1205 Spring - The First Wave (Story)

March 27th, 1205

"Yes, there is another one who arrived a few days ago, Wolfgang of House Flambeau. I believe they are currently touring the caves under the covenant, as Wolfgang's serpentine companion prefers to live underground rather than in a tower."

Julius leads Perion through the main entrance and into a entryway, "Would you like us to find them straightaway, or would you like to refresh yourself from you journey while I seek them out? It might take a while to locate them, the caves are quite extensive and they may even have moved elsewhere."

April 2nd, 1205

Another strange convoy approaches the covenant. At first it appears simply to be two men walking with a donkey and small cart.

The men are a study in contrast. The taller, better looking and more robust looking man is leading the donkey and walks with a smile and a swagger, whistling a tune to himself.

A small way behind, and keeping clear of the donkey's path is a much smaller, spindly and thin man. There is something subtly wrong in his look, almost inhuman. He moves in staccato bursts, quick and precise. He seems to be holding an idle and smiling conversation with whatever or whoever is in the small covered cart the donkey drags.

Both men are dressed well, their clothes being well made and slightly flamboyant, the smaller one is dressed for warmth and comfort, wearing a robe and travelling cloak. The larger one's clothes are under a mail shirt, and a large shield hangs over his shoulder, with a sword at his hip.

The smaller man notices the covenant first, pointing it out to the larger man, and the two move towards whoever is on watch for such groups.

March 27th, 1205
Perion takes a moment to think to himself while walking alongside Julius and into the sprawling structure. The building's interior does not seem to improve the temperature much to Perion, and so he continues to shiver from time to time. "I've been walking a long time now, so taking a moment to rest is a little too tempting to turn down." He eventually says, "If you would direct me to a comfortable place to wait, I can see the others there."

March 27th, 1205

"We have prepared quarters for the newly arrived magi, so I can have you brought there while I search for master Clusius. These quarters are temporary arrangements, until until we can finalize your sanctum based on your specific requirements. Hopefully that will only take a few days, but in the interim we hope you will find them adequate."

(Assuming Perion agrees)

"Let me get you a guide. As you have certainly noticed, this manor is quite large and complex, so it would be easy for you to get lost. I would advise you avoid wandering around unaccompanied, at least until you become more familiar with this place. There will be a bell in your quarters to call for a servant, should you require anything. Including a guide."

April 2nd, 1205

Some sort of warning bell starts ringing from the heights above the covenant just as the smaller man points out the covenant. Unnoticed by them, after their passage a piece of the landscape moves slightly as something climbs a bit higher on the mountain's flank.

As they approach the courtyard before the sprawling covenant, they are met by a pair of grogs, one of them who looks like a veteran of many years, while the other one is a strapping youth of less than twenty. They are in discussion with an even younger woman, with long dark brown hair and wide hips. Not far from them, a cart is being unloaded of its cargo of cut stones by a pair of young men.

The older grog approaches the new arrivals, asking in Norman French, "Can I help you?" The young woman follows in a slow gait, favouring a weak right leg, with the younger grog in tow.

April 2nd, 1205

The thin man takes in the trio coming towards him and looks troubled for a moment before saying in Latin to his burly companion

"French I think, or maybe Castillian?"

"no, magus, not any Spaniard language." the soldier replies. The little man sighs a little and turns to the veteran and speaks slowly and clearly in Latin

"do you have any Latin? I am seeking Quintus Clausius" he tries to smile broadly and disarmingly at all of them, before shushing the donkey cart's content briefly

April 2nd, 1205

The veteran grunts, still in French, "Should have known, another damn magus."

Switching to a decent if uncultured Latin, he answers, "Yes, you are at right place. Master Clusius lives here. What your name?"

The young woman touches the veteran's arm, taking over. Her Latin is actually just as good as Marcus'. "Who should we announce when we fetch master Clusius? My name is Adeline and I am his assistant and personal scribe. Does your man speak Latin? If so, Louis here," she nods towards the young grog, "will direct him to a place where he can rest and store the contents of your cart."

April 2nd, 1205

Picking up a tiny amount of what the veteran said, and the word magus, Marcus frowns. He immediately brightens at the young ladies words

"Ah! Excellent! I am Marcus of House Verditious and this is my guardian Edwardo. He speaks some Latin, though you will find it does not extend to complex discussion" -Edwardo rolls his eyes a little at this- "and I am afraid I cannot let you relieve me of my cart's burdens. It is a matter of some delicacy. May I ask, Adeline, if you are squeamish or easily shocked?"

March 27th, 1205

“I would like any kind of prepared quarters at the moment. I didn’t realize it would be so cold here at this point in the year. I can wait for Clusius there.” Perion says as he walks nearby the taller figure. He pauses and waits for a servant to approach.

"That sounds great. I must say that I have not truly had a moment alone for sometime now, but I will keep that in mind there. Thank you for the hospitality," Perion says back. He tries to be sincere, as he thinks about the many nights he spent outside as he and Vincent traveled here.

Perion will follow along behind the guide to the room. He tries to keep track of the number and direction of turns, but he loses track after a half dozens twists and turns.

April 2nd, 1205

Surprised at the question, Adeline becomes suddenly shy and looks down. Then she answers in a stutter, "Sq..sq..squeamish? Not r..r..r..really, b..b..but I d..d..d..don't like v..v..violence."

March 27th, 1205

The servant that Julius speaks to -- in a germanic language -- is a wan older man who looks to be in his fifties. After listening to the steward's instructions, the man nods and starts walking away without so much as a glance at Perion. Noticing the magus' hesitation, Julius says, "Follow Mathias."

