Hello everyone,
For the mage I might play in the future, I was thinking about a Venatores Bonisagus (A Hunter of Demons, see RoP: Infernal p.120). The character is not quite yet completed, but here is a good overview.
Edit : Updated the character sheet. Still a few flaws missing, otherwise I think everything should be ok. If there is anything you dont like silveroak, please comment.
Edit 2: See post below for character at gauntlet
puissant magic theory (free)
affinity with magic theory
student of the infernal
skilled parens
puissant penetration
puissant vim
affinity with vim
puissant rego
affinity with rego
minor magical focus (wards)
diabolist past (major, story)
infamous master: Venatores(minor, hermetic)
warped magic (minor, hermetic)
compassionate (personality, minor)
Early Childhood (0-5) (45 xp)
Athlethic(running) 1 5
Awareness(Alertness) 1 5
Brawl(dodging) 1 5
Folk ken(twonsfolk) 1 5
Guile(lying to authority) 1 5
Living Language() 5 Free
Stealth(hiding) 1 5
Swimming(long distances) 1 5
Total: 35
Later Life (5-6) (30 xp)
Infernal Lore(demons) 1 5
Intrigue(rumormongering) 1 5
Etiquette(the Church) 1 5
Total: 15
Apprenticeship (6-21) (240 xp)
Artes Liberales(ceremonial magic) 1 5
Code of Hermes(Wizard's marches) 1 5
Concentration (spell concentration) 1 6
Finesse(precision) 1 5
Latin(Hermetic usage) 1 5
Magic Theory(vim) 7 100(150)
Order of Hermes Lore(Venatores) 1 5
Parma Magica (mentem) 1 5
Total: 135
Vim 12 52(78)
Rego 12 52(78)
Total: 105
Baccalaureus (90 xp)
Artes Liberales (ceremonial magic) 4 45
Latin (hermetic usage) 4 45
Total: 90
Skilled parens (60 xp)
Infernal Lore(demons) 2 10 15
Intellego 5 15
Penetration 3 35
Total: 60
MuAn10 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (Base 4,+1 Touch, +1 Conc, Ind)
ReTe(He)25 Ward Against the Weapons of Men (Base 5, Per, +1 Conc, Ind, +2 Metal,+1 Herbam Requisite)
ReAu 25 Ward Against the Storm's Fury (Base 10, Per, +1 Conc, Ind, +2 for up to +15 soak)
ReIg 25 Ward Against Heat and Flames (Base 4, Touch, +1 Conc, Ind, +3 for up to +20 soak)
ReCo 20 Swift as the Swallow (Base 15, Per, +1 Conc, Ind)
45 remaining
This spell permits the caster to fly and hover in space. Flight in a pre-determined direction, or hovering at a pre-decided point, can be done without difficulty and
permits other activities, such as spell-casting, conversation, or melee. This normal flight permits the caster to travel about fifteen leagues between the hours of
Prime and Terce, or any comparable duration (i.e., about fifteen miles an hour). The caster may move more quickly by passing Finesse rolls: a Finesse roll with Ease
Factor 9 will double speed; add +6 to the Ease Factor for each additional increase in speed (tripling, quadrupling, etc). Failing the Finesse roll only means that the
caster does not accelerate. Slowing down, unless done very rapidly, is not similarly demanding. Changing directions for long-term flight requires a Concentration roll,
Ease Factor 3. Failing the Concentration roll only means that the caster's previous motion continues apace. One can increase or decrease speed, move a hovering caster,
and change the direction of flight. Rapid maneuvering (i.e., changing direction for short-term flight) such as in melee, and maintaining control during rapid wind
changes or other bad weather requires Finesse rolls of appropriate difficulties, probably beginning at Ease Factor 6 for fairly modest changes or circumstances.
Casting spells while maneuvering or handling bad weather requires Concentration rolls, in addition to the Finesse rolls already necessary. The caster's Encumbrance
modifies Finesse rolls.
(Taken from the Net Grimoire)
Possible spells
MuAn 10 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (Base 4,+1 Touch, +1 Conc, Ind)
InCo 15 Whispers Through the Black Gate
MuCo 5 Eyes of the Cat
ReCo 5 Curse of the Unrully Tongue
ReCo 5 Spams of the Uncontrolled Hand
ReCo 10 As The Leaf in the Wind (Base 5, Per, +1 Conc, Ind) Allow a person to fly slowly.
CrIg 5 Selene's Blessing (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 size)
InIm 10 Prying Eyes and Ears
MuIm 10 Disguise of the Transformed Image (R:Per)
ReIm 5 Aura of Enobled Presence (R:Per)
ReIm 10 Wizard's Sidestep
ReMe 15 Call to Slumber(R:Sight)
ReMe 20 Aura of The Rightful Authority
ReTe 10 The Unseen Porter
Year 1
Vim 15 30(45) 123
Year 2
Vim 17 30(45) 168
Year 3
Vim 20 28(42) 210
Concentration (spell concentration) 1 2 8
Year 4
Rego 15 30(45) 123
Year 5
Rego 17 30(45) 168
Year 6
Rego 20 28(42) 210
Concentration (spell concentration) 1 2 10
Year 7
Penetration(vim) 5 15 50
Concentration(spell concentration) 2 15 25
Year 8
Concentration (spell concentration) 3 5 30
Parma Magica (Mentem) 3 25 30
Year 9
Spring: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 5 intellego, 23 vim = 43]
InVi 10 Wizard's Eyes for Vis (Base 1, Per, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)
InVi 10 Searching for the places of maleficium (Base 1, Per, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 153
Summer: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 5 intellego, 23 vim = 43]
InVi 20 Staring Into the Abyss (Base 3, Per, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 156
Autumn: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 5 intellego, 23 vim, 4 similar spell bonus, 3 overtime = 50]
InVi 5 Scales of the Magical Weight (Base 4, +1 touch)
InVi 20 Piercing the Faerie Veil (Base 3, Per, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 159
Winter: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 5 intellego, 23 vim, 4 similar spell bonus, 3 overtime = 50]
InVi 5 Sense the Nature of Vis (Base 4, +1 touch)
InVi 20Glimpsing past the Shroud of Magic (Base 3, Per, +1 Conc, +4 Vision)
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 162
Year 10
Spring: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 23 vim, nocturnal = 40]
MuVi 20 Wizard's Touch(Vim) (Base 20,+1 touch, inst, ind) Change the range of a Vim spell up to level 20 from Per to Touch.
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 165
Summer: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 23 rego, 23 vim, nocturnal 2 = 60]
ReVi 30 Maintaining the Demanding Spell (Base, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, Ind) Automatically maintain concentration for a spell up to level 25
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 168
Autumn: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 23 rego, 23 vim, 23 focus = 84]
ReVi 35 Ward Against Demons (Base 35, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, Ind )
Magic Theory 7 2(3) 171
Winter: [2 int, 3 aura, 10 magic theory, 23 vim, 2 nocturnal = 40]
Magic Theory[/strike] 7 2(3) 174