1226.3a A friendly duel

A while after the Certamen ends, and it looks like the revel is starting to die down, Fiona leans over and kisses Korvin's ear, whispering, [color=blue]"By the way, sweetie...that bit about the fields a while ago...that was a hint." She kisses his ear, nibbling just a little bit, then whispers, [color=blue]"How many fields do you think we can do it in?" She then takes him by the hand and tries to find out. Going from one field to another until one or both of them can't go anymore.

The next morning, when Jehanne shows up fully armored, Fiona invites him into her laboratory and has him stand there while she sits (slouches, really, unconsciously parroting Alips's initial pose when she first showed up) and closes her eyes.

[color=blue]"Describe to me, as best you can, the ideal dress. The one you want most to be seen in." She sits there and listens intently, asking questions and prodding his description a little bit until she has it firmly in her mind.

She then stands, places her hands on Jehanne's shoulders to position him just so, then casts the first spell to change how the armor looks into what Jehanne described. Finesse roll to get it right is Int 1 + Finesse 3 + (die roll of 0, followed by another 0). Which is a botch. Luckily, it's on the Finesse roll and not the Casting roll (whew!).

Maybe it looks perfect to Fiona, because she's seeing what she pictured in her mind and it looks like rags to Jehanne?

And then, unless Jehanne protests or has a hissy fit or something, she will do another MuIm to change how the armor feels, to make it feel like a dress. It won't change the weight or the encumbrance, but should make it more comfortable. Again, still a non-fatiguing spont as before and described earlier. If she needs a Finesse roll to make it feel right, it's Int 1 + Finesse 3 + die roll of 3 = 7.

[color=blue]"How's that?"