2.0 Character Summaries and Requests

The sister, I'll probably drop as such. Faeries are too much headache for me. I liked the concept but Meh.

I've done the Doctor, which'll also be a specialist brought to the covenant through my 150 points.

Okay, I really need to work on cleaning up my mind. My first thought when I saw this was entirely not Ars-related. :laughing:

But it is entirely Ars(e)-related. :laughing:

We must have a duck pond with no ducks. Hell, I just want a Pond. :stuck_out_tongue:

~headdesk~ This entire time, I thought you were making a Doctor Who reference that I wasn't getting.

Lol - actually, I was. First episode of the new season, as they're running thru the square, they come across a duck pond with no ducks. And who doesn't want an Amy Pond as their Companion? :smiley:

I know I was making a general Doctor Who reference (doing the Doctor)...I didn't get the duck pond bit*, but I did get the "I just want a Pond" ref. Amy Pond is rather cute...not hawt (imo), but very cute.

*I was watching the new series of Doctor Who, with Matt Smith when he first became the eleventh Doctor, but then my cable company moved BBCAmerica to a more expensive tier, so I don't get to watch it anymore :cry:

Ra'am ex Bonisagus, age 42

Jewish, Creo expert of the House of Bonisagus. Formerly a Magister in Artibus[1] at the University in Salamanca (it existed contemporaneously with the current time period, though it may not have been accredited by the crown/pope). Came to apprentice late, through no less than three masters, one not of the House of Bonisagus (ex Misc), one maga of the line of Trianomae who bought him, and finally for the last 9 years with a Bonisagi weather magus. Affinities in Creo and MT.
Married, two daughters both born during his apprenticeship, one of who was born while he was away with the Trianomae (it's his, not interested in illegitimate stories!). Can't stand and work spells at the same time. Could be mistaken for a 98 pound weakling, is a bit of a busybody regarding covenfolk. Devout, but has relaxed some since apprenticeship and joining the order.

[1] It is quite likely that he was tasked with training other apprentices in Latin, or even Magic Theory (8+2), but it is his intention, that even if he is eligible to maintain the title because of the amount of teaching he has done in the past, to let his responsibilities lapse.

What kind of study qualities should we use for post-Gauntlet development?

That would've been nice. It's 30 XP per season.
I used 120 XP (30x4) and had an entire year (continuous) devoted to lab work. Otherwise, losing 10xp/season devoted to labwork broken up over the five years is a bit on the painful side...

So then how do we account for virtues such as Book Learner or Study Bonus?

You weren't learning from books or able to be near an appropraite study bonus?

I've seen different SG's go different ways, but in my experience if everyone starts off at roughly the same point, and then they all get their full effect of Virtues once play commences. Consider that Book Learner, as applied to an apprentice who's had the arts opened could be amazingly powerful at gauntlet if his parens gave him books and seasons to study them...

Say, that gives me an idea for Ra'am's daughters... :wink:

Yep. I've often thought that the RAW would make an in-game trained apprentice much more powerful. Just think of this:

  • apprentice reads books for three seasons out of every year for 15 years, average source quality 12, that's 540 experience right there
  • the parens spends the 4th season of every year teaching the apprentice spells, earning 2 Exposure XP for the first 14 years, that's 28 xp to Teaching (nearly a 3) for the parens, and 14 seasons of spells for the apprentice
  • For the final season, if the parens has Com+Teaching (apprentice) >= 6, then the apprentice gets 15xp to Parma.

Of course, you have to teach the kid to Read, Write and Speak Latin first. If only they came from a culture which taught literacy, like the Jews....


I just realized a probably very difficult problem witht he Pious flaw for a Jewish character. Observing Shabbat isn't compatible with the RAW from time away from the lab for your average season, assuming 13 weeks in a season, it's 3 more than the accepted limit. Can the three days be handwaved to some degree? Afterall Jews functioned and in many cases excelled, in many different societies, all while maintaining their religious convictions. It also makes participating in stories during a season which I'm in the lab next to impossible, which I can accept (I don't like it, but I can accept it).

IIrc, the labwork for a season takes into account working days and off one. Can't remember off the top of my head if that's in the core book or in Covenants. rummage rummage rummage

Ah, here we go. Covenants, p 107, third column (in the section "Life in the Laboratory)."

So, looks like according to the RaW, you can keep Shabbat and not miss any lab time.

Yay! I still can't participate in stories and lab, without religious consequence. Unless it's life threatening!

There is also probably some weird math that can be done with working 11-hour or 12-hour days and the like, if it came to that. But thankfully it doesn't

Yes, that's non-standard routines, pushing yourself in the lab, things like that. Covenants p108, "Addled" routine.