Amphora ex Tremere

Name: Amphora ex Tremere (newly-Gauntleted maga)

Birth name: Ianthe

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +0, Str +1, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Dex +2, Qui +0

Size: 0

Age: 22 Height: 5’7” Weight: 127 lb Gender: Female

Decrepitude: 0 (0)

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

The Gift (free)
Hermetic Magus (free)
Minor Magical Focus: Certamen (free)
Affinity with Creo (minor)
Affinity with Mentem (minor)
Improved Characteristics (minor)
Mastered Spells (minor)
Quiet Magic x2 (minor)
Skilled Parens (minor)
Subtle Magic (minor)
Tough (minor)
Warrior (minor)

Ambitious (major)
Busybody (minor)
Close Family Ties (minor)
Deficient Terram (minor)
Greater Malediction: Mute (major)
Visions (minor)

Personality Traits: +3 Brave, +2 Patient, +1 Amorous

Fist: Init 0, Attack 3, Defence 1, Damage 1
Kick: Init -1, Attack 3, Defence 0, Damage 4
Dagger: Init 0, Attack 6, Defence 2, Damage 4
Short sword: Init 1, Attack 10, Defence 6, Damage 6
Short sword w/ buckler: Init 1, Attack 10, Defence 7, Damage 6

Soak: +5

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Artes Liberales (geometry) 2
Athletics (hiking) 2
Awareness (alertness) 1
Brawl (dagger) 1
Charm (the opposite sex) 2
Code of Hermes (political intrigue) 1
Epirus Lore (geography) 2
Finesse (Aquam) 1
Folk Ken (grogs) 1
Greek (flirting) 5
Hermes Lore (politics) 1
Latin (correspondence) 4
Magic Theory (Mentem) 3
Parma Magica (Mentem) 1
Penetration (Aquam) 1
Profession: Soldier (signaling) 1
Single Weapon (short sword) 4
Stealth (mountains) 1
Survival (mountains) 3
Swim (diving) 1

Equipment: Soldier's cloak, dagger, short sword, buckler, wineskin, leather case for signal flags

Cr: 10, In: 0, Mu: 0, Pe: 0, Re: 7, An: 0, Aq: 7, Au: 0, Co: 4, He: 0, Ig: 0, Im: 4, Me: 10, Te: 0, Vi: 0

Spells known:
Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 20) CT: 20 [Mastery: Multicast]
Exactly to Scale (ReAq 10) CT: 18 [Mastery: Precise Casting x2]
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) CT: 16
Gift of the Frog’s Legs (ReCo 15) CT: 13
Hoist the Spectral Lanterns Aloft (CrIm 10) CT: 16
Phantasm of the Talking Head (CrIm 10) CT: 17 [Mastery: Multicast]
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) CT: 7 [Mastery: Magic Resistance]
Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Look at Me (CrMe 15) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10) CT: 13 [Mastery: Magic Resistance]
Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) CT: 20 [Mastery: Multicast]
Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 20) CT: 19

This is Amphora just after her Gauntlet seven years ago. I think most of this will stand even after I look over TSE, though her Latin score might be adjusted or removed.

Switched her Intellego score over to Imagonem to give her a better casting total for Phantasm of the Talking Head to give her a better CT on it since she uses it for communication purposes, per a suggestion by ladyphoenix.

Detailed XP Breakdown

Ianthe's Childhood

Years 1-5
Athletics 1 (5)
Awareness 1 (5)
Greek 5
Epirus Lore 2 (15)
Stealth 1 (5)
Survival 2 (15)

Year 6
Charm 2 (15)

Year 7
Athletics 2 (10)
Swim 1 (5)

Ianthe's Apprenticeship

Years 8-22

Artes Liberales 2 (15)
Brawl 1 (5)
Code of Hermes 1 (5)
Finese 1 (5)
Folk Ken 1 (5)
Hermes Lore 1 (5)
Latin 4 (50)
Magic Theory 3 (30)
Parma Magica 1 (5)
Penetration 1 (5)
Profession: Soldier 1 (5)
Single Weapon 4 (50 from Warrior virtue)
Survival 3 (15)

