3D map of the realm - Invested item - feedback request

The Living Map of the Land
The Living Map of the land is a large (Small room item with arcane connection slots fitted. The item uses Intelligo magics to picture the landscape within a boundary environment and procedes to create a volume of sand and perform rego and muto magics to create a scale model of the environs as detected.

The Kings Eye
InTe 50+Uses and/or triggers
Base 4 (See object and Surroundings)
Boundary +4
Duration Sun +2
(Possibly ArcCon+4)

  • x For uses

Pour the Sand of Seeming:
CreTe 5 + Uses
Base 1
Target Group +1
Uses x
Duration Sun + 2
Range Touch +1

The Modellers Hand
ReTe 20+Uses and Duration
Control earth in V unnatural fashion - This spell is designed to lift, mold and hold the sand into the forms of the land and surroundings as identified by the Kings Eye (above)
Base 3
Group +2
Range Touch +1
Fancy Effect +1

The Modellers True Materials
MuTe 30 + Uses
Base 2 (+2 for metals and gems)
Part +1
Duration Sun +2
Uses x
Range Touch +1
Fancy Effect +1

Breath of the Living Land
MuTe(He) 30 + Uses
Base 4 plus Requisites Herbam - This is designed to turn the small, sand facsimiles of trees created by the Modellers hand into wood
Part +1
Duration Sun
Uses x
Range Touch +1
Fancy Effect +1

Flow of the Living Land
MuTe(Aq/Re) 30 + Uses
Base 4 plus Requisites Aquam - This is designed to turn the small, facsimiles of any lakes, ponds or rivers created by the modellers hand into water
Part +1
Duration Sun
Uses x
Range Touch +1
Fancy Effect +1

A Boundary Target requires a ritual and can't be enchanted into a standard invested item?

Thanks Jason,
That's the first and most obvious bit of feedback I needed (You can tell I haven't played Ars in years).

What about Target Part with +4 size mod?

Although, if you sought a mystery cult that did maps, possibly based on the great silver map of the world made for the king of Sicily by Ibn Battuta, sadly now lost, you might find a way around that.

Making a mystery cult has always felt like the easiest and cleanest way to bend the edges of Hermetic Theory to do something slightly beyond reach.