Excellent question. How does Tranquillina react to Fiona, who (I believe) has become imbued with five pawns of Corpus on her trip to Magic with Laetitia et al?
A similar question came up with Viscaria and her spirit of terram or whatever. The way I look at it: if I killed Fiona (reasonably hypothetically), would her corpse contain vis like a magic beast? If so, then Tranquillina would probably treat Fiona as vis for the purposes of her allergy. If not, then no problem.
Based on what I was told when it happened (it can be removed and used as vis, presumably in spells or in enchantments), I think that it can be harvested.
Pretty cool!
And yep, to me this means that Tranquillina's allergy will react negatively to Fiona. That'll be interesting to roleplay (especially because Fiona is Tranquillina's natural first friend at Mons Electi, because of the shared Scottish background). Also interesting since Fiona will at some point lose that vis to a Virtue or something.
Note that as long as Tranquillina doesn't cast spells around Fiona, she won't literally be nauseated by her
I'm going out of town this week (Monday through Saturday). I'm optimistic about being able to keep up with the campaign, hopefully each morning and evening. I won't be too responsive during the day though, I imagine.
Wait...what? flips over to check Isen's character sheet
Oh, my. I really need to remember to check people's Reputations.
I'm not seeing it.
That quote actually brings up a couple of random mechanical questions.
First, I would have totally assumed that a Reputation roll would have been Int + Reputation + die. But the text seems to say only Reputation + die. Do you all agree?
Second, my head tells me that an Arcane Connection that lasts "weeks" actually lasts (simple die) weeks, but I can't seem to find that anywhere. Am I making that up?
I would imagine that it's Int + whatever + die roll, since Int is memory (or vice versa).
I don't remember seeing anything more specific than "weeks", but that sounds like a good rule of thumb.
So, question about Viscaria. Since Amul is leaving, I'm assuming that means that Viscaria was "merely" a contractor for Mons Electi to coordinate preparation for Tribunal (at least the construction part?), and that she never actually became a member.
That would leave the offices of Aedilis (logistical, magical) and Deputy Scutatius (martial, magical, under Isen) open. It looks like Alexei has 1/1 (numbers being offices and deputizations), Fiona has 1/1, Isen has 1/0, Jacques has 0/1, Korvin has 1/0, Renaud has 0/0 (although his duties as Redcap may make it rather difficult for him to hold office, even as a deputy), and Tranquillina has 2/1.
Roberto, it looks like, doesn't arrive and/or join until Fall of 1226, so he could take office after that. We could just plug in someone into whatever office(s) he takes for the couple of years there.
Anyway (tl;dr), who wants to take the offices that Viscaria had?
Jacques will add Aedilis. We can start Roberto off as Deputy Scutatius when he arrives.
Viscaria may have truly volunteered for the position, but being unable to get Mnemnos back into the regio, she's had to trade out now and again with Virgil and Olivia. Eventually she has to face up to the reality of the situation and just assume his position.
I don't see OoH Lore for Alexei either ... but (Organization) Lore isn't asterisked in the list of Abilities, so it looks like he can still make the roll....
You're right, it's not asterisked in the list, but when you look at the ability itself, it is, at least in my PDF edition of the rules, and my hard copy edition, too.
IMS, I suggest playes put at least1xp in OoH Lore for each year they have been a magus. With a score of 0, you might not be aware that there are magi of other houses.
Hmm. I seem to roll a lot of 20s when the roll ends up not mattering
We'll call it a Concentration roll of 22 for Alexei. He has no idea who the bound guy is, but he managed to stare at his face trying to figure it out for so long that everyone's starting to worry.
Um...not sure how this was missed, it's in my character sheet and I've had a few beers after bowling a lousy match tonight. He has it at 1 with a specialty of the Normandy Tribunal. Having said that I'm probably messing up somewhere with how I'm tracking things.
That line doesn't seem to be on the wiki entry (which is where I look for characters)....
I'd like the wiki to contain the definitive character details, as I go there first... And then I don't have to go to multiple different threads spread out in the saga's forum.
This wiki thing...it's real right?