September 8, 2012, 7:43pm
I've created a couple of grogs, Falko and Jehanne . If you don't find them too irreverent, Falko can be Marcus's shield grog and Jehanne can be Fiona's.
Marcus's grog Falko has an Initiative of [strike]Qui 1 – Enc 3[/strike] Init (great sword) 6 + die roll of 3 = [strike]1[/strike] 9. He will move in front and to one side of Marcus so he can step in and try to block any upcoming missile fire with his [strike]shield[/strike] sword (or his body, if he has to) while still leaving the magus a clear line-of-sight/line-of-fire for his spells.
Fiona's shield grog Jehanne has [strike]Qui 1 – Enc 3[/strike] Init (mace and chain) 2 + die roll of 6 = [strike]4[/strike] 8. He will stay between Fiona and any incoming fire from below (being less concerned with leaving a path open for her spells than his brother guarding Marcus, since she's not a battle-mage).
I've modified the initiative rolls based on the new characters; otherwise everything is great.