1227.2t Enter the Kangaroo

Tranquillina's distress grows and grows, as her smiles of hospitality are met only with sudden pauses in conversation. This is not good, she frets. Just as Marcus comes up to her, ready to open a conversation, she suddenly decides something needs to be done. "Begging your pardon, sodalis," she hurls at Marcus, and goes to find Korvin as quickly as she can.

"Salve, Princeps," she says, a broad smile painted on her face for the rest of the attendees to see. She continues through her teeth in a low voice, "Keep smiling, and come with me. Our Tribunal has problems that I cannot discuss in public."

((PM sent to jebrick.))

Isen went in for the trial, thinking he had to come, but really not eager to endure the hearing of all these legal proceedings. The turn of events was a pleasant surprise to him, but still, these shenanigans bore him to death. If possible, he'll have brought Adeline with him, just to have someone to talk to (and who can actually give him pointers on who's who and what's happening).
Adeline is fascinated, and will take notes, figuring everything she learns might be useful some day.

Wirth is enjoying the tribunal fair with Clara and Edward, and the boy's joy and amazement knows no bounds. He is not actively looking for roberto (he figures they'll have time to catch up and has other things on his mind), but is sure looking around just in case.

Korvin is walking with another Magus of his House and does not look pleased that he is being bothered.

Please excuse me for a moment Xavier. It appears that I am needed. Why don't you head over to the Mercere Fair and I shall catch up.

After Xavier walks away, Korvin turns to Tranquillina. Make it quick.

((Some of these is dependent on the scale of grandeur that Korvin is willing to pay for...))

((Korvin is paying to get things done. At this point we can assume that the dorms and Villas are to the 11 out of 10 standard since I will have to pay for a new spell and use the designs that ware given. The bathhouse is paid for and I'm sure a grandiose erotic style that Praxiteles can do. I will pester Roberto about the heating of the water first and then Marcus.))

((I'll just shortcut the Roberto/Marcus for the bath houses... Viscaria knew(knows) Marcus can do it, indeed probably has lab texts to do it. I've all but established that Marcus will be rescued from the Magic Realm. Roberto is othewise too busy; he arrives in 1226.3 and has only 3 seasons to get stuff done, which is probably not enough time, or is asking a bit much of him. Marcus would have exited the Magic Realm with Fiona, that was until Isen needed a reason to go to the Magic Realm, so he could cast the Aegis Spell he planned to learn, so I needed a reason to bring him back, and overcome Fiona's normally secretive nature.))

Tranquillina makes a show of light chit-chat until she and Korvin round a corner or two. Then her demeanor changes instantly. "I hate to interrupt you, but we have a problem. Our guests are talking behind our backs about the Tribunal facilities. I managed to eavesdrop on a few conversations - mundanely, of course!" she interjects, thinking Korvin was about to ask about scrying, "- and people seem to be complaining about the quality of the accommodations, and the planning of the Tournament. I don't credit their gripes about the location - they can deal with the regio, and their restriction to the City - but it pains me to hear our public buildings mocked, and our reputations along with them." She stops to take a breath, looking over her shoulder while wringing her hands unconsciously. "What are we going to do?"

Some people will not be happy if they are not getting their asses kissed. I'm guessing part of it is that and the other is Guernicus bad mouthing us. Korvin walks for a bit. So, would you like to kiss ass or find someone to begin spreading good rumors about us?

Tranquillina is glad to see that the Princeps is taking the matter seriously. "Truly - if we want to be sure that we don't become a laughingstock - this situation is consequential enough that we should do both. Personally, people seem to be avoiding me," she confesses with a worried expression; "so it might be better for me to take a sideways approach. Can we ask Fiona to try the more direct method...?"

"What sort of good rumors," she ponders further, "would be most potent for me to spread?"

Korvin listens to Tranquillina's account of the rumors.

Spread word of the wonderful bath house and amazing art work found within. That is an easy one. But you do not get off easy Tranquillina Bonisagi. Your lineage is Trianomae so intrigue is in your blood. Seek out some of the more powerful magi who are here. I understand Murion might be here. Possibly Stentorius. Give them a gift basket or something. Do extra ass kissing for the big folk and when they pay any complement you can spread that round. If Murion likes the Tribunal then all of the Bonisagi who know what is good for them will also like it.

We have some allies here. I will keep working on the Mercere. Perhaps you can find a Jerbton or Tremere that will help talk us up.

Roberto is also bored to tears by the proceedings, so during the break he will check out the fair (and hopefully run into Wirth)

The Tribunal reconvenes after an hour, however no one is seated next to Valerian, meaning Augustina Tytali has not yet made an appearance.
Cavillor is less than pleased, "Augustina Tytali, your presence is requested and required. You were witnessed at the Tribunal. If you do not present yourself, I will deputize someone as a Hoplite and have them bring you to stand before me."
All eyes are on Cavillor, but. Rotgiers is still confused, Valerian is livid, Calefacto is looking smug, Marcus has a huge grin on his face, Proctor has not yet returned, and Aristarcus is siting alone.
"Begging the acting Presiding Quaesitor's pardon, but what you ask is quite impossible."
"What are you talking about Marcus? I am running out of patience. This has turned into a circus."
Marcus stands before Cavillor, blocking his view of Calefacto, "Well, Augustina can be brought to stand before you, I can do that this moment, but she would be uniquely ill-suited to stand with Valerian in this matter, despite her Quaesitorial training."
"Out with it, already!"
A gasp starts spreading through the coliseum as Calefacto transforms, before everyone's eyes into a woman. Marcus moves aside, and Cavillor cries out, "Augustina!" Valerian looks shocked, and of course Rotgiers is confused. Aristarcus immediately disappears from his spot, which is quite noticeable.
"You see, Calefacto and Augustina are one in the same." Marcus says, simply. Cavillor puts his head into his hands, resting his elbows on the table in a futile attempt to hide.
A slight giggle reverberates through the coliseum, although it's soft, it is plainly heard by everyone, and everyone turns to the source, but nothing is there, at least right away. A small pop is heard and then a woman dressed in traditional brown Guernicus robes appears, along with Proctor and Aristarcus. She has a smile on her face, and she's a bit matronly in appearance. She calmly walks up to the stage where Cavillor is holding Tribunal. "Acting, Presiding Quaesitor Cavillor, I will stand with Valerian, should he need the assistance of an advocate." There are a lot of whispers flowing through the crowd, and some of those near Mons Electi magi are whispering 'Bilera.'
And Cavillor immediately confirms the whispers, "Certainly, Bilera, I am honored."
"Oh, no, Cavillor, the honor is all mine." She says with sincerity (awareness roll of 15 to see this for what it is, but I'm sure the players know what it is). She looks about, and gives Marcus an appraising look. "If the Acting, Presiding Quaesitor and the prosecution, she says glancing at Marcus, " will indulge me a moment. I think I have the facts so far. Marcus is challenging Valerian's integrity, to impeach his testimony before this Tribunal. My, but these proceedings are most unusual." She looks sweetly at the gallery, and her eyes linger on Valerian, Proctor and Aristarcus as her gaze sweeps the coliseum. "Marcus, would you care to indulge me a favor. Would you allow me to change witnesses and allow me to question the new witness, first. I believe this could clear up this matter quite quickly. Feel free to say no, of course. You are the prosecution in this most unusual case."
Marcus appears a bit out of his element, caught entirely off guard by the change of events, "Why, uh, why certainly. So long as I can question the witness, I have no objection. As you noted, the case is unusual." He seems almost bashful, and his normally combative style seems heavily muted.
"Excellent, but I don't think that will be necessary at all, Marcus," she says sweetly. Then her voice changes and adopts a commanding tone, "Valerian, come forward and assume the witness chair."
Valerian does so, and appears to be leaden in his movements.
"Very good, Valerian, let's begin. Did you have a contract with Petronius scholae Bonisagi?" She again assumes a sweet disposition and tone of voice.
"Yes, Prima." Valerian says tersely. He is staring intently at her, as if trying to send her a message with his eyes.
"No, you don't have to call me Prima here, I'm simply Bilera, your advocate during this most troubling case." She pats him gently on the hand. "Now did this contract have a confidentiality clause in it, by any chance?"
Tersely, "Yes."
"Oh, don't fret, Valerian, I won't ask you to reveal all of the parts of the contract, if I don't have to." She again pats Valerian's hand and smiles at him with a look of motherly affection."Did he perform all of the requested rituals on that contract?"
Valerian looks a bit relieved when Bilera says she won't have him reveal the confidential nature of the contract, but then looks worried when she asks him the question, "Yes, but..."
Bilera interrupts, and her sweet tone is gone like a snap, and her steely tone returns, "But, what, dear boy? You weren't happy with the results? They didn't meet with your rigid expectations? They failed to penetrate with the force you desired?"
"Well, yes, you see..." Valerian attempts to lamely defend himself.
Bilera looks him squarely in the eyes, drawing herself up to look right into him, "Pay the esteemed Bonisagus, Valerian."
"Yes, mater." Valerian capitulates.
Bilera doesn't miss a beat, "Marcus, is that satisfactory? I think you're right, he should no longer be the Chief Hoplite, but that's not my decision to make." She turns to Celeres, seated nearby, "Dear Celeres, I think you need to find a new Chief Hoplite, do you agree." He nods his head vigorously. Bilera turns to Cavillor, "And, I think we can safely say you are now Presiding Quaesitor, Cavillor. I am assigning Proctor to other duties outside Normandy. Do not sit in that chair, too long, though. It clouds your thinking." She looks at Proctor as she says the last bit.
Rotgiers coughs a bit, "Begging your pardon, ma'am, but what about Calefacto and the stolen vis."
Bilera's face flickers with annoyance (awareness check of 12 to see it)"Did you get it back?" Rotgiers nods dumbly. "Then, I suggest you drop it. You've obviously been part of some fiendish Tytaliian prank. Your remedy for that would be a Wizard's War, and not wasting anymore of the Tribunal's precious time, wouldn't it? He nods dumbly some more. "Although, that would be unwise, but then, you're not too smart, are you." Rotgiers looks at Valerian, and Valerian makes a very curt shake of his head. Rotgiers is even more confused.
Bilera turns to Marcus, "Your assistance in this matter has not gone unnoticed, and it is much appreciated by my House." She pats Marcus sweetly on the cheek and then comes down from the stage. She hooks a finger at Aristarcus, Valerian and Proctor. She spies Petronius, and does the same and leads them all out of the coliseum.

Out of view, Valerian pays Petronius the remaining vis owed under the contract.

Cavillor swings the gavel, and says, Case closed.

Marcus looks really worried.

The gallery, which had been generally silent during Bilera's "questioning" of Valerian erupts in astonished and confused conversation.

Celeres grabs the gavel and brings things back to Order. "I believe that closes out today. We will reconvene tomorrow to conduct the lottery for Grand Tribunal delegates." He smacks the gavel, closing the day's events.

Jacques vs 15
1d10=3 + 2 Awareness + 1 per

Jacques vs 12
1d10=3 = 7 + 2 + 1 not enough.

Awareness roll to see what Bebrina's "sincerity" really is (vs. an EF of 15): Per 0 + Awareness 3 + (die roll of 1, followed by die roll of 10) 20 = 23. (Whew! Because the player is all, "huh?")

Awareness roll to notice Bilera's annoyance (vs. an EF of 12): Per 0 + Awareness 3 + die roll of 4 = 7.

Fiona has Sheelagh seated next to her for the proceedings, watching intently. During lulls, she will lean over and quietly explain what's going on and what it means, and will point out things that the apprentice may have missed, as well as answer any questions she may have. (Fiona has an Int + Code of Hermes 4, with a Specialty of Political Intrigue, and an Int + Order of Hermes Lore of 3, specializing in Magi of the British Isles.)

Fiona can tell, that despite all appearances to the contrary, Belira is incredibly annoyed at having to have been made a party to this circus, and she's cleaning it up, right now. She told Cavillor that she's in charge, with but a glance, and won't brook any interference from him, despite his position as Acting Presiding Quaesitor.

"Aye, Princeps," Tranquillina says, refraining from making a nuanced correction about her complicated lineage. "Thank you for your time - I'll take care of this crisis." She takes her leave, uses Leap of Homecoming to return to her sanctum, and quickly calls for servants to summon Loys and Mélanie to her receiving room. Damn those late spring nights in the lab, she bemoans, rubbing her eyes. It was probably worth it, in case I need to defend myself ... but I'm sure feeling it now. [strike]And with the Certamen tournament starting soon....[/strike]

Loys, who she knows spends much of his time in the magi's mansion, and honestly never seems to be all that far from Tranquillina's floor, arrives first. "Loys, this is a crucial task I ask of you now - it needs to be done well, and soon." She repeats that sentence in her mediocre French, then returns to Latin. "Run to Susane d'Ausi, and tell her we need a dress of the highest quality. There's no time to make one today - she needs to think about all the dresses in the covenant, and claim one on my authority. I will make sure the party in question is compensated and then some after the Tribunal." She describes Murion's height and build, telling Loys that she is about the same size as Hermessent the milkmaid. "After you give Susane these instructions, go next to the silkweaver. Tell Rashid that I need a bolt of his finest silk, as a gift to a visitor of the highest magnitude." Holding up a hand to forestall Loys, she adds, "I know you are chafing to find new responsibilities, and trust me, there is no better way to impress me than to succeed in this. Deliver these messages, but moreso, make sure this goes as planned. I need these items in the next three hours." Loys beams at the prospect of pleasing the baby-faced maga and scurries off.

Next, Tranquillina instructs Mélanie. "I'll need your legs at my service today, my swift, but you won't have to leave home." Again she emphasizes, in French as well as Latin, how important these instructions are. "First, I need you to sprint to the kitchens. Giorgio will be frantically busy, but interrupt him nonetheless. Tell him to gather some of his finest cheese - you might as well go heavy on the compliments, dear, it will help - and also the freshest and ripest fruit we can find; he can get Elena to help with that. Giorgio should collect them into a large basket but leave room for more. While they are doing that, you run out to the fields and locate Delayens. Have him jar some honey and take it to the kitchens to include in the basket. Oh, both the jars and the basket should also be the best-looking examples we can find or make ... are you getting all this?" She peers at Mélanie shrewdly. "Finally, skip over to the vineyard and find Sobran, or perhaps he will be in the cellars. Tell him Tranquillina requires the best two bottles of wine he has, and now. He will object, but insist on my behalf. Tell him ... tell him," Tranquillina chuckles, "that if I do not get my wine, he will never hear from Fiona again. Never you mind what that means." Mélanie too goes loping off to complete her tasks and return with the collected goods in three hours.

Leaping back to the Tribunal plateau, she reenters the throng of magi and retainers and checks in at the registration house. Flagging down a Redcap, she holds out her Bonisagus fibula and introduces herself by name and covenant. "If you would be so kind, I have a message to deliver that is much more urgent than it seems. Please find Jerome ex Jerbiton - perhaps he will be at the Confluensis tower - and inform him that Tranquillina seeks his company for dinner tonight, for the mutual sharing of information of benefit to us both." She puts a hand on the Redcap's shoulder. "You have my word that I will be able to tangibly express to you my gratitude, later in this Tribunal."

[strike]Panting a bit from her exertion, Tranquillina hurries towards the location of the tournaments.[/strike] That takes care of Jerbiton, I hope; and Murion will certainly do for Bonisagus. But what about Tremere.... [strike]She shoulders past a slow-moving Verditius magus and checks the initial Certamen pairings. Well, well ... Rose, in half an hour! That's quite convenient....[/strike]

((Slight timing correction needed... Day 1 of the Tribunal and day 1 of the Tournament are separate days altogether... Rose will be presented on Day 2 as a maga... The circus of the trial was moved up at Marcus's insistence, but no one really knows that. :smiley: And it's not like Tranquillina would have an opportunity to talk to Rose if they were the same day, you knocked Rose out, and then Tranquillina got knocked out harder. :smiley:))

((yeah yeah :stuck_out_tongue: But beforehand Tranq doesn't know what will happen with Rose, and afterhand(?) she still wants to talk to Rose once they've both recovered. Or she'll alter the plan if the chronology doesn't make sense.))

