1221.etc - The Ties That Bind

Yes, the CrCo bit was for wounds.
We agree on ReCo.

A few days after her dinner with Apollodorus, Fiona will approach Renault, and ask him if he could translate the portions of her letter from Atlas concerning the magical arts for her. If he agrees, she will try to be available for him if he has any questions...although she doesn't speak Greek, she may be able to help with finding the right words for the context. (She will probably try to learn Greek, but it might be a year or two before she can get started on it).

Also, at some point she will ask Korvin if he is aware of any other Giant or Giant-blood magi in the Order.

Renault cannot translate the magical portions, he doesn't have The Gift, Latent Magical ability or Magic Theory.

Korvin taps his finger tips together as he thinks. " There is Marcus ex Criamon, whom I've met while he was at the Cave of Twisted Shadows. There is that fellow in Greece who's name I can not remember. I think there is one in Hibernian but I can't be sure of that. Oh! And the Basque. What was his name? Martin something? .... Martintxiki! That was it. Martintxiki ex Tytalus. He was in Iberia about 10 years ago."

It might be more helpful if I send a note to my brothers and sisters and see what they can bring up.

[color=blue]"That fellow in Greece...that wouldn't happen to be Atlas ex Tremere, would it?" Fiona asks.

[color=blue]"I would appreciate any information you can find out about any of my kind in the Order, even if it is just names."

It could be. I've only met Macrus and Martintxiki. The other two I heard about. I will send a request to Harco. Do you have a time frame for them? Still living? Past 100 years? Big searches may cost something.

[color=blue]"I'm looking for people with whom I can correspond with, in regards to our common situations in the Order and in society at large," Fiona replies. [color=blue]"So, preferably still living and not in Final Twilight."

((I was so tempted to say, "It's a Giant thing...you wouldn't understand." :laughing: ))