Fortunately, Mathias does not walk very fast, so Perion has no trouble catching up with him. You spend the next ten minutes walking up and down stairways, crossing halls and corridors. These are in a mixed state of repair, from pristine and well-lit to damp or dusty. At one point, your path even takes you through a small enclosed courtyard, with weeds growing between the flagstones.

Finally, Mathias stops before a door and opens it, leading Perion into a small but cozy chamber. High and narrow stained glass windows illuminate the room, which contains a plush bed, a nicely made table with three chairs, a clothing chest and an armoire. The air is a chill inside, though not as much as it was outside.

Mathias moves to a small hearth and starts to build a small fire which, once lit, starts to take the chill out of the aire. The servant shows Perion where the chamber pot is, then opens a side door to a smaller room where you discover an empty bathing tub. Mathias finally turns to look at Perion with washed-out blue eyes, a questioning look on his face.

At no point does the servant utter a single word.

April 2nd, 1205

"ha!" He bursts a small laugh "happily that's not a problem. However, inside the cart are two dear friends of mine. They are, however, rather gigantic spiders. Well, one was always a gigantic spider, and the other was quite a normal size. But recently he has taken to being the size of a cat, I suspect in jealousy of my rather more prodigiously large friend."

He pauses and comes back to focus

"But yes. Spiders. One a faerie the other magical. Both the size of cats or small dogs, both my dear friends. One is my familiar. I thought fair warning was due since they seem to scare some people somewhat"

April 2nd, 1205

Adeline stops in her tracks, "Sss..sss..spiders? Are they d...ddd...dangerous?"

April 2nd, 1205

"Spiders" he confirms with a smile

"But no, not dangerous to you at all. They are good people and lively company and I am sure will be polite and pleasant" he says the last a little pointedly at them, under the cover

"So may I have the pleasure of introducing Spindra, my familiar, and Spinnerbienne, my oldest friend who refuses to be drawn on the question of if he is my grandfather"

As he says it, he pulls back the cover and reveals two massive spiders (size -3). One of them cheerily says in a chirping voice "pleased to meet you" while the other merely dips itself in a surprisingly good approximation of a bow

"I had to travel with them under cover or it does upset some people"

April 2nd, 1205

Adeline keeps her distances, "If you sss...s...say s...ss..so, mag...magister." She is startled when one of them actually speaks. "Hmm, mm..mme t..t..to, I g..guess."

The younger grog is eyeing the spiders warily, but the veteran seems to be taking things in stride.

Finally, Adeline asks Marcus is he is ready to follow her.

March 23rd, 1205

After being shown to guest quarters, where he is able to remove the dust and mud of his long travels, Wolfgang is able to enjoy a warm meal at a table with Clusius. They discuss some of their interests and preferences regarding magic, Clusius speaking animatedly about sculptures and how they could make the covenant beautiful. "I think I should start working on a statue of Leonardus, my grand-pater. I'd like it to figure prominently in front of the covenant. As I told you in my letters, he is the one who actually established this place. What do you think of the idea?"

April 2nd, 1205

"Oh, yes! I am eager to meet my future sodales, to explore the area and see my lab! An exciting time, is it not?"

April 2nd, 1205

"Would you like t..t...to ref..f..fresh yours..s..self before m...m...m..meeting the other m..m..magi?"

As you slowly walk towards the main entrance, Marcus notices that Adeline's limp is quite pronounced. She also seems much shier thanshe seemed at first.

(Does Marcus carry Spindra and Spinnerbienne or do they scurry alongside him?)

March 23rd, 1205

Wolfgang listens to the other magus, enjoying his enthusiasm. He nods in response to the question, speaking in his soft voice. "That sounds quite nice, a good memorial. I'm afraid you may consider me a philistine, my mind jumps immediately to animated statues tirelessly watching over the covenant, but I assume that's probably not your intent. Put it down to my deeply ingrained paranoia.

I have noticed a certain... eccentricity to the architecture here, I quite like it but it does make me wonder how things came about."

March 23rd, 1205

"No, no, this should be an hommage to Leonardus, not a defensive feature. If it is enchanted, it would only encourage those attacking the covenant to target it pre-emptively. Not everything should be about defenses in a covenant. Beauty should have a place and value of its own." Wolfgang gets the sense that Clusius probably sees defenses as a very low priority compared to artistic endeavours. Not surprising, as he is a Jerbiton, after all.

"The structure and buildings, well, I only know what Julius has told me. Leonardus brought him here early on. My grand-pater apparently started establishing the place over fourty years ago, when he discovered the aura and first vis sources, as a private refuge where he could reflect and study in peace. Along the years, he brought people here, either misfits in society of those who'd been touched by magic who could not find a place in the mundane world. Since Leonardus was a member of Triamore, he felt the more unusual of them wouldn't feel at ease there either."

"Leonardus would visit at irregular intervals, asking the denizens of the valley to create a building here, add a wing there, or raise a tower. He'd fund the work each time, even helping with magic where he could. Did he have a specific plan at first? If so, it was either forgotten along the way, or perhaps the magical energies that permeate the aura pushed things on its own. I'll show you later one of the things at the center of the magic aura, in the cave beyond the buildings, as it might be a factor in this peculiar history."

"In any case, Leonardus apparently changed after a Twilight experience and his plans became even less coherent. In his last year he would even ask the people here to tear down some of their previous work and replace it with something else."

"Now, the place seems to have a spirit of its own, and sometimes things on its own. You could say that there seems to be some sort of genius loci here, which changes the compound structure. I've taken to calling it the Sprawl. It seems that when a room is not inhabited for some time, it tends to change or even move. The servants who've lived here all their life seem to have no trouble navigating the place, but it often takes me a while to travel from one place to another, even after more than a season living here."