24/30 Unexpected Experimentations for November

In an attempt to increase the effectiveness of his destructive tendencies, a Tytalus who believed he was descended of the first Titans designed a spell to help him destroy everything before him.

The Worldbreaker's Eyes (Intellego Terram 25)
R: Personal, D: Diameter, T: Vision
The caster of this spell is able to see the weak points in objects. This allows them to leverage their strength and apply force with great capabilities, helping them shatter stone, bend metal, break wood. This does not give the caster any ability to do super-human acts, but with the right tools, they can regularly succeed at feats that involve breaking things. While this spell is active, the caster's eyes appear to be orbs of stone. In addition to being able to see the weak points in objects, the power of their eyes allows them to see the weak points of enemy armor, halving the protective bonus of any worn armor when they strike.
(Base 4, +1 Diameter, +4 Vision)

Side Effects table (1d10)
1 Exaggerated Sigil: The caster's eyes appear to be of stone, and their features become stony as well, with great craggy cracks across their features, almost as if a natural rock-face had eroded into features similar to their own.
2-3 Minor Flaw: While this spell is active, the caster's vision is entirely in black and white.
4-5 Minor Side Effect: The caster's hands become slightly magnetic, with each hand repelling the other.
6 Minor Benefit: While the spell is active, the caster's body has a mild repelling force, that lowers their encumbrance load by 1.
7 Major Flaw: The weakness-detecting vision is overwhelming, showing not only the greatest weak-points in inanimate objects, but every potential weak point. This over-load of information requires a few moments of focus and an Intelligence + Concentration roll against an ease factor of 9 to find the useful information. To filter this information without spending an entire round focusing requires an ease factor of 15 or more.
8 Major Side Effect:
9 Major Benefit: While this spell is active, the ground beneath the caster's feet always becomes even and clear of debris, allowing rough terrain to be traversed easily.
10 Fatal Flaw: This spell, instead of augmenting vision, overwhelms the caster's vision. They can only see the weakpoints, making them effectively blinded to everything else, including the bulk of sturctures and objects, as well as all living things.