1259.4 Beerskin

Laterala takes this in and thinks a bit before she speaks. I'm sure the part on weaponizing came as a shock to you. We shall talk about it later. Another sip of beer. Why do you feel that my House should be concerned with Merinta?

Zoltan seems to be feigning shock at the suggestion. "On no, I don't think they should be concerned about my House. But I think the Tremere are concerned. Because of the mysteries we pursue, the lack of focus perhaps, our ties with the fae. Many such things. And isn't there a line of Merinita magi that are particularly good at Certamen? But, those need not be divisions or needs for concerns. I think that perhaps the Tremere may have been concerned about me and my loyalties though. I have heard the names and I know how concerned the Tremere about these things. Let us call them by the name they have been given." he holds up the doll and puts it front of his face and moves it like a puppet. "Vampire." he says in a high squeaky voice and pulls the doll away to smile at Laterala.

It is true that if your blood turns out to be that of the Dhampir, I and my house will kill you without hesitation. But I'm sure you know this. She pauses to have another drink of her beer. The Tremere is a pragmatic House. We always prepare for the worst. We also know when to bring in people with different perspectives and strengths than ours. That will be your job in this oppidum. Give us a different perspective on the fae.

Zoltans seems unconcerned or even surprised at the revelation and promise of his doom. "You are wise on all counts and getting a different perspective is perhaps the wisest still. Since you have said what my job is to be...what are your expectations? What do you wish to know? What do you wish to accomplish? Cataloging and weaponizing?" It's obvious that Zoltan has some doubts about the success of such a task.

Let us begin with cataloging. Give us the perspective of a Merinita on the fae you find. Why they follow their path? Can it be changed. Can they be destroyed if not changed. Another gulp of beer. As for Weaponizing what we find, that will all depend on the cataloging. We have some experience with this but our methods and thoughts can do with outside perspective.

Zoltan remains impassive at the list of goals, finally taking a drink after she finished and then speaking up.

"It's a worthy study, worthy goals all. I don't think you quite realize the enormity of what you're asking for...but no doubt, that is why you are consulting someone who does have an appreciation for this field. There are particular things that I would require to help in studying them, and you would need to be prepared to...endure certain peculiarities along the way." he smiles. "Can we begin to discuss my needs and desires I can expect to receive while performing this endeavor for House and Tribunal? I assure you, they are integral to the success of it. They may be...odd, but they are necessary. And I understand that the needs of Tremere may evolve and require different efforts on my part, if and when that happens we would speak again like this, yes?"

Laterala waves her hand as if to say "give me your list".

Zoltan nods and reaches into a pouch he kept with him. He proceeds to pull out various odds and ends as he rummages through it.

"Damn it Juriska!" he mutters as it seems he has some trouble finding whatever it is he's looking for. He pauses a moment after saying that, but then continues on, finally pulling out a piece of paper that was folded and sealed closed with wax. Zoltan scowls when he sees that the wax seal has not only been opened, but defaced slightly. He cracks the seal quickly and hands over the list to Laterala, shrugging. 'She will need to see the world outside her lab at some point.' he thinks to himself.

Zoltan's list:

  1. A lab in accordance with the Order's specifications for proper work
  2. A measure of Vis in equal parts with other magi at the Oppida of Heviz
  3. Exclusive rights to vis that is extracted from Faerie auras, Regios or an actual Fae that is part of the Oppida's sources and not belonging to individual Magi
  4. Full access to books and study materials as allowed to full members of the Opidda of Heviz
  5. Garlic will not be tolerated
  6. Dogs will not be tolerated
  7. Will attend meetings held after supper
  8. Restrictions on aphrodesiacal foods will be lifted for Zoltan and those he designates
  9. Can allow guests into the Oppida's Aegis, where said guest is involved with the stated goal for Zoltan's research as sponsored by House Tremere
    A. Will need tokens for the Aegis
    B. It is understood that terms and protocols will need to be established
  10. A Valet skilled in the clothing and fashions to which Zoltan is accustomed, and an allowance for the Valet to use to purchase, procure and/or craft such clothing
  11. On specific days of import as determined by Zoltan, decorations shall be hung from the Oppida in accordance to Zoltan's dictates, and songs sung by the locals and guests. Magi need not sing nor decorate their areas as delineated by their Sanctum Markers
  12. On the Seasonal equinoxes, a pail of the best brew that is made for each season will be provided to Zoltan, to use as he sees fit
  13. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are fae in nature
  14. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are ghostly in nature
  15. Necromancy is not a crime and Zoltan shall not be held accountable as such, nor held to a higher standard of conduct or responsibility than the famed Necromancers of House Tremere
  16. [strike]Female servants of comely looks and figure, auburn hair is preferred, dressed in styles as approved by the Valet or Zoltan shall serve Zoltan to keep his Sanctum and living quarters clean and orderly, as well as other desires that are needed.[/strike]

