30 days of Mystery and virtue-dependent spells for November

Day One: Bjornaer Sensory Magic

Skin of the salamander
Perdo Ignem 15
R: Per, D: Diam, R: Texture
The caster’s skin feeds from heat, much like a salamander. Contact with the caster instantly extinguishes individual fires up to the size of a campfire, as well as inflict a Fatigue level on anyone touching the caster. This spell is usually combined with some form of fire protection, if used to proactively extinguish fires, as it doesn’t protect from damage per se.
(Base 4, +1 Diam, +1 Texture, +1 additional effect)

Creo Mentem 20
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Scent
This spell was designed by a lecherous Bjornaer with a deer heartbeast. Anyone smelling the caster feels unnatural desire rising in him towards the caster, if sexually compatible. The target is likely to act on his desires inappropriately, but may roll with an appropriate personality trait vs DC 9+ to resist.
(Base 4, +2 Sun, +2 Scent)