1220.0 The First Council

"Some excellent ideas all. I don't like waiting until Autumn for an Aegis, but our needs might require that. If so, our Aegis will be in better condition at that point. I could learn the Communion I believe and will focus on our defenses more."

"And just how will you focus on defenses? The Aegis is a large part of that, naturally, what else did you have in mind?"

Alexei nods and brings out a list on papers that he's been working on.

"The Aegis and the Regio figure prominently in our defense naturally. We need to put guards at the Regio entrances, considering that one of them is inside the Sanctum I believe of one of our members, that means just one other entrance, am I correct? From there I will be getting the walls rebuilt. I've spoken with Reynault about securing masons for the work as it will largely be mundane. It will be a long project no doubt. I also have some ideas for adding an enchanted device to the walls to make them stronger and so that damage will repair on its own. Finally, we should recruit a larger turb of grogs as we re-fit the quarters and barracks on the land. It'd be nice if we didn't have so many peasant house arrayed so haphazardly within the lands, it makes it harder to defend ourselves. But I don't think it is necessary for them to move...yet, perhaps those closest to the walls. They should be compensated of course if we have them move."

Onesiphorus: If we do not know of any imidiate threats to our covenant I think that the aegis can wait. After all we are a handful of senior magi and if there are no imidiate threats then I think that we can hold our own for now, especially if we take some precaution and remain alert. We have a some work to do. One season of work to set up the elementary lab during which I manufacture the lesser magical item that will be the focus of the lab. After that is done then someone install the item I crafted as a major focus point in the lab. Onesiphorus picks up a vax tablet and begins to sketch a chamber shaped like an octagon. Like this… Onesiphorus continues to draw and his voice has a tint of excitement. That is at least two seasons of work. With further seasons work we could get a even grander item and install a few more focus points to harness any sympathetic magic that is needed. Then we can crank out the vis needed without much difficulties. Also we must make sure that only the best of laboratory supplies and equipment is used. However I do need a few pawns of vis to do my craft. Onesiphorus frown. Perhaps we should just stick to non vis costing means. I can spend some season later crafting, enchanting the centrepiece. Who can take care of the other tasks?

Alexei definitely is intrigued by Onesiphorus's ideas but still has reservations. "I think that project and the fruits of it are important...but I believe security must come first. I don't feel that I can be as much help in the Aegis and Communion, not in a timely fashion perhaps. Plus with my own focus on the mundane security..." he pauses and regards the Verditius with a critical eye before smiling broadly and offering the carafe of wine to fill his cup. "Surely you could learn the spells and perhaps cast them by the Autumn, could you not Sodale? Your wondrous inventions deserve security and protection first, and then they can flourish. Would you not agree?"

Onesiphorus accepts the refilling of his cup and speaks. I know that I am more than capable of learning the rituals and security is important. I assume that I am the most skilled magus when it comes to vim but that is not the issue. We are many magi here and each of us must contribute. If I would be learning and casting the ritual and making the items that I am suggesting then I will be working somewhere between six and ten seasons for our common good. Does everyone else wish to work as much for the common good? I think it is best if we all focus on our strengths and contribute as such. If needed perhaps we should find a lesser version of the aegis? My invention is a keystone in making our aegis sustain itself without taxing our resources. But yes there is work to be done with both creating the lab and later operate it. If we build the lab as I suggest then it will yield at least two pawns per season if even the most dimwitted apprentice operates the laboratory equipment.

[color=blue]"Nor do I. Would not a 'weak' Aegis be better than none at all? If nothing else, it could serve as the equivalent of a 'No Trespassing' sign. And once we have more vis, and more sodales capable of casting a stronger Aegis, then we can improve on what we have."

[color=blue]"I assume that the peasants have been here for quite some time, then?" Fiona asks. [color=blue]"Then may I suggest that, while recruiting for a larger turb is a good idea, evicting the tenants, even with compensation, would not. There are very few defences more formidable than a group of men fighting for their homes. If we are going to plan a defence against mundane attacks, I think having a mob that is loyal would be a boon."

"I have no objection waiting until the vis source is ripe. Someone should learn the Aegis and everyone should learn Wizard's Communion as early as practicable. I think having multiple people learning the Aegis is a good idea, too."

"We have sufficient room, more than sufficient room up on the Mont. Most people live below, outside the walls. The big challenge is that many of these people earn their living by raising and selling sheep to us, I have not cultivated them to be covenfolk as you may be familiar, my arrangement with them has been mercantile in nature. Moving people away from their paddocks is problematic, as they are free, the land is essentially theirs, and it makes it harder for them to make their living. The land that is ours is the Mont. As far as the Tribunal is concerned and matters of pertaining to the Order of Hermes, of course, we control 20 miles around our covenant."

Alexei is nonplusses as he waves off the arguments. "As I said, moving the peasants is a very minor thing, it's not something I'm even worried about at the moment, there are far more pressing concerns. And if they never move it shouldn't be that bad. Just pointint out that it does cause problems with security. The walls are a much more serious concern as are gathering the turb. When the major issues are taken care of we might look to that issue."

"I will learn the Communion, but as we have someone who is a Vim expert, and I doubt him not, perhaps that should be the one to learn the Aegis? Most other projects really should be put on hold until after are most basic needs are met, which in my mind means security. Even a weak Aegis is better than nothing. How well can you perform in your lab if even small sprites or spirits can freely come and go? Especially within a Regio!"

Onesiphorus: I can learn the aegis. We can later divide work to even the work load between us.

Alexei nods, smiling. "I think you will find that suits us best Mein Herr. Truly, we are not looking to make anyoen a slave to the Council, just to direct our best talents in the best way. In this case, security should take priority, and then you can attend to your crafts with peace of mind. And no doubt, I might look to you for commissions."

Note: for Onesiphorus this is two seasons, learning the Aegis and also Wizard's Communion. Ostensibly everyone will be learning Wizard's Communion at some point to participate in the ritual and/or to effect a higher magnituded Aegis.
Someone should learn Wizard's Communion while Onesiphorus learns the Aegis.

"It appears that we have discussed all we need to discuss. Unless there are objections, I'll call the Quaesitore to witness the signing of our Charter, and a copy will be stored with the Tribunal."

(OOC: going to close out this thread, with a post next week with the Quaesitore, unless players add commentary here.)

A page is called to fetch the Quaesitore. After a few moments, a young man of some indeterminant Mediteranean descent, dressed in plain brown clothes, enters the council chamber. Apollodorus introduces him to everyone as Cavillor.

He witnesses everyone signing the Charter of Mons Electi.

(This concludes the thread, unless you want to have discussions with him.)