Creo 10 (37)
Rego 7 (28)
Aquam 7 (28)
Corpus 4 (10)
Imaginem 4 (10)
Mentem 10 (37)

Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 20) [Mastered]
Exactly to Scale (ReAq 10) [Mastered]
Bind Wound (CrCo 10)
Gift of the Frog’s Legs (ReCo 15)
Hoist the Spectral Lanterns Aloft (CrIm 10)
Phantasm of the Talking Head (CrIm 10) [Mastered]
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) [Mastered]
Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10) [Mastered]
Look at Me (CrMe 15) [Mastered]
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10) [Mastered]
Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) [Mastered]
Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 20)

Amphora after Gauntlet

Year 23
Spring: Rego 10xp
Summer: Theban Lore 5xp
Fall: Rego 10xp
Winter: Rego 10xp

Year 24
Spring: Aquam 10xp
Summer: Profession (Soldier) 5xp
Fall: Aquam 10xp
Winter: Aquam 10xp

Year 25
Spring: Penetration 10xp
Summer: Folk Ken 5xp
Fall: Penetration 10xp
Winter: Penetration 10xp

Year 26
Spring: Magic Theory 10xp
Summer: Profession (Soldier) 5xp
Fall: Magic Theory 10xp
Winter: Magic Theory 10xp

Year 27
Spring: Parma Magica 10xp
Summer: Craft (Leatherworking) 5xp
Fall: Parma Magica 10xp
Winter: Parma Magica 10xp

Year 28
Spring: Magic Theory 10xp
Summer: Folk Ken 5xp
Fall: Magic Theory 10xp
Winter: Invent New Spell: Arrow of the Moon-Maiden (CrAq 15)

Year 29
Spring: Finesse 10xp
Summer: Theban Lore 5xp
Fall: Spell Mastery (Arrow of the Moon-Maiden, Penetration) 10xp
Winter: Spell Mastery (Arrow of the Moon-Maiden, Multicast) 10xp

Name: Amphora ex Tremere (seven years after Gauntlet)

Birth name: Ianthe

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +0, Str +1, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Dex +2, Qui +0

Size: 0

Age: 29 Height: 5’7” Weight: 127 lb Gender: Female

Decrepitude: 0 (0)

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

The Gift (free)
Hermetic Magus (free)
Minor Magical Focus: Certamen (free)
Affinity with Creo (minor)
Affinity with Mentem (minor)
Improved Characteristics (minor)
Mastered Spells (minor)
Quiet Magic x2 (minor)
Skilled Parens (minor)
Subtle Magic (minor)
Tough (minor)
Warrior (minor)

Ambitious (major)
Busybody (minor)
Close Family Ties (minor)
Deficient Terram (minor)
Greater Malediction: Mute (major)
Visions (minor)

Personality Traits: +3 Brave, +2 Patient, +1 Amorous

Fist: Init 0, Attack 3, Defence 1, Damage 1
Kick: Init -1, Attack 3, Defence 0, Damage 4
Dagger: Init 0, Attack 6, Defence 2, Damage 4
Short sword: Init 1, Attack 10, Defence 6, Damage 6
Short sword w/ buckler: Init 1, Attack 10, Defence 7, Damage 6

Soak: +7

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Artes Liberales (geometry) 2
Athletics (hiking) 2
Awareness (alertness) 1
Brawl (dagger) 1
Charm (the opposite sex) 2
Code of Hermes (political intrigue) 1
Craft: Leatherworking (repairs) 1
Epirus Lore (geography) 2
Finesse (Aquam) 2
Folk Ken (grogs) 2
Greek (flirting) 5
Hermes Lore (politics) 1
Latin (correspondence) 4
Magic Theory (Mentem) 5
Parma Magica (Mentem) 3
Penetration (Aquam) 3
Profession: Soldier (signaling) 2
Single Weapon (short sword) 4
Stealth (mountains) 1
Survival (mountains) 3
Swim (diving) 1
Theban Tribunal Lore (roads) 2

