1227.2t Dinner And A Show

a weasel that had been napping in Korvin's lap gets hand and bounces over to Alexei. Studies him for a moment and bounces back to Korvin and seems to whisper something in his ear. Korvin chuckles very quietly and the weasel curls up again.

Since there are none in the room, what do you think of House Guernicus?

Alexei is still looking about in confusion at the sudden attention and then looks closely at his hands and pauses. Bringing his hands closer to his face he tentatively sniffs it and then scowls before licking his palm. "It's wine. It's just wine, I must have spilled some." he shakes his head slightly and laughs then winces again, holding his hand to his side.

"Ow...ow. Yes, just wine, we need a washer woman not a doctor. And perhaps a bib for me..."

Fiona scowls at Alexei. [color=blue]"This is no time for one of your so-called 'jokes,' Alexei," she says, then takes his hand and leans in to sniff at it before licking one of his fingers slowly.

[color=blue]"Hunh." She sits back and thwaps him softly upside the head. [color=blue]"Be more careful with your wine, you gave me such a fright!"

Gerulf slips past Tranquillina and resumes his seat at the table. He waves for another pour of wine and watches Stultus over the rim of his cup as the Tytalus responds.

Stultus looks relieved, shaking his head at Alexei, and returns his attention to Korvin. "Guernicus. Now there's a loaded question. I think Juvenal said it better than I ever could. Now how did that go? Ah, yes." He half-lids his eyes, staring straight ahead as he quotes. "Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes, qui nunc lasciuae furta puellae hac mercede silent? Crimen commune tacetur."

(( "But who shall guard the guards themselves, who now keep silent the lapses of the loose girl -- paid off in the same coin? The common crime keeps its silence." ))

His voice is slow and thoughtful. "I'm not a Calliclean. I think the Calliclean view -- that laws are as nothing, and that strength is by definition virtue -- is pure self-serving hogwash. There is a place for laws. But people change, societies change, and so every law must be open to continual question, examination, and amendment. We have a set of core laws that haven't materially changed in three hundred years, and a set of people given enormous power in order to enforce those laws. Of course they'd have a vested interest in seeing to it that the laws never change."

EDIT: Edited for clarity.

"Yes mum." Alexei says meekly. "I'll leave the jokes to the expert" he says pointing towards Stultus. "No not him, the little one!" and waves a finger at the monkey. "Upon my honour." he adds, holding up his right hand with crossed fingers and winking.

Rahere stands up, takes a bow, and steals another pear. :smiley:

But the laws have changed over time with various Tribunal meeting. Not a great deal but they have changed. Why would Guernicus be interested in keeping the current laws. What prevents the change?

"It is the Peripheral code that changes, the core remains the same. Though I haven't made a detailed study of it, I think you'll find that the general trend in the Peripheral code is towards more enforcement, more restrictive laws... and the base code not only doesn't change, it isn't even open to question or examination. As to why Guernicus opposes any questioning of the base code..." Stultus shrugs. "I say that it's because the base code gives them enormous power, and they want to hang on to it at any cost. But I'm a cynic. They may all be what they claim to be -- perfectly moral, virtuous, incorruptible individuals, whose only motivation is 'what is best for the Order'. Stranger things have happened."

((Kind of messing with the chronology here - sorry - I trust it's not crucial.))

"It is one thing to act lawfully to preserve laws," counters Tranquillina; "indeed such actions must always be taken, else the laws are useless. But your 'at any cost' is an even stronger statement." She glances at her hands, examining the trim of her fingernails. "Do you have any reason to think that we, the peaceful covenant of Mons Electi, should be worried about unlawful actions on the part of the Quaesitors?"

Tranquillina is taken aback by Stultus's abrupt changes of demeanor (an image of Bilera bursts into her mind, before she squashes it), but she experiences a perverse pleasure in witnessing his frustration. "I see, so - please allow me to confirm that I understand correctly - your opinion is that changing my mind is an impossible task. Strange, that you concede so easily your ability to meet a challenge. To which House do you belong again...?" She meets his eyes with growing trepidation, starting to wonder whether she has gone too far.

Korvin looks a little annoyed with Tranquillina.

The Base code is just that...a base. It should be hard to change unless major changes call for it. What is your opinion on this Gerulf?

Stultus politely lets Gerulf respond to Korvin's question, figuring he can chime in afterwards.

Stultus snorts quietly, shaking his head at Tranquillina with a smile. "Good of you to ask, since you aren't understanding me correctly. Not even a little bit. It's not impossible to change your mind -- it's merely that there's very little I can SAY here during this grilling session that will do so. Why? Simply because if I were trying to worm my way into your good graces, pretending to be something I'm not, I'd likely be saying exactly the same damned things!"

He grows somewhat serious for a moment, even solemn. "Trust is not given -- or rather, should not be given -- based on flowery speeches alone. In that respect, words are cheap. You won't be able to judge whether I am truly trustworthy until you see me act in integrity with what I say."

(( For the record, he wasn't frustrated. He was just trying to cut through the bullshit -- 'ask what you truly want to ask, don't beat around the bush' sort of thing. But in other people that is a sign of frustration, so it's a very easy mistake to make.))

