries to stop the man fleeing with words and an arm stretched grasp. (Please choose a target, roll for your ranged attack, with damage. The main bulk of the creatures are in less than 10 paces but no one engages her. The seventh one is way off the darkness, still concealed. The other two are over 40 paces up, barely visible. Also you may make a Com+Leadership roll of 9 to snap the teamster out of his panic)

[tab][/tab] Sir Georgios rushes forward to join battle. He may charge any of the six Telonia, but he has to be mindful of either the panicked and downed gelding or his warhorses snapping teeth. (Please choose a target, roll for your melee attack at +1, with damage. He will then be considered engaged)

[tab][/tab] Miklos charges the lone Telonio with the cap. He reaches the creature, which takes a defensive position with its knife crossed before it. It spits its hatred towards him for spoiling the ambush, showing pointy teeth and evil eyes. (Miklos reaches the Telonio and will start combat attacks next round. Point of note, why 2 daggers? I am not familiar with rules about dual wielding. If I have to improvise I'd go with the Mameluk stats in RoP:D 119, and just add +1 to init, damage, attack and defense values)

«Oh, I love that horse,» the knight shouts as he is barging into the other telonia that was attacking it, with the mace coming down on the telonia's head.

Mace & shield: Init: -3 (-2e), Attack: +12, Defense: +10, Damage +11

Roll 9, bonus +1, Attack total 22.
Damage 11 + attack advantage.

Does he get an opportunity to shout encouragement to the fleeing teamster, in passing? He should have a good roll if he gets the chance.
(ST EDIT) I will not allow it cause Maia has already thought of that :slight_smile:

Is it at all possible to mount the warhorse? No point in breaking the charge attack this round, but he is aware of the horse, and if the opportunity arises, please mention it.

BTW. I think your suggestion for two daggers sounds good. The two weapons ability disappeared in ArM5 :slight_smile:

Initiative is dagger 2 + roll 9 + 1 for 2 daggers = 12. The creature is first by a long way.

If I can attack first for some reason values are

Attack +8, + 1 for 2 daggers, + roll 1 then 8 = +16 = +25
Defence +6, +1 for 2 daggers, roll 5 = +12
Damage = +5, +1 for 2 daggers + attack advantage.

(ST EDIT) Miklos is away from the torches. Unless he can see in darkness, he has -1 to rolls. From the terrain he has an extra botch dice