((This last demand is angrily scratched out as if by a child, repeated again in Zoltan's handwriting and again scratched out, this time with a childish sketch of Zoltan complete with a toothless grin and stink lines around his head, but the demand is written in a third time, the last is undamaged, though it looks hastily added and not as neat as Zoltan's handwriting, but it is his style))

In return Zoltan is prepared to provide to House Tremere, in service to the Transylvanian Tribunal:

  1. Research into the fae, with more specific focuses as required by House Tremere and their representative at the Oppida
  2. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to the fae to other members of the Tribunal if said expertise does not pertain to current research goals
  3. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to necromantic needs
  4. Interrogation, questioning and study of captured fae should it benefit the research conducted or requested by House Tremere through proper channels
  5. Investigation of faerie related items, phenomena, and beings near the Oppida and further away, though if further than the Oppida, shall be properly compensated for the time spent
  6. Combat against the fae can be expected at times and is accepted, but if tasked with actually going out to fight the fae, proper compensation as a Hoplite in dangerous service shall be expected, and the right to refuse if deemed the danger is too great for the resources at hand and if the conflict can be avoided
  7. Is willing to trade his non-faerie vis with Magi of the Tribunal who have faerie vis, if asked, such trades will incur a fee paid to Zoltan of a pawn for every 5 or fraction of 5 traded (the additional pawn can be faerie vis). The trade shall otherwise conform to Tremere and Mercere standards of vis trading.
  8. Will design magic items by commission, within his capabilities, that either deal with the fae, or can incorporate the unique Mysteries that Zoltan ex Merinita knows. The commision will be parallel with what Verditius magi commands
  9. Will design and cast spells upon commission for the House Tremere or the Tribunal, that are unique to the Mysteries of Merinita as known by Zoltan, such commission to be decided on a case by case basis
  10. Will design and cast spells and/or create items for the benefit of the Oppida and the research Zoltan is providing. Where it benefits the Oppida and not the research, such spell casting and/or design will be considered service to the Oppida
    A. Can expect the proper materials, time and resources required to accomplish this
  11. Will be considered a Hospites and can expect both treatment and responsibilites due
  12. Understanding that as the research is conducted, the needs and expectations may change based on the results of the research or other events outside of he Oppida. Will be willing to change agreements after proper discourse with the Tremere's representative to the Oppida.

Zoltan makes a show of studying his fingernails as the list is read.

Laterala studies the list and pulls out a quill. She writes some passages and crosses others out. Finally, she pushes the paper back to Zoltan and waits.

Zoltan's list:

  1. A lab in accordance with the Order's specifications for proper work
  2. A measure of Vis in equal parts with other magi at the Oppida of Heviz
  3. Exclusive rights to vis that is extracted from Faerie auras, Regios or an actual Fae that is part of the Oppida's sources and not belonging to individual Magi
  4. Full access to books and study materials as allowed to full members of the Opidda of Heviz
  5. Garlic will not be tolerated. Understand that we can not control the local population and their beliefs or taste in food and spices.
  6. Dogs will not be tolerated. What about wolves?
  7. Will attend meetings held after supper
    [strike]8. Restrictions on aphrodesiacal foods will be lifted for Zoltan and those he designates[/strike]
  8. Can allow guests into the Oppida's Aegis, where said guest is involved with the stated goal for Zoltan's research as sponsored by House Tremere
    A. Will need tokens for the Aegis
    B. It is understood that terms and protocols will need to be established
  9. A Valet skilled in the clothing and fashions to which Zoltan is accustomed, and an allowance for the Valet to use to purchase, procure and/or craft such clothing
    [strike]11. On specific days of import as determined by Zoltan, decorations shall be hung from the Oppida in accordance to Zoltan's dictates, and songs sung by the locals and guests. Magi need not sing nor decorate their areas as delineated by their Sanctum Markers[/strike]
  10. On the Seasonal equinoxes, a pail of the best brew that is made for each season will be provided to Zoltan, to use as he sees fit
  11. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are fae in nature
  12. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are ghostly in nature
  13. Necromancy is not a crime and Zoltan shall not be held accountable as such, nor held to a higher standard of conduct or responsibility than the famed Necromancers of House Tremere
  14. [strike]Female servants of comely looks and figure, auburn hair is preferred, dressed in styles as approved by the Valet or Zoltan shall serve Zoltan to keep his Sanctum and living quarters clean and orderly, as well as other desires that are needed.[/strike]

