1221.5 You Put Your Big Foot In, You Put Your Big Foot Out

Just to clarify, in case it wasn't clear. Maris is a member of Le Maison d'Levrier (she gave Fiona the book, or offered to, but likely didn't complete that transaction, or if they did complete the transaction, it's being sent to Mons Electi on Fiona's behalf.)

If you want to edit the post and readjust your response in light of the clarification, go ahead. Otherwise Drystan will remind you where Maris resides.

Fiona thinks that Luna is a member of Blackthorn, based on Apollodorus' comments from the dinner.

Oh...right. Why was I thinking that she would be spending some time riding the circuit, as it were.

So, Luna's from Blackthorn, eh? Dangit! Ah well...time to brainstorm some more, I guess.

Editing, ho!

You host a 100+ magi (probably upwards of 200 by the time neighboring Tribunals delegations are included) for 3-7 days and see if you feel like doing anything afterwards... :slight_smile:

Well, I guess it's time to prioritize.

Right now, Fiona has three issues to deal with (that she knows of):

  • Trying to get Angus back into the bloom of health
  • Find out who the other Giant clans and why they apparently suddenly started raiding Clan MacOssian's livestock.
  • Dealing with Fiona's incipient lycanthropehood.

1 and 2 are almost interchangeable, in that she can deal with 2 while waiting for 1. Bebhionn doesn't seem to know much about the situation, but maybe the boys might? (Are they teens/young men or just children?) If they don't seem to know anything, then she will wander the campsite, striking up conversations with the other giants (presumably clansmen) to see what she can learn. Although, considering that they don't probably know her that well (if at all) and dealing with the effects of the Gift, it might be better to ask Ivor to mingle with them and see what he can learn.

Also...much as she hates to do it, she will have to share what happened with Drystan...he might have some insight, as she can't think of anything about how to undo the damage done to her during the Certamen, even with a Magic Theory of 16 (unless that got missed somehow in all the hullabaloo).

[color=blue]"Drystan," she says as she politely pulls him aside, [color=blue]"I fear ye may have been closer to the mark than I realized when ye asked if I'd been bitten by a lycan. I've not...but I did face a werewolf maga in the Certamen tournament in the Normandy Tribunal, and I fear that, somehow, during the certamen...something went wrong, and that I've become...infected, somehow. Have ye ever heard of such a thing?" It's almost physically painful for her to reveal that much to him.

Drystan has a MT of 16? :open_mouth:

No, Fiona rolled a 16 on her Magic Theory roll in an earlier post.

Which is why I mentioned that it might have gotten missed.

Completely missed it.

"Fiona, I don't believe that you are in significant danger. I don't think you are a lycanthrope, but are experiencing a side effect of the magic of a certamen contest exceeding your control. What were the Arts used?" After Fiona tells her, "Such a contest could've established a connection between the two of you, where you exchanged certain characteristics, or maybe you're the only one experiencing the side effect. Be that as it may, we need to secure you by the time of the full moon, which I estimate is three or four days away. Being able to sort out the details will take longer than we have, so we must prepare..."

Ivor is listening intently ( while finishing off a drumstick). Lovely. A giant werewolf. And I can guess who will have to keep you in your hole come the full moon.

(speaking of missing things...I have no idea what I was waiting for here, but anyway...)

Fiona will speak with the boys (still not sure if they're teens, children, or young men, or even not-so-young men) and hen she will wander the campsite, striking up conversations with the other giants to see what she can learn about what happened. She will also ask Ivor to do likewise...they may tell him things they wouldn't tell her for some reason.

Possibly relevant rolls:

  • Charm roll for the boys: Com 2 + Charm (putting people at ease) 4 + die roll of 9 = 15
  • Intrigue roll for the boys to get information: Com 2 + Intrigue 2 + die roll of 7 = 11
  • Charm roll for the giants: Com 2 + Charm (putting people at ease) 4 + die roll of 7 = 13
  • Intrigue roll for the giants to get information: Com 2 + Intrigue 2 + die roll of 1 (followed by die roll of 4) = 2+2+8=12

[color=blue]"So, we have two or three days to come up with a way to control me, and to protect everyone around from me...including myself."

Fiona thinks for a minute. [color=blue]"And I don't believe I have any wolf's bane in my old garden. Do you have any ideas beyond chaining me to a tree...or a rock?"

