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Well, that demon would be Satan himself, and what's the point of lording over Hell if you don't have minions?

I don't generally take as picky an attitude toward True Faith as that, in part because it's not really supported by the material to the extent that you say it is. Saints generally don't act so all-encompassingly pious - even Francis of Assisi doesn't, and he really is faithful to the point of nuts (though part of that is more the fact that Francis is excessively spiritual and, despite having Divine Unity, acts really Gloomed-out a lot of the time).

Still, it was very funny when my True Faith Holy Maga was accused of avarice because of her shabby dress and Spartan lifestyle (because most of her stipend went to the poor), and of course when an overly-zealous Quaesitor bitched her out for constantly stopping to alleviate the diseases of peasants, not to mention her poor consors having to make sure she at least ate a meal a day. But she wasn't a complete idiot; she knew that she should save fatiguing healing rituals for special cases, when a 40-day Recovery bonus works just as well for most problems and can be mass-produced, and likewise she could be convinced to not actively court martyrdom at the hands of the Quaesitores. (Of course, the troupe and I knew that she was still headed on a collision course with destiny, because Compassion as a Major Flaw is supposed to screw the character over, and at some point she'd have to decide between God's demands and the Order's.)