((This last demand is angrily scratched out as if by a child, repeated again in Zoltan's handwriting and again scratched out, this time with a childish sketch of Zoltan complete with a toothless grin and stink lines around his head, but the demand is written in a third time, the last is undamaged, though it looks hastily added and not as neat as Zoltan's handwriting, but it is his style))

In return Zoltan is prepared to provide to House Tremere, in service to the Transylvanian Tribunal:

  1. Research into the fae, with more specific focuses as required by House Tremere and their representative at the Oppida
  2. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to the fae to other members of the Tribunal if said expertise does not pertain to current research goals
  3. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to necromantic needs. Only applies to consulting outside the Oppida area of concern. That being the Kal Valley and Lake Balaton region.
  4. Interrogation, questioning and study of captured fae should it benefit the research conducted or requested by House Tremere through proper channels
  5. Investigation of faerie related items, phenomena, and beings near the Oppida and further away, though if further than the Oppida, shall be properly compensated for the time spent. Near shall be defined as the Kal Valley and areas surrounding Lake Balaton.
  6. Combat against the fae can be expected at times and is accepted, but if tasked with actually going out to fight the fae, [strike]proper compensation as a Hoplite in dangerous service shall be expected[/strike], and the right to refuse if deemed the danger is too great for the resources at hand and if the conflict can be avoided. Hoplites will be provided if you deem it necessary. Otherwise we are expected to handle any problems.
    [strike]7. Is willing to trade his non-faerie vis with Magi of the Tribunal who have faerie vis, if asked, such trades will incur a fee paid to Zoltan of a pawn for every 5 or fraction of 5 traded (the additional pawn can be faerie vis). The trade shall otherwise conform to Tremere and Mercere standards of vis trading.[/strike]
    Laterala scribles a note: Trading of vis is handled by the Redcaps of the Tribunal and this Tribunal does not dictate such terms to House Mercere.
  7. Will design magic items by commission, within his capabilities, that either deal with the fae, or can incorporate the unique Mysteries that Zoltan ex Merinita knows. [strike]The commision will be parallel with what Verditius magi commands[/strike] If you were a Verditius this would be fine.
  8. Will design and cast spells upon commission for the House Tremere or the Tribunal, that are unique to the Mysteries of Merinita as known by Zoltan, such commission to be decided on a case by case basis. Such lab text shall become property of the Tribunal upon receiving payment for the commission.
  9. Will design and cast spells and/or create items for the benefit of the Oppida and the research Zoltan is providing. Where it benefits the Oppida and not the research, such spell casting and/or design will be considered service to the Oppida
    A. Can expect the proper materials, time and resources required to accomplish this
  10. Will be considered a Hospites and can expect both treatment and responsibilites due
  11. Understanding that as the research is conducted, the needs and expectations may change based on the results of the research or other events outside of he Oppida. Will be willing to change agreements after proper discourse with the Tremere's representative to the Oppida.

Zoltan reads over the list, nodding his head and arching an eyebrow here and there as he does so.

"I'm rather fond of wolves...very sociable beasts." he says as he reads over one of the comments from Laterala. After reading though the whole list he sets the paper down.

"So...regarding such things as the garlic and and the singing on festival days...would it be fair to say that I can...motivate the covenfolk into keeping the garlic out, as well as decorating and singing? Making those particular issues my affairs, and not the Tremere's nor the Oppida's concern whether I do that or not?"

