1222-1227 Defense Discussions

Taken from here:

Ah. I thought about covering only the buildings. Maybe we can fashion a boundary for them (like walls, or a trench!!!)

I don't want unlimited uses.
Charged items are great because:

  • They don't use vis
  • They use the full lab total
  • Once we're gone, it the items stays behind, he can't be used.

To be clear, I was also thinking in "cool factor" terms :blush: So I also like the statues, although a gate, aside from the "Stargate Effect" has a good SM bonus.

Which also implies 2 effects.
One of them being a teleport spell cast at arcane range, to summon the elemental. I barely managed to invest the Leap of Homecoming in my talisman. I doubt I could do something similar at Arcane Connection range.
Also, your solution implies carrying in permanence 2 ACs, one to that specific elemental, the other to the storeroom.

So, you see, it is you who over-complicate things, in fact :wink:

Yes :frowning:
Although if the ennemies all have MR, this works against us: I can coordinate the covenfolk, while their very protection will stop our assaillants from hearing them.
Unless, of course, they bring their shield grogs with them, in which case they lose their main advantage, their mobility.
Notwhistanding, of course, that any grog not protected by Parma should have been taken out by our Wall-triggered defenses. And those who are can't eavesdrop on us anyway :wicked: