1227.4 Stop, Collaborate And Listen

((hmm, didn't really catch that unconsciousness bit :blush: But, shouldn't we be somewhat worried about an Aging Crisis? I mean, like, he could DIE, depending on the seriousness....))

Alexei is murmuring something in German as he comes in and out of consciousness. Helmut looks up at the Maga's instructions and stands up. "I'll get Brionne and Michelle!" he shouts and runs off.

A short while later some arguing in French can be heard as three men are hurrying to the chamber.

"How could you let him leave his chambers if he was as sick as he was?!" bellows Michelle as they stomp in.

"Let? When have any of us 'let' Master Alexei do anything?" Helmut protests as he hurries to Alexei's side.

"He's right." says Brionne with a shrug. "Alright, let's get him to his bed."

Helmut bows to the magi. "We'll take him back, sorry for the intrusion."

"Alexei was rather ill, I've seen it before, experienced it myself. He likely wasn't able to feel exactly how sick he was. He will, undoubtedly, feel better in the morning. But his longevity ritual has been spent in fighting off his illness. Don't worry about his sort term condition, just be sure to tell him what I have told you and for him to not forget getting a new ritual within the coming year."

Helmut bows again. "We shall insist on it." Helmut says and Brionne and Michelle nod in agreement. "Thank you I shall tell him of the help you gave." The three men leaving carrying Alexei between them.

Once Alexei is carried off, Tria turns to Tranquillina, "So tell me, Tranquillina, tell me of the intrigues you practiced on Ra'am and his apprentices." She says as if she already knows the answer, and it's not a question, but a statement.

Tranquillina manages not to roll her eyes. "That happenstance was blown out of proportion even at the time, and apparently remains so. I was, quite honestly, in a pissy mood from how Maris treated me* before her departure. And the boy Ulrich was despondent over the object of his puppy love leaving. So I merely invited him to a venting session involving ale and dice. Yes, of course I made conversation with him during our carousing, and yes I displayed a genuine and understandable curiosity about Mons Electi - I had never been here at the time, remember - and about his apprenticeship. Ra'am was quite upset that evening, but I think Ulrich bore the brunt of that more than I. In any case, my conversations with Ra'am thereafter were perfectly cordial, and as I mentioned we have continued a correspondence on Hermetic theory."

"As for Elizabeth ... she was hard to draw out. The only time she volunteered any information at all was to communcate the religious proscriptions surrounding my healing of Ra'am. Otherwise, I could barely get her to string together two sentences on any topic. Rather similar to Abigail, in that way."

  • ((Yes, this is a revisionist version of what happened :wink: ))

"It would be unwise for you to engage in an extended interaction with Ulrich, if circumstances should happen to bring him into your presence again. Clandestine or intimate interactions are strictly verboten. You do so at your own peril, and that's the extent of this...discussion. Ulrich is where he is for a very good reason, and that's all you really need to know." With that, Tria turns to the sanctum exit and says, "I have some things to attend to. I'll be around, but not present, if you understand my meaning." From Tranquillina's previous experience with Tria, Tria is suggesting she's not vacating her quarters, but will be flitting about from location to location, as she so often did.

"Aaaand, the conversation has ended," Tranquillina says to nobody as Tria's footsteps echo away down the corridor. It's not the first time she's used that line after speaking with her former mater. She instructs a servant that Tria's guest quarters are to remain dedicated to the visitor for the time being, regardless of whether Tria is seen inhabiting them or not.

Tranquillina sighs and looks around, very much wishing today were a day of rest. But soon she walks up the stairs to the library. That second Corpus tractatus won't be here very much longer, she spurs herself; I'd better get what I can out of it this winter.

A few days later, Tria can be spotted coming down from her cave entrance, a hooded figure is walking behind her. They make their way to Tria's quarters where she sends a note to Tranquillina via page.

Please secure a token to the Aegis for a friend of Mons Electi I have brought with me and come meet us in my quarters.

"Mmhmm, thank you Loys, I shall be there momentarily," Tranquillina says to the page, who saunters off. As he departs she muses, That 'boy' is a man now, and knows his letters well ... we really should find some better use for him than running messages around the covenant. And then, a new page....

Tranquillina follows the covenant's procedure ( :exclamation: ): she goes to find someone - she'll try Korvin first - to confirm the handing out of an Aegis token. Since she doesn't know who Tria's friend is, she pretty much has to ask him to accompany her to Tria's quarters with the token. For some reason she has donned quite an ancient-looking outfit, not in a Roman style but something perhaps more biblical.

Korvin will respond to Tranquillina request and meet her at the Precept office. He has pulled out a newer ledger and is writing in it.

And who is this to be given to?

"Indeed, Princeps, that is just the thing: I do not know who this 'friend of Mons Electi' is," Tranquillina avers. "I imagine in the end we will be right to trust Tria's endorsement; but for now, I think it is wisest for you to accompany me to her quarters with a token, so we can both be there to confirm each other's judgment."
((What are our physical tokens, anyway?))

((for now it will be a Roman coin))

Korvin's left eyebrow goes up. Indeed?

a slight pause as he considers actions.

Yes. i think you are right. Lead on. The only way to learn about how this will work is to try it. Several times I hope.

Off Tranquillina and Korvin go to Tria's quarters then!

When Tranquillina knocks on the door to Tria's quarters she hears Tria say "Come in." from the other side. Upon opening the door, the hooded figure hisses, and it's clearly a female voice. "Well, this was unexpected. I had intended this to be a more private gathering." Tria gives Korvin an appraising look.
"You said this would be private, Tria, that you would maintain my confidence."
((Awareness rolls...))

Korvin, the master of awarness :stuck_out_tongue:

12 + 1 + Awareness 1 + Per 0 = 14

((This is the first time that Korvin has gotten a roll over a 4 with Awareness))

Per 2 + Awareness 2 + stress die 2 = 6.
Dammit Korvin, you gave your crappy awareness to Tranquillina :cry:

Korvin notices that Tranqullina can't quite place the voice. That her head cocks to one side as she is running through her mental Rolodex of voices.
The cowled figure throws back her hood, "Once again, your intrigues ensnare me, even after all this time." the bald headed woman cries out.
"Stuff it, Maris. It isn't by my designs that Korvin is here."

Tranquillina feels very much like she's playing with the big boys now; she's not at all sure which innocent choices might lead to getting slapped down.
Nevertheless, she says calmly(?) to Korvin, "Princeps, this is Maris ex Tremere, Exarch in their House, and filia of Xenophon." She feels it might be insulting even to say, So I think this is person we can grant a casting token to, but she hopes Korvin is on the same wavelength.
((Is she Exarch of Normandy + British Tribunals?))