Case #1 – Exageratus vs. Ridiculatus
Theft of Pie – Deprivation
Summary: Exageratus accuses Ridiculatus of stealing his pie, depriving him of his magical power.
Exageratus and Ridiculatus are both magi from the covenant of Hipoteticus. Exageratus reports that he left a pie on the table (the pie had ben baked for him) and left to deal with urgent matters. Upon returning, he discovered the pie eaten. The cook told him that even after being warned the pie had been baked for Exageratus, Ridiculatus went and ate it all the same. The theft and consumption of the pie left Exageratus on a profound state of depression, which interfered with his magical research (he claims he lost seasons of work due to that). Therefore he wants Ridiculatus marched, on grounds of deprivation.
Ridiculatus does not deny eating the pie. On contrary, he admits and even brags about it. He says that after it leaves the baker’s hands the pie has no owner. It’s as free as any naturally grown wild-pie (the presiding quaesitor clarifies to the Tribunal that the covenant of Hipoteticus has a magical pie-tree, which grows delicious pies of many flavors). If Exageratus wanted the pie he should have eaten it earlier, or taken it to his sanctum. The fact that he did neither means that the pie was up for grabbing, and therefore the charges of deprivation are ridiculous.
Since neither side will settle, the Tribunal needs to vote. The presiding quaesitor clarifies that this is hardly reason for marching (eating someone's pie is not a high crime, and there is hardly enough evidence to support a claim of deprivation), but that if found guilty Ridiculatus will be fined. He also advises all magi to solve similar cases on the confines of their covenants in the future and mentions that the Tribunal will impose a fine upon Exageratus to disincourage other magi from bringing up petty cases.
(The exact values of both fines are left for the SG to adjudicate.)
- In favor of Exageratus: the pie was his and Ridiculatus is a thief who deserves to die!!!
- In favor of Ridiculatus: first come, first serve.
- Neutral: I do not feel like siding with any of these two fools right now (or, I would vote in favor of whomever offered me a slice of the pie).
Note: if this case seems too petty for you, remember that magi are human, and humans are petty.