Alternate Tribunals and borders

Is there that much of a group structure? My impression is that the Coill Tri largely exist as an organisation for magi to make treaties with rather than a close knit group. In addition, the Gifted children who were given to it will have been small children, and not full blown members of it (if they were members at all). You may have circumstances where a child has fond memories of one particular (probably un/gently gifted) member of the Coill Tri, and this may have caused the occasional problem, but I'm not sure it would have been a huge thing.

My point was that the willingness is probably only present in a very few exceptional cases. Treason is a big deal, and probably an even bigger one in the medieval mindset.

treason and oath breaking are not inherently the same thing- treason implies not just the betrayal of an oath but of fealty- and if the fealty that an apprentice feels is to a family tradition rather than the order which trained it then betraying their oath may be required by that loyalty.

That may be so, but an Oath is a big deal too, and may be refused if it conflicts with your sense of fealty.

Consider if you will the prevalence of mistresses, each of whom represents a betrayal of an oath of fidelity. I believe your assumption on the value of oaths is somewhat greater than the actual situation in Medieval/Mythic Europe, given that a bastard was considered an asset and a recognized position within the nobility.

Possible. It is also possible that this Oath of Fidelity was (seen as) primarily about economic fidelity, and not at all about sexual fidelity.

The fact is that how people thought about oaths, fidelity, and honor is a fairly complex issue, and even varied between different medieval cultures, different places and different times. Loyalty to blood however was a constant, but in general people swore oaths as frequently and with the same range of sincerity as they do today.

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The Returned Kinsman with Parma Magica is likely to understand that teaching it to his kin would result in his death and theirs. So, if he does teach it, it is likely to be a clan secret to the point of a major flaw.

yes, until it becomes widespread enough that it isn't.

I'm imagining some group of young magi on macgnimartha who come across hedge magicians who have parma and feel they need to kill the youngsters to protect their secret...

I'm imagining magi of the Order discovering a clan with Parma Magica and committing an atrocity and leaving clues of plague, piracy, or some other cover.

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exactly why the clan would murder any mages who kknew their secret before they could report it to the order.