1197 A.D. (Fall) Let It Snow, Let It Rain

"Borealis? That's a funny name! Where did you get it? Are you from fay away? We sometimes see people from far away, but most of our guests are bargemen or merchants," the girl comments brightly, putting the bucket down inside the room near the door.

"My name is Marie. I live here with my papa. Mama is away, but I hope she will come back for Christmas. That is soon, isn't it? When the snow comes, Christmas is coming soon too! So I'm happy that the snow is falling. But we haven't had many guests lately. Papa says the snow is the reason. There is always less guests when there is snow."

(apologies - I thought I had replied but I must not have posted correctly)

"Hello Marie, Borealis just means 'Northern' and I'm from the north of the land. What is your Mama doing? Has she gone anywhere exciting?"

"North of the land? How far away?" she asks, curious.

"I don't know what mama is doing. She was sick for a while, then one morning she was not here. Papa said she was visiting Christ. So I'm sure she is coming back for when we celebrate him, at Christmas! That's why I'm so happy it began snowing! That means Christmas is coming soon."

"I just wish papa was as happy as I am. He's been acting funny since mama has left, all sad. I guess he misses her too. He'll be so happy when she comes back!"

(OOC: I am not going to tell you how Borealis feels when he hears this, but I can guess he'll be feeling awful. Feel free to elaborate on his emotional state.)

Trying to keep a calm face for the girl, Borealis says "Oh it's sad your mama was sick. How long ago did she leave?"

Borealis wonders if plague has hit this town too, and adds that to the list of things to ask shopkeepers. Borealis will also drop his Parma Magica for a moment to feel if the girl invokes feelings of being Gifted.

"Oh, t'was at the beginning of summer. She was always tired this last year. I've had to help clean the rooms and cook, to help papa."

"I'm sure you're being a great help to your papa as this room looks very clean.

Did anything strange happen before it started snowing? I must take a look out of the window and see if it is still falling."

Borealis gently encourages the girl to talk about the last week, while he has a look to see if the strange cloud has changed at all.

"I..." Marie was about to answer when there is a loud call from downstairs from her father. "Sorry," she says, "Bye!"

With that, she scurries off.

Snow is still falling outside.

Borealis sighs, realising that the girl's story will have to wait. Checking that the cloud hasn't changed and that the snow is still as it was, Borealis makes sure he is ready for the evening meal and for bed. He will check on Karl and Otto and see how they are doing.

The snow is still falling, with no sign that it will be stopping anytime soon. Both Otto and Karl are fine, having ordered some ale in the common room after dumping their gear in their rooms.

The time for the evening meal arrives, bringing a few additional customers into the common room. Marie is serving food to a pair of men (they look like locals) when Borealis comes down, which may be why his father called for her.

(Still up to you to decide how to proceed with your investigation.)

Borealis joins Otto and Karl. Realising that his Gift is hampering his investigations, he tries to be subtle... well, as subtle as a non-Trianoman Bonisagus can be.

"Otto, Karl, I'm hitting a brick wall speaking to locals. Could you make conversation with the locals eating here and ask them about how long the weather's been bad, and if anything strange happened in the weeks before? I'm sure it will be easy, people love talking about the weather."

Borealis will eavesdrop on conversations, and talk to Marie after the meal.

Over the evening meal, Maria goes back and forth several times between the kitchen and the main room, bringing food to the customers based on what they order with her father. She does not stay in the common room long enough for you to engage her in talk for more than a moment or two.

From the customers' calls to the owner for ale, you learn that he is named David.

For their part, Otto and Karl sit down at other tables, engaging the locals and asking some questions. It takes time, and isn't exactly subtle since there isn't much of a crowd. Less than a dozen men over the evening. There are some heated arguments between locals as they talk to your two men. Borealis draws some stares, but no one sits near him.

When the last of locals leave, it is not really so late. David remains a bit, asking whether you want some more ale before he retires. Otto and Karl then fill you in about what they've heard.

"They think it's some sort of curse, sir," says the fat grog. "Snow's been falling for about a week. Out of nowhere."

"Some who've gone out of town or spoke to travelers say cloud's been turning in circle, staying above town," adds Karl. "I hear nothing about why. Some say the mayor a sinner. Others that the priest called down God's will against a greedy merchant. Two argued it be a witch that was droven out of town a few years back takin' revenge. Big caravan came through a few days before that snow started, so one said it was Jews or Moors doing this."

"Yeah," says Otto. "They don't know squat. Let me tell you somethin' about common folks like that. When they argue that hard, it jus' means they dunno. Only way they coulda known less was if they'd start fights about it."

"One more thing," Karl adds after checking they are really alone. "David's wife? Died early in the summer. Weak heart, or some such. Dad's been heartbroken since. Doesn't have the heart to tell his little bit that her mother's no coming back. Just a little lie at first, Kid ate it up and spun a tale. No one dare tell her, don't wanna make the girl cry. They like her as uncles would."

Borealis thanks Otto and Karl for talking to the locals.

It dawns upon Borealis that maybe the child has something deeper to do with this. Borealis will wait until morning, then spontaneously cast (with bold gestures while nobody's looking) an Intellego Vim to see if there's any obvious active magic going from this house up to the cloud.

Borealis will try and observe Marie in the morning, and see if she has any signs that suggest she may be Gifted, or may have a faerie friend. After that, he will go out and try and visit a church so he can speak to a priest, find out if anything unusual has happened. He will also try and visit shops, so as to pose better as the travelling merchant he claims to be.

What parameters are you attempting?

I don't have the arts to attempt vision sense, so I will be trying range personal duration instant target sense of touch (+1) to detect if there's any active magic. If I get very lucky I may try extending the duration.

Per/Mom/Sense:Touch will only allow Borealis to sense ambiant magic when you cast it. If the magic is from somewhere else in the house (not in direct contact with him), then he will not detect anything.

Also, the Base determines how powerful the magic needs to be for the spell to detect it. What Base is he aiming for?

I'm aiming for base 3 - "sixth magnitude" as this huge cloud looks like a powerful effect to me.

(Sorry for the delay!)

Go ahead and roll for the spell.

With mighty waving of the arms, Borealis attempts to cast.... but gains no real insight. He sits down for a couple of minutes to get his breath back. His next step will to be try to corner either Marie or her father - if Marie, ask her if any strange things have happened around her, if her father ask if any strange things have happened around his daughter.

[I rolled a 4...Intellego 4 + Vim 0 + sta 1 + exaggerated gestures 1 + die roll 4 is 10, divided by 2 is 5 - so if there is no divine aura I can do touch range for concentration duration any spells of sixth magnitude or higher, if divine aura 1 I can do touch range momentary for spells of tenth magnitude(!), if divine aura 2 or more nothing happens. I'm really not a magical investigator)

When he comes down from his room, Borealis finds David in the common room in front of a plate with most of his breakfast untouched and a mug of ale. The man looks depressed and tired.

"David", Borealis sympathises, "you look exhausted. What is causing you so much trouble?"