He looks down again at the page, scowling at times and other times seeming pleased. "Regarding items...I added that so as not to put myself in competition with the notoriously feisty Verditius. It is for commission of items that only I, someone trained as a Merinita can offer. I thought that if we were to work any other arrangement, for greater or less a charge than what the Verdi charge, that would cause unrest. If you're saying we can negotiate as circumstances dictate and are not concerned of the Verditius, then that is fine. But regarding the lab texts..." he shakes his head. "I am not a Bonisagus, I am not required to share the Mysteries of my House, nor the fruits they bear. The lab texts go where I feel they should go, including staying with me and me alone. It is not fit that you should try and compel them from me. If it is a spell that does not use the Mysteries I know, then I would not have a problem." he pauses. "But, as it is something bought from my Host the Tremere...if I could be assured that the lab texts would not be read, researched or used by any except another of my House in the employ of Tremere, I would allow the texts to be held by the Tremere for such use. If that can be agreed, then we shall not have further issue on that subject." he looks at the list again and sighs.

"I do not require such delicacies that are outlawed...but some of my guests do enjoy them. Were it to benefit the research would they be allowed?" ((Referring to the aphrodisiacal foods)). "And what of the comely servants, is that agreed? But otherwise I feel we are very near an accord."

I can control the folk of the Covenant to a point. The Inn and surrounding village, I can not control. I would assume that your...methods might cause more garlic and other such things to be displayed or waved at you if they think that it might keep you away. We are working with these people. Lets not try to have them turn against us.

You will be paid a fair amount for any item commissioned by the Tribunal. They will not force you to make something for nothing nor do they expect that you will over charge them for an item.

As for the lab text. Since the item in question dealt with commissioned items, it is assumed that if the Tribunal is paying for a spell to be made for them they will want the lab text. You may, on commissioned spells, prefer to be the one to cast it and thus not be obliged to hand over a lab text. That is your prerogative and should be negotiated with the Tribunal when the item is being commissioned. I cannot tie the hands of the Tribunal and I do not want to tie your hands in this. I propose that the item be amended to allow for flexibility at the negotiation time.

If we stipulate that it can not be done at any Tribunal meeting then it will be fine.

Zoltan waves that off. "I can be quite charming when I like. I'm sure the people will come to adore me."

"Eminently fair. I merely wished to avoid accusations from the Verdi. If you will handle such issues, then I don't think this will be an issue. Regarding the text, I think that is also fair. I should like to cast the spell anyway, and have the option to keep the text so the Mystery may be protected. But as you said, that would be negotiated. Considering that the Tremere keep craft secrets of their own, I'm sure this should not be too difficult to keep."

Zoltan looks mildly surprised. "I'm invited to Tribunal meetings? Oh, well as long as it only applies during Tribunal meetings, I should think that is fine. And the comely servants?" Zoltan repeats, his light hearted tone becoming just a bit more serious.

If you have not more questions, I will have a page show you to your quarters. I'm afraid they are not in the Aegis at the present but that will be solved when the rest of our number arrive. You may of course choose different quarters and lab space. I know that some magi like to live in their labs while other have quarters away from their sactium.

Zoltan nods. "Then we are agreed on the list?"*

*As I understand it: Y = Yes N = No

Y 1. A lab in accordance with the Order's specifications for proper work

Y 2. A measure of Vis in equal parts with other magi at the Oppida of Heviz

Y 3. Exclusive rights to vis that is extracted from Faerie auras, Regios or an actual Fae that is part of the Oppida's sources and not belonging to individual Magi

Y 4. Full access to books and study materials as allowed to full members of the Opidda of Heviz

N 5. Garlic will not be tolerated. Understand that we can not control the local population and their beliefs or taste in food and spices. (Not enforced by Charter or the Covenant)

Y? 6. Dogs will not be tolerated. What about wolves?

