Yes he is size +2. Hiems is is second apprentice (never detailled the first) ... iscellanea
And then:
Young giant:
- Berchtold, male, 34 years old (6 years pg), german, bjornaer, Bull heartbeast, Rhine Tribunal
Terram Magus, with FFM. He's searching for lab texts of terram spells, or spells with T: Part that he might use with FFM. He's also interested in being taught in bjornaer cult lore.
Lecherous (major) and overconfident (minor), he thinks fiona's meeting will be the perfect place to meet lonely giantesses and seduces them. He's not a charmer, not a jerk either, but, well, he can't resist temptation, nor can he think temptation can resist him
- Golnar Merinitae,female, 64 years, 37 years pg, occitan, Hiberian tribunal
An elementalist specializing in Muto. She sucks big time at Creo, but hides it through clever use of Muto and Rego, as she is quite Proud and refuses to publicly acknoledge her weaknesses and failings.
She comes with her husband, an old (normal) man now despite the longevity ritual she bought for him. She'll try to bargain for a better one if she can. Their love was never understood by her husband's family, and they suffered mockery for him being smaller (she used MuCo on him when making love, but that's not the point), so she is quite sympathetic to Fiona's cause.
Sikander Ex Miscellanea, of the Olympians tradition. Male, 108 years old, 85pg, Greek, from the Theban tribunal.
A tradition who focuses exclusively to the mastery of lighting, teaching secrets supposedly going back to a mortal that stole zeus thunder from hephaistos.
He discovered 12 years ago that his best friend was of Diedne legacy. He told nothing, but they grew distant. He has lived with the knowledge ever since, but it gnaws at him (Dark Secret).
He is Ambitious (minor) politically, and intends to represent the Olympians and to give them weight amongst the giants. If he could become one of their representatives, this could give him a good political weight. He thinks that, with him in charge, things would be get along better (Meddler) and will do his best for this.
Also, he is in search of a giant-blooded apprentice.
Brave and kind, he is not very cheerful (his secret weights on him), but will try to have everyone refer to him for advise. He'll thus try to wrestle control of the gathering from Fiona or, barring that, to become one of its leaders.