Fiona says nothing during Korvin's and Tranquillina's questioning of Gerulf and Stultus, but merely follows the exchanges raptly.

During a lull in the action, she turns to Rose. [color=blue]"What of you, Rose? What brings you to our little corner of paradise?"

Gerulf looks around the table, taking some measure. Seemingly satisfied, he replies, "We must remain forward thinking. To tame the wild beast that was the early order, a heavy hand was necessary. However, overripe grows the fruit on late autumn's bough. The order must move forward as a distributed power so that all may study in peace. Just as our Parma reinforces our unity, distributed power reinforces our commitment to each other and thus the order. Any entity which acts in a divisive manner is a threat to our organization and to the proper study of magical theory. Our own code forbids denying magi access to their power. The latter supposition of division could be construed as a violation of that very law. In a sense, the code itself reinforces the very aims I've mentioned. That's why the code, at least the base code, is so rarely changed: it functions as intended for the good of all magi," he says indicating all who are gathered at the table.

Alexei thumps his staff on the floor in approval at Gerulf's words.

"Here here! A minimalist approach is more my way. Cleaving to the Code at its base I feel serves our interests best and any challenges and permutations should refer back to the Code rather than interpretations of it. It is the rock upon which our Houses stand. Change that at our peril. I feel that is what many in Guernicus are doing. I've heard of so called Transitionalists, I know not what they stand for, but the name itself makes me ill at ease. When the Order was first made and the Code laid down by the Founders, they made a foundation of strength and respect for a Magus and his power, and his property, and his privacy. That is the core of the Order. When we respect those ideals and cleave to them faithfully we have peace and prosperity."

Alexei's words are slightly slurred, but he obviously feels passionately about this.

((I was going to throw in some ideas about 'enlightened self-interest' but that might be a bit before the times :slight_smile: ))

Stultus frowns as first Gerulf and then Alexei miss the point he was trying to make by a mile. "I'm not saying the base Code should be changed, right now, this minute. I'm saying we should have the capacity to change it if it becomes necessary, if the Code no longer serves the Order's needs. Bedrock it may be, but even bedrock gets undercut by rivers. But, no matter. You asked me what my feelings were on the topic, that's what they are."

Alexei looks bleary eyed at Stultus, perhaps he didn't get everything was said. "The core shouldn't be changed, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed. Given enough force of will, anything but God's Dominion can be changed. I feel that the Code as originally laid was a minimalist approach; the forfeiture of rights by one's own actions for example, and that it has developed into far greater complexity. I believe that Guernicus and the Founders felt that the Order maintained only certain minimum standards of fidelity and peace with its members. It is later generations that have added all the periphal aspects and with that cloud the inherent purity and genius of the original. But we certainly can change the Code, I think we shouldn't, but we can...if it's important enough to enough of the Order. Make no mistake it will not be easy nor will it likely be bloodless. But such things can be worth it. Right now I can't see any reason to do so, but also feel that the Guernici have broken the laws of the Code and use it to obfuscate their crimes and elude justice. They maintain power through this deception and perversion of the law and bring shame on such a revered Founder as Guernicus. He did not want an Order to stagnate by order. He wanted few laws, but teeth to those laws, and swords in the hands of the defenders of those laws." he pauses and sees his cup is empty and frowns, perhaps enough wine for now. "At least I feel he did, I am no Seeker and it has been said that I have quite a romanticized view of things." he adds with a shrug.

Korvin chuckles a bit at this. If it were a grilling session Stultus, we would have you strapped to a grill with flames or hot coals underneath. I thought we were having a conversation. It was not my point to make you uncomfortable. Is there any question you would ask us?

Fiona continues to watch the discussion in silence, absently rubbing her finger across her lips thoughtfully as she sees a parallel between what both Stultus and Gerulf seem to be saying about the Peripheral Code and how it seems to have overreached its states purpose, and points that were brought up regarding the proposed Lotharingian Tribunal and how it has become necessary due to the burdensome Peripheral Code in Normandy.

Fiona motions Helmut over, and turns to whisper to him (her lips brushing his ear), [color=blue]"It seems your master has over-indulged again. Perhaps we should get him to bed as soon as we're able. And then, maybe later, we can see how soundly he sleeps? :wink: "

Helmut dutifully heads to Fiona, abandoning another serving girl he'd been wooing. He blushes at her whispered question and looks over at Alexei. "Aye, he may have at that." he waggles his eyebrows at the second invitation she makes and heads over to Alexei who is slumping in his chair a bit.

"Master 'Lexi. Come, your wound is becoming aggravated, you should rest." he says putting his staff into Alexei's right hand and gently lifting his left hand to give him support. Alexei looks at him bleary eyed and purses his lips in thought for a moment.

"Aye, perhaps ye are right. When I start waxing on about the Founders it usually means I've had a bit much." he turns to the dinner guests. "I'll take my leave now and wish ye a pleasant eve. I hope I haven't offended any and if I have, please save any full moon letters until I've healed so I can provide better sport." he bows and nearly stumbles but for his staff and Helmut quickly grabbing under his arm. Alexei gasps slightly but manages to stand and musters his dignity and straightens his robes before walking out as straight as he's able. Helmut gives Fiona a sly wink as he leaves.

((Th-th-th-that's All Folks! :mrgreen: ))