1259.4 Pilsners of the Earth

As she enters the Inn she feels the crossing of the Aegis as a pressure and prickling on her skin. Her shield grog follows her in and looks around the room with a professional eye. Once he sees the four men sitting on a back wall he waves and one of them waves back. Diotima catches a hand signal by her shield grog to the ones from the back and a possible response.

By the prickling of her skin and the reaction of the borrowed grog, Diotima knows she has arrived. She decides to introduce herself in Latin, hoping that someone here speaks the language.

(Latin)"My name is Diotima filia Hypatios ex Jerbiton. I believe I am expected ?"

Your shield grog ( named Goran) turns to Diotima. Most of these men have only heard Latin in church.

As he is talking a stout older man with a large mustache comes up slowly. Diotima? He looks from Diotima to Goran.

Goran says something in the native language to the man. The man nods vigorously and holds out a scroll to Diotima.

((I shall assume she takes it))


Welcome to Hèviz. Have a magus who is a scholar of Rome is a boon to some of our studies. Your reputation or should I say, that of your pater proceeds you. It caused quite a discussion among my peers when I selected you for this oppidum.

There is a door on the east wall towards the north end. There four men sitting near it. Go to them and tell them your name and that you wish to see the Crooked One and they should open the door for you. I swear on my House and my Oath that no harm will become you unless you bring it with you.

Through the room and down the corridor ahead of you and you will find Aleksandar, our Steward. He will guide you to me.

Laterala ex Tremere
Aediles, Oppidum of Hèviz[/i]

Diotima reads the letter, and makes a face at the mention of her pater. Will that reputation follow her her whole life ? Still, apparently it was not enough to close this particular door, and that is progress.

She walks to the indicated door and the four sitting men, and repeats her greeting:

(Latin)"I am Diotima filia Hypatios ex Jerbiton." This times she adds. "I wish to see the Crooked One"

Then she waits expectantly.

Diotima moves through the first room and into an hallway. She sees light at the end of the hall and can feel warm air coming from that direction. As she gets to the doorway she notices the room ahead is round and there is a ring, carved into the floor, on it's boundaries.

In the room, which is lit not by any fire, sits a balding man behind a large desk. He looks at Diotima as she approaches the doorway into the room.

For the third time in as many minutes, Diotima introduces herself.

(Latin)"I am Diotima filia Hypatios ex Jerbiton." She pauses, then adds: "Are you Aleksandar ? Can you guide me to Laterala ex Tremere ?"

((As always i must ask if Diotima will enter the ring?))

((Yes, she enters))

The older balding man stands and steps around his large desk to greet Diotima. My name is Aleksandar. I am the steward for the Oppidum. I welcome you Diotima ex Jerbiton. I hope your journey was not hard.

As Diotima reaches the center of the room, a voice calls down from above. I invite you into my aegis Diotima of Jerbiton. And she tosses her a purple amethyst about the size of her thumbnail. Laterala stands on a balcony that was nearly invisible from the doorway. Dressed in charcoal grey robes of the elder Tremere and eye-patch with some patterns embroidered into it.

As she turns to leave. Show her to my office Aleksandar.

Diotima picks up the amethyst, then turns expectantly toward the old man.

Aleksandar escorts Diotima up stairs to Laterala's office. Once she is seated she is offered beer. A short while later, Laterala comes in with a young girl in tow.

Laterala sits down behind the desk and pours herself a beer. The girl stands next to Laterala's chair and stares at Diotima. After a sip of beer, Laterala speaks. I hope your trip was uneventful Sodalis. This is my appentice, Violeta.

Diotima nods at Violetta.

"The trip was quite uneventful. Being able to travel among mundanes without attracting the wrong kind of attention does have its advantages.

So, is this the oppidum then ? I am a bit surprised to see an Aegis in what is, after all, an inn. Won't that cause problems ? Magi and mundanes don't mix all that well usually."

The Inn is part of the wealth of the Oppidum as it relies on the beer that is brewed in the Oppidum proper. I wanted the Inn covered becasue it has an entrance to the main compound. We can close that off. All of this will be discussed with at our council meeting as we decide on the size of the Aegis.

All right then. What about accommodations ? I understand this oppidum is new ? Are there quarters available, labs, and so forth ? Or do we have to sleep in the inn until they can be readied ?

This oppidum is new. There was one on this site before and we will be using their buildings. They are built on the Roman structure that once stood here. When we are done here I will have a page show you to quarters and the lab space.

Right then, is there anything else we need to do right now ? Sign a contract,, going over the rules of the oppidum, that sort of things perhaps ?

I will go over the rules with at our first council meeting. As for a contract
((Pulled from Diotima's thread))

Charter of Right negotiated between Diotima filia Hypatios ex Jerbiton and the Transylvania Tribunal.


The maga Diotima ex filia Hypatios ex Jerbiton, a scholar of noted accomplishments, has sought permission to study the Roman ruins of Castellum or Keszthely near Héviz, and to temporarily settle in the Transylvania Tribunal to do so. The following agreement was arrived upon and voted at the Transylvania Tribunal of 1

Chapter I: Duties and Priviledges in the Tribunal

  1. The maga Diotima shall be allowed to settle at the Héviz Oppidum, and to pursue her research there. She must seek permission from the Tribunal to relocate within the Tribunal.
  2. For the duration of her stay the maga Diotima shall be deemed a Foederati resident of the tribunal. She may freely vote or seek office at the Tribunal2. She must abide by all of the Tribunal's custom and rulings, including the rulings below, which take precedence if they contradict an earlier ruling or custom.
  3. The maga's Diotima's voting sigil shall be a quill or feather, dyed purple.
  4. The maga Diotima may freely use the title of philologa, as befit her accomplishment as a scholar and translator. She may not use the title of archimaga.
  5. The maga may not wear grey or black at the Tribunal. She may not wear decorations of any kind, save for the color purple, which she may wear in ornaments and jewelry but not in her main clothing. This specifically includes permissions to wear feathers died purple, in part or in totto, as decoration.

Chapter II: Duties and Privileges at the Héviz Oppidum

  1. For the duration of her stay the maga Diotima shall be deemed a full resident and member of the Pannonia Covenant and the Hépiz Oppidum, with all the right, privileges and duties attached thereto.
  2. She shall hold a vote in all covenant and oppidum matters.
  3. She shall receive a full share of the support the covenant and oppidum customary offers its magi, including food, clothing, writing materials, and a laboratory.
  4. She shall take on her fair share of the duties of the covenant and oppidum.
  5. Should she undertake duties for the Tribunal, covenant or oppidum beyond the part expected of all members, she shall receive adequate compensation as is customary in the oppidum.
  6. Should she require additional resources beyond what is offered all the members of the covenant or oppidum she must negotiate appropriate terms with the oppidum. In particular the oppidum may be entitled to an appropriate share of the proceeds of these resources.

Chapter III: Ownership of resources

  1. All the personal possessions the maga Diotima brings into the Tribunal shall remain hers, to keep and freely take away should she leave the Héviz oppidum or the Tribunal. She will deposit a list of such possessions to avoid misunderstandings.
  2. The maga may freely trade, use or give away her personal possessions, and any new possessions thus acquired or created shall become her personal possession, as written above.
  3. The maga may freely offer her expertise and work as a translator and writer within and outside the Tribunal, and keep the proceeds thereof, to become her personal possessions. She may only trade vis and magic items within the Tribunal in accordance with Tribunal rulings on the subject, but may keep the proceeds of such trades as her personal possessions..

That seems to be in order.

Diotima signs the contract.

If you have no more questions, I'll have a page show you to your quarters.