Y 7. Will attend meetings held after supper

Y 8. Restrictions on aphrodesiacal foods will be lifted for Zoltan and those he designates (But not at Tribunal meetings)

Y 9. Can allow guests into the Oppida's Aegis, where said guest is involved with the stated goal for Zoltan's research as sponsored by House Tremere
A. Will need tokens for the Aegis
B. It is understood that terms and protocols will need to be established

Y 10. A Valet skilled in the clothing and fashions to which Zoltan is accustomed, and an allowance for the Valet to use to purchase, procure and/or craft such clothing

N 11. On specific days of import as determined by Zoltan, decorations shall be hung from the Oppida in accordance to Zoltan's dictates, and songs sung by the locals and guests. Magi need not sing nor decorate their areas as delineated by their Sanctum Markers

Y 12. On the Seasonal equinoxes, a pail of the best brew that is made for each season will be provided to Zoltan, to use as he sees fit

Y 13. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are fae in nature

Y 14. Right of first consultation and/or parley, and/or conflict with beings that are ghostly in nature

Y 15. Necromancy is not a crime and Zoltan shall not be held accountable as such, nor held to a higher standard of conduct or responsibility than the famed Necromancers of House Tremere

Y 16. Female servants of comely looks and figure, auburn hair is preferred, dressed in styles as approved by the Valet or Zoltan shall serve Zoltan to keep his Sanctum and living quarters clean and orderly, as well as other desires that are needed.

In return Zoltan is prepared to provide to House Tremere, in service to the Transylvanian Tribunal:
Y 1. Research into the fae, with more specific focuses as required by House Tremere and their representative at the Oppida

Y 2. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to the fae to other members of the Tribunal if said expertise does not pertain to current research goals

Y 3. Consultation as a paid expert (with accompanying payment) with regards to necromantic needs. Only applies to consulting outside the Oppida area of concern. That being the Kal Valley and Lake Balaton region.

Y 4. Interrogation, questioning and study of captured fae should it benefit the research conducted or requested by House Tremere through proper channels

Y 5. Investigation of faerie related items, phenomena, and beings near the Oppida and further away, though if further than the Oppida, shall be properly compensated for the time spent. Near shall be defined as the Kal Valley and areas surrounding Lake Balaton.

Y 6. Combat against the fae can be expected at times and is accepted, but if tasked with actually going out to fight the fae, [strike]proper compensation as a Hoplite in dangerous service shall be expected,[/strike] and the right to refuse if deemed the danger is too great for the resources at hand and if the conflict can be avoided. Hoplites will be provided if you deem it necessary. Otherwise we are expected to handle any problems.

N 7. Is willing to trade his non-faerie vis with Magi of the Tribunal who have faerie vis, if asked, such trades will incur a fee paid to Zoltan of a pawn for every 5 or fraction of 5 traded (the additional pawn can be faerie vis). The trade shall otherwise conform to Tremere and Mercere standards of vis trading.
Laterala scribles a note: Trading of vis is handled by the Redcaps of the Tribunal and this Tribunal does not dictate such terms to House Mercere.

Y 8. Will design magic items by commission, within his capabilities, that either deal with the fae, or can incorporate the unique Mysteries that Zoltan ex Merinita knows. [strike]The commision will be parallel with what Verditius magi commands[/strike] If you were a Verditius this would be fine.

Y 9. Will design and cast spells upon commission for the House Tremere or the Tribunal, that are unique to the Mysteries of Merinita as known by Zoltan, such commission to be decided on a case by case basis. Such lab text shall become property of the Tribunal upon receiving payment for the commission IF AGREED UPON DELIVERY, ZOLTAN CAN INSTEAD CAST THE SPELL AND KEEP THE LAB TEXT, IF LAB TEXT IS DELIVERED, WILL COME TO AGREEMENT ON ITS DISTRIBUTION

Y 10. Will design and cast spells and/or create items for the benefit of the Oppida and the research Zoltan is providing. Where it benefits the Oppida and not the research, such spell casting and/or design will be considered service to the Oppida
A. Can expect the proper materials, time and resources required to accomplish this

Y 11. Will be considered a Hospites and can expect both treatment and responsibilites due

Y 12. Understanding that as the research is conducted, the needs and expectations may change based on the results of the research or other events outside of he Oppida. Will be willing to change agreements after proper discourse with the Tremere's representative to the Oppida.

Laterala puts her signature on the document and calls for a scribe to make copies. You will retain one as will the Oppidum. this one will go to the Tribunal. Is that acceptable?

After Zoltan signs he makes a barely perceptible shiver*. Once that passes he retains his copy. "That is expected, and accepted. I thank you Laterala Tremeris. I shall make this Oppida my home, may we all grow hale and strong."