We'll call the boys late teens, 14-16 ish. They can take you to the spot where the fight was after your other matter is resolved, unless Fiona wants to press that issue first. A day to get there a day to investigate and a day to get back might make it tight scheduling.

"That's how I see it, as far as the time goes. We could perhaps ward you to a single spot. You would have to be willing to drop your parma and not bring it up. I could ward the animal part, but I think we need a corpus ward, and perhaps even a vim ward. We'd have to ask Ion, and unfortunately Faileas."

Oh yeah...keep forgetting how far it is to where the fight happened. She's going to wait until after the full moon to go see the scene of the crime, as it were.

[color=blue]"A variant of Ward Against the Beasts of Legend, perhaps?" Fiona says thoughtfully. [color=blue]"With a Corpus requisite? And Vim to interfere with any lingering bonds between me and Luna?"

She then looks at Drystan. [color=blue]"How are they handling my leaving?"

"Something of the sort.

"They, mostly Faileas though, are still upset, I suppose it is why they are withholding aid to your kinsman. We need to find some new vis sources, we've stagnated because of not enough vis. Faileas is almost single minded in his determination to finish training his apprentice that he doesn't risk anything, and, he has a stranglehold on the decisions of the council. "

[color=blue]"So, not much has changed, then," Fiona says, her voice showing her disappointment. [color=blue]"I would hate to see Insula Canaria fade away with its founder." She pauses for a moment. [color=blue]"Does the lad know what he's in for, or is he planning on moving on after his gauntlet, do ye know?"

She sighs. [color=blue]"I guess there's no choice but to ask for their help. I hope I can afford their price."

"I imagine he'll move on."

"I won't let them charge you. This is for our benefit, as much as it is yours, and I will make an issue of it. The last thing we need is a werewolf going through the village. What few covenfolk we have left will just leave."

[color=blue]"I would say it's a pity, but I can certainly understand why he would choose to do so."

[color=blue]"So, this is the way the world ends...not with a bang but a whimper," she says, almost to herself. [color=blue]"Well...there's nothing to be gained by waiting. Let us meet with the Council and see what they say."

Fiona's previous experience suggests that trying to schedule a council meeting to handle this matter is a bad idea on multiple levels. The main issue is that the council meeting to address the urgent matter will likely convene after said urgent matter... The bonus, is that if Fiona asks people to get involved individually she doesn't have to face everyone at the same time...

Fiona thinks on the three magi (not counting Drystan) who were still at the covenant when she left: Faileas, Ion, and Doineann. Faileas was, as near as she could tell, the most upset about her leaving. And Doineann did threaten her . So, she's going to start with Ion the Bjornaer and hope that she's in her sanctum.

[color=blue]"Is Ion at home, do you know, or would I have better luck finding her in the woods?"

If it appears that Ion may be in the covenant, then Fiona (hopefully, with Drystan) will go to Ion's sanctum and simply knock on the door. (Unless she's known to have set traps on it, in which case she won't).

The sanctum isn't trapped, and the door is ajar. "Fiona, I knew you would come back sooner or later. Come into my parlor, and catch up." Her demeanor is remarkably welcoming, oddly so.

Fiona's initial reaction is "okay, who are you and what have you done with Ion?" as she enters the Bjornaer's parlour. (ooc – is Ion in human or elk form?)

Fiona shrugs as she makes herself comfortable. [color=blue]"I have only been gone a year, and there is not much to tell. I have settled into my new home, made the acquaintance of several of my sodales there who are of a like age, and am helping in the training of a fostered Bonisagus apprentice.

"And I was engaged in commerce for the betterment of my covenant when I received most dire news. As you may have heard, my kinsman lies gravely wounded at your doorstep. I had heard a rumour that Insula Canaria was ignoring my clan's pleas for help, but was unwilling to believe them.

"And worse yet, and of a more personal note...it appears that I have fallen victim to a magical misfortune during the Tribunal's Certament tournament. I have, it seems, become tainted with lycanthropy."

She glances at Drystan, then addresses Ion again. [color=blue]"We would like your help in containing me in a couple of nights, I believe."

She is in her human form. "I can see the beast within, but it is faint. I think this is a transitory effect, but we shall see. What are you offering for this service Fiona?" She nodded when Fiona mentioned her clan, but didn't say anything. Drystan appears to be uncomfortable, but is silent.