Anulus Connectens: Bausas

Outrageous! :wink: Next time I must insist that you record your every movement and thought with some kind of cybernetic implant. Tch! :wink:

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Not to toot my own horn, but for designing Janus' projects I used a document where I listed Janus' lab totals on a line below the design calculation of level. The pain however is when the umpteenth effect is so difficult that you decide the magus spends a few years of study, you need to go back and correct all the numbers. Which I'm sure never happened, so the lab total line for Janus is a hint at best. :wink:

Looking at page 2 of the Janus thread for a guess at his lab, I see that Bausas could have spotless and highly organized for an additional +1 to general quality and +1 to creo specialization. With the more educated familiar this brings his total to 84.

We have +4 down for the apprentice's contribtion, could this be higher? A modified lab scedule could get him the rest of the way. (Double overtime could give him the +6 that he needs to get to 90 all by itself, without any greater bonus from his apprentice than we've already given him.)

MetaCreator keeps a history for your character. I might be able to pry it out of that.
But really, I'd very much prefer not to have to :wink:

Just a quick update:
I haven't forgotten that I'm supposed to post one more. I've spent 9 out of 15 years. But I'm a little bit stuck.

Advance a station or two along the Path of the Body? The Arcane Connections available from the 4th station might be of use for the disease monitoring of towns mentioned upthread.

Thank you!

Final 15 years for Bausas:


Nothing has changed with Callidus.
New spells include:

  • probably non-controversial.
  • the spell inself is straight from HP. The important detail here was getting Ceremonial casting mastery, as Bausas can add a further +6 from Artes Liberales and Philosophiae. This is necessary because his casting total is otherwise a bit low. Casting this spell from within a magical aura and using Ceremonial Casting should at least ensure that the effective casting total is +40 or higher. thus the spell will be cast, though fatigue in likely.
    This spell allows Bausas to cast ritual spells (of up to level 40) at R: Arcane. This is almost every spell he has.

Bausas has also initated the 3th and 4th steps on the Path of the Body. Among other things, this means that Bausas effectively has arcane connections to all locations that he's familiar with and can clearly recall.
To maximize this 'clearly recall' element, Bausas has studied the Art of Memory for a while.