1259.4 First Council meeting of Hèviz

I have neglected the study of Faeries, and I've been lucky enough to avoid any conflict with them.

"That's a good segue into my area of responsibility. Security. Any specific strengths or weaknesses anyone cares to mention? At some point, I'll request access to everyone's dossier to fill in the gaps. I'm sure the Tremere will redact some material. But knowing everyone's capabilities is...helpful.

Diotima speaks up

"My own expertise is in history, specifically the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. I am planning to explore the ruins of the Roman fort which once stood here. I have no expertise concerning the fae.

As for security, I have no particular expertise in that field either. Oh, I can deal with a bandit or two if I have to, and my familiar can probably rout a small group all on his own, but I was never trained as a fighter. "

Ophelia smooths out the front of her dress. "I'm not particularly concerned about a couple of, or a small group of bandits."

The conversation doesn't seem to be of much interest to Zoltan. He sighs as he says "I can handle myself well, the weather is mine to command as well as the dead."

I prefer to simply fly over bandits, although if need be I can shred mundane targets.

Ophelia looks directly at Eve"Archers? Standing out among mundanes? Nothing like a flying person to attract attention. Or the willingness to leave one's grogs behind."

Height, arrows can only go so high. And Jane gets those. Still, the attention never helps. And I certainly wouldn't leave anyone behind. I can still cast just fine from the air.

"Well it works if you're flying above and out of range to start. It's a bit less successful if you are in range and have to fly away from your shield grog defending you and then further out of range." Ophelia arches her eyebrow.

Ah, of course, I miss interpreted your meaning. I should work on a spell to protect myself from arrows and such, well investing something into my familiars bond. I've probably relied on Jane to much for dealing with arrows.

"Combat is about more than the ability to deal damage. It's about being dangerous. Leadership is about making others as dangerous as they can be." Ophelia peers at Zoltan as she says 'dangerous as they can be.'

Zoltan looks back at Ophelia with his unblinking eyes fro tense seconds before finally saying. "I'm sorry, how do you mean please?"

"Go ahead, tell me you're not dangerous, that you don't know how to make others dangerous." Ophelia smiles widely.

Zoltan's expression doesn't seem to change, but it is difficult to see if he understands the exchange. "I am dangerous, most would believe that of me without much...convincing. As for others and making them dangerous they...give their best efforts at my behest. They do so because they believe it is right to do so, that it would be...bad should they not."

"Compelling the dead to act in your name... Such Arts necessary to do that can be used effectively on the living, too."

((OOC: Diotima is keeping her Mentem a secret, and suggested she's a mundane scholar more than a magus, so I'm not sure how else to engage her.))

Zoltan smiles broadly at the cross application of the Arts. "Oh believe me, the living respond well to my charms. It is the fae as well, and their unique flavor here in these lands that provide me with such power and inspiration. I would not go so far as to say they serve me, that is too much of an invitation to mishap. But, there are fae that will come when I call...what they do can make for interesting stories."

Ophelia leans in with some interest, "When you call them, how long does it take for them to come?

Zoltan's smile becomes quite mischievous. "How quickly would you like?" and his eyes twinkle as he leans closer.

((Now the real question, and don't answer, it will be interesting to see the implications. But would a faerie he summoned enter the Aegis? He has a token for it))

((If it is a familiar then the token would cover it. I have hand waved Jane and Peripha coming in. In reality, neither would have made it.))

"In the event of an attack? Almost immediately. It's very important to receive swift reinforcements. They could either occupy the weaker opponents while we face off against the stronger, or their numbers could serve to overwhelm the threat. Forgive the exercise, it's a matter of clearly identifying our assets. I should like to know what is our collective arsenal." Ophelia's manner may come off as a tad paranoid. Diotima should probably know about this, being a resident of the Theban Tribunal, she should be familiar with some elements of her back story, such as that it appears she had lied under Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie, after willingly submitting to the spell, and was nearly marched, if not for some machinations of her pater, Gerasimos.