30 days of Mystery and virtue-dependent spells for November

Day six: Magic of the Fraternity of Samos

Although worldly renounciation is an important part of the Mystery Cult, it is not expected of new initiates, just of the Inner Order, who has already underwent several initiations. It shouldn't be a surprise, thereof, that a Mystery Cult so popular with House Jerbiton should have a few spells dealing with one of House Jerbiton's interests - influencing mundane society, preferably without being caught. Line magic is particularly good at that, since it doesn't require the preparation of getting an arcane connection, yet enables the caster to be nowhere near the spell which cannot be a crime in many tribunals if no one suspects the Order of being involved. It also takes full advantage of House Jerbiton's familiarity with Lacunae. In does require some additional leg work, if only to ensure the caster can somehow sense his target.

Let the Night Guard Fall to Sleep
Rego Mentem 20
R: Line, D: Mom, T: Ind

A target within Line range becomes sleepy and falls asleep within seconds.

(Base 4, +3 Line)

Spontaneous Riot
Creo Mentem 35
R: Line; D: Sun, T: Group

Makes the target group furious at someone or something of the caster's choice. A stress roll of 9+ using an appropriate Personality Trait (like Calm) can hold the anger in check, but it is felt strongly regardless of the roll.

(Base 4, +3 Line, +2 Sun, +2 Group)

Mastering an Animal at distance
Rego Animal 40
R: Line, D: Conc, T: Ind

The caster can make an animal perform any act it is capable of, and new commands can be issued so long as the animal remains within reach of this spell and he concentrates. It is difficult to maintain control of particularly stubborn or fierce animals, such as mules or boars — creatures with appropriate Personality Traits may roll against an Ease Factor of 12+ each round. This spell may be used to make animals attack the caster's enemies, provide a needed distraction, damage chariots and goods, and so on.

(Base 15, +3 Line, +1 Conc, +1 size)

The Unseen Grasp of the Crushed Heart
Perdo Corpus 45
R: Line, D: Conc, T: Ind

After casting this spell, the victim doubles over and dies at once.

(Base 30, +3 Line)

Construction hazard
Perdo Herbam 25
R: Line, D: Mom, T: Part
Req: Rego

A beam of wood, such as those supporting many roofs, breaks and falls down in a direction designated by the caster. With a successful aiming roll, the caster can make it fall on a living creature. Damage is up to +12, and the victim or victims may also be pinned by the beam’s weight. When used as a form of attack, this spell bypasses Magic Resistance. At the gamemaster's discretion, this may render the structure structurally unsound, although a collapse may or may not be immediate. A collapse inflicts +10 damage to anyone inside.

(Base 4, +3 Line, +1 part, +1 rego requisite)