Acutus Ilfetwis of Bjornaer (development)

Adding to the idea that the additional human form is akin to the great beast form, the final shape he discovers is a greater personification of his normal human form. A better self?
All the shapes still need to relate to his essential nature.
However is performed mechanically; I really like this idea.


I just had a thought.

(Wo)Man was made in the image of god, wasn't (s)he?

So a inner human might require you to both find that link to god within yourself (not unlike true faith, but different), and to become more akin to an angel.
=> Studying saints, speaking with them, spending time praying cloistered in a monastery, but also trying to live saintly might all yield Insight.

For such a mage, final twilight, instead of becoming a great beast, might mean becoming an angel or ascending to heaven.

Eh, that might be true, but as a non-Christian, Acutus wouldn't think that way. To his manner of thinking, which I think follows the standard thoughts of the Order, the Magic Realm is essentially the realm of perfect beings (Ie. Plato's perfect forms). Thus, the ultimate goal is to become a "human of virtue" just as the ultimate goal of the inner heartbeast mystery is to become a "beast of virtue"; or at least as close as possible.

Acutus's actual goal is one more mystery script after this one. That mystery would lead to his transformation into a magic being; but one whose essential nature is both human and shark. Thus he would possess all traits of both, and be able to freely take either form. That would be his Final Twilight.

So, let me see if I understand you right.

Human => Inner human \ => Sharkman ? HeartB => Inner HeartB /

To me, this evokes thoughts of the giants and monsters of old, agregates of man and beast

Not exactly. He will be both a human and a shark, not a human-shark. So not a chimera. He will have the ability to shift freely between being a shark or a human. Much like how it is now. I don't think I articulated it well before.

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Jewish and Islamic Thelogy also include Adam and say he was made in Gods image. Genies and Angels were also created in his image. So obviously, the human image is but a shadow of true form.
And citing that phrase makes me think of Plato, and Greek heroes, and etc.
All things were created by God, even things not holy. And I see magic as simple factual hyper-reality. So magic and tales of heres sounds right to me.
But otherwise, I am staying out of it. Whatever you guys decide I shall trust in.