Andre the thief

Current version
Age: 24

Int 0 Per 1
Pre 0 Com 0
Str -1 Sta 0
Dex 3 Quick 1

Virtues:light touch(minor +1), perfect balance(minor +1), forgetable face(minor +1)

Flaws:avarice(minor -1), branded criminal(minor -1), fish out of water- city & tpwn(minor -1)

Abilities:Romaic Greek 5, Guile(lying under pressure) 3, area lore: Thessalonika) 4, legardemain(picking locks) 5, stealth(slipping away) 5, athletics(roof running) 3, brawl(dirty tricks) 3,
carouse(bon vivante) 1, charm(seduction) 1, folk ken(marks) 2, bargain(fences) 2

Start of game:
Age: 24

Int 0 Per 1
Pre 0 Com 0
Str -1 Sta 0
Dex 3 Quick 1

Virtues:light touch(minor +1), perfect balance(minor +1), forgetable face(minor +1)

Flaws:avarice(minor -1), branded criminal(minor -1), fish out of water- city & tpwn(minor -1)

Abilities:Romaic Greek 5, Guile(lying under pressure) 3, area lore: Thessalonika) 4, legardemain(picking locks) 5, stealth(slipping away) 5, athletics(roof running) 3, brawl(dirty tricks) 3,
carouse(bon vivante) 1, charm(seduction) 1, folk ken(marks) 2, bargain(fences) 2

Andre is a minor thief who stumbled upon the covenant regio and has been using it as a dodge for his heists, while making sure he is in good standing with the covenant, keeping them well supplied with information and helping out if they need some item retrieved, or need him along on some caper. He is self supporting, rather than being in the pay of the covenant.

If he's keeping the covenant supplied with information, shouldn't he have Intrigue as an ability?

not necessarily. People can sell information without knowing how it fits together- he simply reports back rumors or delivers intercepted messages (and probably replaces them after they have been copied). He is fundamentally a thief with an ear to the ground, not a spy.