1223.2 Whatever happened to Mr. Walid?

"Oh, Aunt Viscaria, you're so funny. This place is tame compared to Phoenix. Why'd you drag me here? ((I'll assume this happens to be a day off from Korvin's tutelage, which happens to be the season he's imparting Inventive Genius to her.))
"I don't want to spend my only free day in this musty castle, can I go now?"

"I have this problem," Viscaria confides in Alexei. "That I play cruel jokes on the children that I like, and I play cruel jokes on the children that I don't like and the only ones who can tell the difference are the ones that I actually like."

Alexei is looking rather frazzled and confused when he opens the door to see Viscaria. Truthfully, he barely knew her, except for the rather large talking spider that claimed her for a master.

"Uh...pardon? Wait, you're the Princeps now? I'm sorry, I've been so...caught up in recent events." when Abigail is brought forward he appears even more confused, who are all of these children and where the Hell were they coming from? "Uh...yes these are definitely dangerous things out and about here. That's in fact what I'm working on right now. Mufarrj has been kidnapped by what I think is a powerful airy spirit that is sometimes called a genii or genius loci. I can't pick up his trail, I need to consult a magus who is well versed in Auram. If you are proficient in Auram or know someone who is I'd be grateful."

Abigail giggles wickedly at Viscaria's statement.

Abigail says, "An airy spirit? Father might be able to do it, but grampa Prospero could easily do it." Abigail looks a bit flustered, "Are you sure it's really important? I shouldn't be discussing this today. It is Shabbat." She doesn't appear to be too concerned, more of a formality, which is behavior Viscaria should recognize as an influence from a particular Jewish maga...

Alexei's jaw drops.

"Wait, what? Child, please who are you talking about? Do you know someone that can help with this? Shabbat? Oh yes...uh...I could really use his assistance, I assure you it's important..."

'And ironic.' Thinks Alexei. 'A Christian wizard entreating a Jewish magi to help save a Muslem swordsman, from what is likely a pagan spirit.'

"Don't be silly! Shabbat is the holy day of the week! Today! Thank goodness Prospero isn't Jewish, I think you'd offend him without even trying." Speaking slowly to make sure that Alexei understands, "Grampa Prospero, princeps of Le Maison d'Levrier, you know the one who was going to make an Archmagus challenge which was put off when the Praeco suddenly passed away?" When Alexei doesn't look like he's following, "Did you get your skull bashed in in the joust and can't remember what happened at the Tribunal?"

Viscaria shakes her head in frustration. "Mortals and their religions. I'll never understand them. Mufarjj, you say? A good man. I would offer to help you myself, but that is not an element I am well suited to dealing with."

(let's assume Isen is unavaible, since it seems you've found a solution. I'm sure he could have helped, though :wink:)

Alexei frowns at the child's impertinence, then again he often was a bit scatter-brained when it came to names, and it was starting to become an embarassment. Pausing for patience he calmly responded.

"No child, I'm fine, just have had a lot on my mind...winning the joust and the celebration after it might have contributed. Do you think I could consult with him quickly or would he require more of an invitation? I could travel to him as long as there was a connection. Or perhaps I could use the facilities with the Redcaps."

"I don't have an arcane connection to Le Maison d'Levrier, but I think Father does. And I have an Arcane Connection to Father, well, Phoenix or the wall outside Cijara to be precise. Visiting him tomorrow might be better, though. Today is Shabbat, and while Mufarjj has been taken, it's not a life or death issue. Of course, you might have better luck convincing Father otherwise.

Alexei nods. An uninvited and unexpected magus popping in on a day of rest was not polite. Alexei made sure he had the arcane connections of the trail that he took as well as the ones of Mufarrj.

"Very well. Tomorrow then, if you could assist me in going to your father I would be grateful."

"How can I assist you beyond giving you the connection to Phoenix?"

"The connection and perhaps a letter or token from you. It would make my discussion with your father easier, would it not?"

With insouciance only possible from a teenage girl, "Oh, alright. I'll have a page bring you a note sometime after sunset tonight."

Sometime after sunset, three sealed letters and a scrap of parchment with a scribbled note are delivered to Alexei. The script used is unfamiliar to Alexei...

Alexei attempts to decipher it, but will not take too much time on it, either he can or he cannot read it. His initial assumption is it is some kind of foreign language and nothing sinister about it.

((It's Hebrew.))

Viscaria thinks aloud. "I've sent out dozens of letters over the last year seeking lab texts and summae to help us prepare for the tribunal. I wonder if any of them are from Le Maison, and if so, if they would qualify as an Arcane Connection to that place."

(OOC: A fair question about letters, I should think.)

Alexei thinks it over a few moments. "Possibly, I'd worry that if I used it I might end up bouncing off their Aegis, or worse, appearing in their library though. Speaking of which..." he addresses the teenager. "Do you know where this connection is from? I'd hate to appear somewhere embarassing or worse, make the host feel threatened."

((Wait, wait, wait!! Are you suggesting I should actually read or re-read a post that specifically answers a question I made just now that you already answered or something?? The nerve!))

"I should be leaving tomorrow then. Outside the wall? Is there any protocol specific to Phoenix that I should follow or just announce myself and knock politely?"