((So what is the schedule? The entire Tribunal before the entire Tournament, three days of each, so like Mon-Wed Tribunal and Thu-Sat Tournament? ))

No day in between. 3 days Tribunal, 3 days Tournament, 1 day of closing up shop...

For the next few hours, Tranquillina is kept quite busy, attending the rest of Calefacto's trial and other Tribunal meetings and being sidetracked with various hosting tasks. She tries her best to listen in on conversations as she goes about her work, but perhaps people are more aware of her presence, for she doesn't hear the same level of complaining as she did before. That does nothing to deter her from judging the situation on the brink of social disaster, and she Leaps back to her receiving room. Loys is waiting there patiently, slouched in the plush seat Tranquillina typically uses when guests are present, his cheek pressed against the fabric. Seeing her, he jumps up with a bow and eagerly reports on what has happened.

"First the bad news, Lady Tranquillina," he says in a rush. "I went to the silkweaving workshop, and there spoke with Gennon des Vers. He said that they are completely out of silk: the whole shop's output was used for decorations in the Tribunal city. I knew you wouldn't want me to take just his word though, so I insisted on hearing it directly from Rashid. But I got the same story there. The best idea we could come up with was to remove some curtains from one of the less-used villas." He starts toying with a needle that has been secured to his sleeve. "With the seamstress, we did a little better. Susane d'Ausi remembered a dress she'd made for the mother of one of the servants - they live together here; an 'evocative landscape pattern', she called it. When I went to claim the dress, the mother of course gave it to me on your authority, but she apologized that it was not quite new any more. So I decided to take it back to Susane, explaining how important your friend was who'll be getting it. I got Susane to agree to mend a couple of minor flaws, and she also said she could cut a new scarf that would complement the dress and 'sparkle with newness', as she put it. It will be ready within the hour."

Anticipating Tranquillina's next question, Loys adds, "Mélanie was here, but she also had a problem, and I - ah, here she is!" Indeed Mélanie knocks on the door in the middle of the sentence; she is breathing extremely heavily, but in the manner of a fit person who could set out on another run if need be.

"Sorry to, keep you, waiting," Mélanie pants to Tranquillina, sipping some wine that Loys had apparently procured from somewhere. "I just came back from the vineyard again. Ah, I should start at the beginning. - Giorgio had sent most of the cheese over to the big meeting already. He found some fresh cheese, but it was made in bulk, so it's not going to be anything special." She says this as someone who wouldn't really appreciate the difference anyway. "Elena did have some delicious fruit on hand - sampled it myself after that first sprint - so that's fine. Went out to the forest and shouted until Delayens came out from the bee-infested parts to talk with me. Took almost no time, he will have the best of his honey sent to the kitchens, along with fine jars and even a suitable basket, he says. But then, Sobran." Mélanie frowns, her breathing already almost back to normal. "Maybe I offended him somehow - I did mention Fiona as you said to - but he flat out refused to get wine for me. Even when I told him it was for you."

"Why did I go twice to the vineyard?" she asks, seeing Tranquillina's confused expression. "Well I came back here, and told Loys who was waiting, and he said that you can go places real fast if you have something from there. So I went back, to grab a stone from the ground outside the vintner's lodge." She takes a small rock out of a pocket and places it on the table. "Hope Loys wasn't pulling my quick leg with that one."

"Don't worry, Mélanie, it really is a boon," Loys replies, glancing at Tranquillina in the hope of confirmation. "And I did the same with Susane's workshop: she said she uses this needle all the time." He extracts it from his sleeve to place it on the table next to the rock, then looks at the maga hopefully.