30 days of Mystery and virtue-dependent spells for November

Day three: Neo-mercurian Performance Magic

Wielding the spears of Mars
Rego Herbam 20
R: Voice D: Performance T: Group

This neo-mercurian spell is traditionally used by Flamen (Priests) dedicated Mars. This rite is both a religious rite and used in some tribunal that still employ flamens as an hermetic rite (which some in the Order will undoutedly consider outdated). But it can also be a deadly tool. The Performance aspect of the spell requires the caster to succeed at a Presence + Neo-mercurian Magic Lore skill check versus an Ease Factor of 3, and can include different ceremonial elements such as ritualistic prayers, fiery sermons or even ritual sacrifice.

During the performance, the Flamen animates a group of spears with some manner of control. These are typically waved about in a very martial manner, and are mostly decorative unless the caster ends his performance. At the conclusion of the spell, the Flamen may choose to throw the spears towards one or more enemies, or to simply let them fall down.

If he launches the javelins, resolve that as a Finesse attack. The Flamen gets a single attack at +14 bonus to hit (+2 from javelin, +12 from group) if he chooses a single target. Alternatively, the caster can decide to spread his javelins against different targets, which number no more than ten. In such a case, split the bonus among the different targets, but apply a penalty of -1 per distinct target. Damage equals to 5 + Attack Advantage unless special javelins are used.

Traditional tribunals incorporating Flamen ceremonies where this spell might be used could include the following:

  • If a Flamen of Mars is opening the Tribunal, he might lead a ceremony such as the Suovetaurilia. Typically, only one spear is used in such a ceremony, and it is traditionally wreathed with laurel or other vegetation as a symbol of peace during the rite. Note that since the Performance magic virtue is about officiating as a priest in a public ceremony where omens are read during a prayer, the flamen should be able to use his divination & augury virtue, if applicable, during the rite without disrupting the spell. The spear is not normally thrown at the conclusion of this rite as it would make no sense to call on Mars to be gracious and to bless the land the tribunal is held on, and follow the rite with a martial gesture like throwing the javelin;
  • Another rite where this spell could be used is something similar to the Equus October which could make sense at the successful conclusion of a Wizard's March. Note that the declaration of a March is unlikely to be presided by a Flamen of Mars, as in the roman tradition, this would normally be done by a Flamen of Jupiter who might however learn this spell to ritually throw the javelin like a fetial;
  • Finally, a Flamen of Mars is a very likely person to volunteer as a hoplite in a March. Invoking prayers to his patron while marching could qualify as a religious performance.

Whether this spell is used at all in Tribunal ceremonies is likely to vary wildly from Tribunal to Tribunal, depending on the importance given to traditional Mercurian rites and whether there are Flamen devoted to Mars in residence.

(Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Performance, +2 Group)