Equipment: Soldier's cloak, dagger, short sword, buckler, heavy leather hauberk, steel helmet, wineskin, leather case (holds signal flags, leather scraps, leatherworking kit, writing materials and trail rations)

Cr: 10, In: 0, Mu: 0, Pe: 0, Re: 10, An: 0, Aq: 10, Au: 0, Co: 4, He: 0, Ig: 0, Im: 4, Me: 10, Te: 0, Vi: 0

Spells known:
Arrow of the Moon-Maiden (CrAq 15) CT: 24 [Mastery: Multicast, Penetration]
Mighty Torrent of Water (CrAq 20) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Exactly to Scale (ReAq 10) CT: 24 [Mastery: Precise Casting x2]
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) CT: 16
Gift of the Frog’s Legs (ReCo 15) CT: 16
Hoist the Spectral Lanterns Aloft (CrIm 10) CT: 16
Phantasm of the Talking Head (CrIm 10) CT: 17 [Mastery: Multicast]
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) CT: 7 [Mastery: Magic Resistance]
Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Look at Me (CrMe 15) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10) CT: 13 [Mastery: Magic Resistance]
Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) CT: 23 [Mastery: Multicast]
Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 20) CT: 22

For one still so young, Amphora filia Boustaphanis is already a skilled campaigner, one of the elite Tremere signalers trusted with aiding communications in the field as well as occasionally befuddling her House's enemies. Her dress is quite unconventional for a young woman of her time, as she wears kit and garb similar to a warrrior of antiquity in its style and design, including hobnailed sandals and a long red cloak that doubles as a sleeping blanket. Seeing as she cannot talk without aid of magic, she has learned the value of listening, and finds that many find it easy and natural to confide in her. She loves the rough and tumble life of a soldier and being of value to her parens and House, and desires to rise up through the ranks to a position of command someday, maybe even Prima. When not fulfilling her House duties or working on her Arts, she enjoys exploring the wilderness, preferably in the company of attractive male grogs who also know the value of silence.

Born Ianthe, Amphora's family are camp followers, mainly launders, muleskinners and sutlers in the service of the Byzantine legions in its many clashes with the Bulgars at the northern edge of the empire. Her father was a soldier, now dead and his name forgotten, her mother a young laundress named Larissa. During her pregnancy, she made the mistake of using water from a faerie well to wash the blood out of a soldier's tunic; an angry nymph, her body stained with blood, rose out of the well to accost her. Larissa begged forgiveness, claiming ignorance and asking how she could make amends; with a cruel smile, the nymph stated that it sounded like the mother-to-be merely needed guidance, and that she would one day find the daughter she was carrying would offer sage council to any who would listen to her. At first, Larissa felt she was extremely lucky to have been given a boon by the nymph, but when her girl-child finally arrived, she eventually discovered the truth: Ianthe was born with the gift of prophecy but without the words to tell others what she saw (in game terms, Visions and Greater Malediction [mute]). Seeing herself as being the cause of her daughter's misfortunes, her mother has always been loving to her despite her Gift, and the two are still close, as indeed she is with her many cousins, aunts and uncles. Ianthe's master Boustaphan found the girl and noted her affinity with Mentem magics (somehow her mother always knew if her young daughter was in trouble), and she learned several spells to help her communicate, though Ianthe herself excels at pantomime and is an elegant writer. As a Tremere, her four primary arts are Creo, Rego, Aquam and Mentem, though she also has some skill in both Intellego and Corpus. Now named Amphora (after the Roman clay urns used to store water), the young maga is an exceptional messenger, duellist and warrior, having served with her parens and fellow filli on several Marches over the years.