30 days of Mystery and virtue-dependent spells for November

Day two: Magic of House Merinita

Tunnel of the Mystical Source
Rego Vim 50
R: Arc, D: Aura, T: Ind (ritual)
This Faerie Magic ritual known by a few Merinita Vim experts uses an arcane connection (typically fixed) to a vis source to perpetually move the vis produced by the source into an adjacent stock of items, since Auras rarely fade from reliable vis sources. This enchantment is designed to stock only one pawn into each item of a given type, which is keyed when the ritual is cast. Whenever a new pawn of vis appears at the source, it is drained and stocked into a different item. If new items aren’t added over time, the ritual may stop transferring vis pawns due to lack of targets to move the vis into. A previous version of this ritual used the Until duration instead. It has mostly been phased out due to its unreliability, but may still be used by reclusive magi who aren’t concerned with the risks of Twilight. A variations on this spell using a different target may be needed for a vis sources which manifests at random within a given area, rather than at a specific point which is easily fixed.

(Base 10, +4 Arc, +4 Aura)

The familiar hostage
Muto Animal 50
R: Arc, D: Until, T: Ind (ritual)

This ritual transforms any animal the caster has an arcane connection to, which cannot be larger than size +4, into a size -7 rat, until a given condition is met. The original author of this spell created this spell as a bargaining chip against other magi, by threatening their familiars. When faced with a wizard’s war declaration, he turned his enemy’s familiar into a rat, setting the condition until such a time as the familiar’s master formally renounces his wizard war declaration against him. Unfortunately, his enemy slew him instead, which cause the spell to expire prematurely. This spell is very rarely learned nowadays, and instead serves as a teaching lesson to apprentices of the House on how not to use this mystery duration.

(Base 5, +4 Arc, +4 Until, +1 size)

Gathering Powerful Servants
Creo Mentem 45
R: Arc, D: Might, T: Ind (ritual)

Grants the target a Loyal +4 Personality Trait towards the caster. While it could be used by a caster who has Might, most Merinita learning this rituals do so to attract intelligent beings with Magical or Faerie Might to their service. Most never leave the caster’s side, since there are few ways to lose their Might unless they enter another Realm of existence, with the beneficial side effect of helping most Magical creatures easily maintain their Might outside of an aura due to being the target of a constant effect. If used on a mundane by a Merinita who has underwent the Becoming mystery on a mundane, the obvious risk of this spell is warping over time.

(Base 4, +4 Arc, +4 Might)