A delicate matter (fall 1220)

the spell succeeds, leaving her image behind in the...

Tomas is happy to make a body as well. I am having trouble following where such a body would add value.

rolled a 0, no botch
improvised magic, level 52, expending 1 long term fatigue gives a total of 26
base 5, range touch, target individual, duration:sun(expandable with good roll)
if you wish you can create a body with duration moon. If you want it to look like Tamya it will require a per+finesse roll.

Do throw in the finesse please base 3 (per +1, finesse 2)

When Antonius is done casting, somewhat exhausted by the extensive ceremonial casting, he walk to the coffin, where the conjured body is laying.
"There, her image will appear in the confessionnal. This should suffice, although this body does not bear the wounds that Tamya suffered. It will have to do; inflincting the same type of wounds on this body doesn't feel right, not in this sacred place.

Let's head back to Tarxien before the word of Tamya's transformation travels even further away and draws a larger crowd."

"Weird, but not that weird, I'll be right behind you.", Tayma says looking at herselves. She'll then exit the Church when the others do.

Well... it kinda looks like her, if you don't really look at the face, and the hair is off a little bit...maybe a veil? You can't be sure about a lot of it, I mean its not like you took a good measurement of her bosom or anything... (rolled a 2)

"Don't forget the illusion!" After the trio leaves, Ismael will turn to Father Ratzinger. "Would it be an imposition to request an evening of teachings on your New Testament writings? While I am familiar with them, I suspect my perspective is somewhat different from your studies."

"Of course, I am always happy to lend instruction to one of the faithful, and doubly happy to lend instruction to the less than faithful."

The group makes its way through the streets of Mdina, where the funeral procession begins behind them. After the first few people clamor for a glance the priest insists on a closed casket for respect. Tamya has to stay close by the group, clinging to someones side to avoid the crowds and wagons which cannot see here, but you are halfway back to the covenant when the sun sets...

5 xp
Tomas: 1
Antonius: 2
Tamya: 1

Tomas will take 4 in Corpus (becomes 6) and 1 in etiquette from watching the interactions.

edited note: If Tomas does not end up doing a lot more, he will likely study instead of using this xp.

Ismael will wait until the end of the season to allocate Xp.

When he returns to the covenant, he will quietly start offering a Friday Ju'mah for those followers of Islam in the covenant. Before leaving, he would also ask Father Ratzinger if he can recommend a priest to offer christian services to the covenfolk.

There are not many priests in Malta right now, but he would be happy to have them at his services, he can even have a special service for the covenfolk if there are enough who would wish to come.

"I will pass that on to the infidels of Domus Aureaus. In the meantime, I would like to offer you the same hospitality you have graciously bestowed upon me. When you have time, please visit me and we can discuss theology again. Did you know that muslims have different teachings about Jesus' last days? For example, we have records that show a man names Symon of Cyrene was placed upon the cross that Jesus purportedly died upon.

Again, thank you, and I hope to see you soon."

"I have heard of such blasphemy in some Christian sects, I did not know that Muslims concerned themselves with such claims."

"It's a rather pretty theology. After all, muslims cannot revere him as a prophet if your new testament is accurate, therefore he had to have a different story. In all, Jesus has, I believe 93 suras in the Qu'ran. I hope I do not offend, I am approaching this from a purely academic viewpoint and am interested in how the christian teachings differ."

"Perhaps it would be best to discuss by letter, where passions are, if inflamed, able to be recovered from before responding."

Ismael now has a correspondence for theology which may apply to either Christianity or Islam. (any season where he gains experience in one of these he gains +1 experience)

Tayma has low-self esteem and can't get confidence points. I think I'll save the experience for assigning until the end of the season.