3rd Edition Errata?

Ars Magica 3rd edition, if the five copies on the table did not give you the hint. As I mentioned in the autumn the Criamon template characteristics the rulebook has a spell that not appear in the same rulebook (any edition). Today we found the Bjornaer does even worse having Tongue of the Beast, Tongue of the Bird and Tongue of the Fish all missing. What is more we then discovered that some copies of the rules have then as InAn20 and some as InAn15. These are the White Wolf not Wizards editions, but we have three different printings.

Did anyone ever produce an errata for Ars Magica 3rd edition???


Since 3e is from before the Internet became popular, I kind of doubt anyone bothered to put together an official errata list, since there would have been no easy way of distributing it.

If different printings have differences, then I would guess the newest of them is the most up-to-date, with some discovered errors having been corrected.

Maybe the archives of the old Berkeley Ars mailing list, That’s a big maybe.

Do those archives even still exist?

I was able to get into the archives for many years after they stopped being used, but I have not been able to get into them successfully for many years now. I received email on the Berklist from at least the middle of 2016, though. So the list was running for a long time after it ceased being used much. I'm not sure what that says about the archives.

Would it be interesting to try to (at least partially) reconstruct the archives of the old Berkeley list?
I have found at least one other request on Ars Magica | Does anyone know how to find the archives (1995-2000) of the ars magica Berkeley mailing list | Facebook

Myself, I have kept 64 e-mails from April 95 to August 96, which at the moment I found interesting enough to keep in my mailbox. I can share them, I also can host them on a dedicated web site or on Project:Redcap.

As a few readers have already liked this message, I have put these e-mails in raw mbox format at http://ptitboul.free.fr/berk-archives, until there is some decision on where we coudl try to reconstruct the archives.