"If you don't even know who your mother is, then there is nothing I can do to prove it to you. You must be willing to take a leap of faith. Place your hand onto the mirror on top of mine." Seeing her reluctance, "Would it surprise you to know that Norbert manipulated your mother into violating the compact with Founderson? You think your mother abandoned you, but Norbert had intended she never have any part in your life. Camellia, you really do not know your origins. I've been searching for you for some time."
"And what will you take from me in exchange for doing so? I am not some apprentice, Somnifer, to be lured with promises of dragon's gold and honor in combat. Why are you in such a rush?"
As Wen steps into the forest she hears Mufarjj, "Do not eat their food or drink their wine. I once dined with a faerie court and was lost within for a year. Were it not for the Ifrit I was once in the service of, I would not be before you now."
"We will exchange places. I will take but a season of your time, and in return I offer to you a vast library to mine for knowledge of Arts and knowledge. And then, perhaps more importantly, there is your grandmother's diary."
Viscaria pauses at the thought. She considers for many long moments, partially to see if her theory that he is in some kind of hurry is correct. Assuming he doesn't cajole her further, she'll say:
"Agreed, provided my shield grog can come with me, and I can be assured that my traveling companions have safely departed -- before lunch tomorrow, perhaps?"
"I'm not sure if that is possible." He gives Vin an appraising look. "We don't have any warriors on this side, nor any criminals. It is unlikely that he can pass the barrier, but I will endeavor to find a person of comparable rank here." He appears to be quite concerned about this point of negotiation. "You may have to find a substitute. Now, before you get think that this is a trick of mine, let me be crystal clear, the terms of this are not up to me, but are imposed by Candidus."
"Describe him..." After that description, either from Vin/Viscaria or from Mufarjj himself, "No, no, that won't do. We don't have anyone of that type over here. The issue is finding some of comparable...rank. Mufarjj is effectively an outsider, and in here, no one is an outsider... 80 years of being in this spot, 4 and 5 generations... No. I don't think it will work." He shakes his head.
((So, I originally read this as: "How about Mufarjj, and I stick with this guy while you're in there?" So, to clarify the idea is that Visciaria will go in by herself?))
"Yes. This regio is closed, and a balance must be maintained. One can only leave this regio if someone of similar standing comes in and takes their place."
It's Vin Diesel / Riddick talking, so it's entirely possible that Somnifer misheard this in this manner. But yes, if there are no warriors or criminals in the regio to swap out with Vin, then:
a) he probably can't defend her against any threats that are there
b) if Somnifer tries to pull a runner, Vin can track him down and Mufarjj has experience fighting magi.
"Willingly takes their place? Ah, but of course not, since you had tried to trick me in. Which raises the question of how you plan to prove that you will honor your bargain and return at the end of the season. Mind you, I am not always so distrustful," she lies blatantly. "but you did not exactly start on the right foot with me."
"I chose to start with what you know best, lies and trickery and servitude. I didn't think you had grown beyond that, child. So now it stands, thus. You must make a leap of faith. I cannot prove anything to you with any level of certainty. You must trust me or not. You do have alternatives, of course. Seek out and confront Founderson, but one thinks you would have done that before leaving Phoenix. Or confront your parens in his home and challenge him for the truth of your past, again, something you chose not to do before leaving Phoenix. You, my darling, have run from your past. Every. Single. Time. To me your choice is clear. But you may continue to live in your own delusion."
"Very well. If Mufarjj consents, then he will accompany you while I am in your covenant. If you cannot find a warrior to swap for Senior Diesel, then he will accompany you as well for the season."
(For the sake of expediency, if he doesn't consent to those terms, she'll counter with walking her companions out of the covenant's reach, returning and then doing the swap.)
"Never seeing your family or those you love again." He says this with the voice of someone who has experienced something close to what he just said. The pain and loss in his voice is palpable.
Viscaria smiles indulgently at this exchange and watches, taking the measure of Mufarjj. She knows better than to add a second voice opposing Wen's impetuousness.