Anulus Connectens: Magi of Hermes Covenant

Saoirsé's ReVi is currently 25 - I need to adjust the Communion to lvl25, as I currently only have it at 20, and spent a season inventing it, while Erik kindly pointed out that there was a lvl 25 text on it :slight_smile:

So what is our focus for 61-75? We've had start-up, demons and everyone has a familiar and a talisman pretty much, as well as most of us having taught apprentices...ohh and the dragon :slight_smile: Maybe a collective wizard's war with another covenant? or Faeries? or a communal project?

I was holding off until all magi are up to speed. But in broad strokes, what are we looking for? We've already had something from the Magic realm and the Infernal, so Faeries? Dominion? If we get pestered by Angels we're likely screwed, so let's not do that. But we could face a challenge from the Church of from Divine Mystics. IMHO that's not a theme which leads to exciting and flashy lab projects - which is more or less what we can showcase in a project like this. I mean were we playing a saga that may be an interesting plotline, but here?
A lot of the magi aren't very combat oriented, so a large scale series of Wizard's War may leave some of the magi with little to do. Of course such an event also has political elements, but as with the Dominion it may be fun to play but very little to show in this project. Sure, Janus could make some nasty devices. He could easily make a beefed up "End the Mighty Castle" or whatever it's called to erase the offending covenant from the map. Wait, the covenant buildings must be covered by the Aegis, so Penetration is an issue? Ok, that may be a bit of a challenge. But I don't see Janus faring well in a Wizard's War if attacked by a magus who means business. Plus his most valuable resource - the Redcaps and extended family - are at risk, so he would need to go out and defend them.

How about other folks just don't like us. Rumor campaigns and cancelled contracts. Coven-folk being mistreated by the rest of the world and leaving us due to social pressure. It's not the sort of thing that can be resolved with magic might in a straightforward way.

Have you mined the magi's Story and Personality Flaws for ideas yet? They are supposed to cause problems and Stories after all.

Has the Confraternity of Roland actually bothered Andreva in a significant fashion? If they somehow consider her one of "them" by virtue of her "initiation", a misguided attempt at vendetta by a hothead might work.

Has Bausas' Soft-Hearted ways led him to interfere in anything that causes problems for the covenant?

Has Janus inadvertently meddled in the covenant's social dynamic and set up Montague and Capulet like factions among the covenfolk and/or locals?

Has Hector's Ambition caused him to overreach in attempting to climb higher in the House hierarchy? Has he had specific obligations and hard deadlines dropped on him by his House? Has losing a contest with the rival Faeries lost him a ship or sailors he is obligated to rescue or replace?

Have Saoirsé's Pagan beliefs and/or fascination with the Diedne brought unwanted scrutiny by the Order and/or the Church?

Other thoughts :

Could the two bordering Tribunals have had a big spat over some border issue that needs to go before one or both Tribunals and possibly on to the grand Tribunal, depending on timing? They'd likely be stuck right in the middle of something like that.

Throw yourselves a bone of sorts - most stuff seems to have come out of what your magi and covenant can manage by themselves. Pick out a couple of things you can't easily manage by yourselves but want and acquire them via participation in a Wizard's March or Tribunal settlement or trade or whatever. Maybe come up with a short list of general "wants" you can't manage and start a separate thread for people to add a possible item/book/lab text/whatever to for you to pick the goodies from, if don't want to just give yourselves a thing that's 100% what you wanted.

The fact that Janus made a single set of Hermes Portals means the placement of the other end is sure to cause controversy. It is most likely a leading covenant of one of the tribunals which receives the portal, as sort of payment for the initial support when founding Anulus Connectens. So their rivals within the covenant may be jealous, or covenants close to the portal are angry about increase in travelers, plus the other neighboring tribunal has some covenants angry about being slighted because they feel they supported Anulus Connectens as well.
Of course Janus can make more portals, it is just a matter of time. It took him a full year, including time to prepare for enchantment, but that required 2 seasons with both his fairly good apprentice (close to gauntlet) plus his filia Vesta to help. How would he fare by himself? Perhaps we shall see?

Also, this may seem like a quick fix, but it isn't! People still hate Anulus Connectens and have been haters for a time. The Portals - plus whatever else we may have done - was just the catalyst. We've been growing and expanding fast - perhaps at a loss to others? - plus the problems we've had we seem to have solved.

While interesting as a theme for a saga, I see some difficulties in how we tend to a situation of border dispute and many opposing magi. What we do in this project is showcase development of magi, the situations we invent is to give us something specific to invent spells and create devices for. TO have something as reference and inspiration for the forum readers. What do we do here? Magi playing through 15 years of political struggle with rivals and enemies are bound to train Order of Hermes Lore, Code of Hermes, Intrigue...but that would make out next period just numbers, with no exciting lab projects to show for it.

Plus, the situation with the awakening dragon, the mundane conflict etc. also had elements of a plot in Hermetic circles against us. It was a way-in-the-background thing but it was there, and it meant little for the development of the magi in that period. I mean, for Janus it meant dividing his time a little so several years worth of activities were not labwork nor Art studies.

If the consequences of this situation of immense unpopularity meant the occasional WW declared on us by powerful individuals, then we could have some fun with defensive projects. A Cold War situation where weapons and defenses are developed in reaction to what the other side seems to be doing, with little or no actual conflict - preparing for a larger war that never happens.

I like the cold war thing, but also the social side of our flaws. That our quirks have gotten the better of us :slight_smile:

It could work.
I think we need to define some opponents then, so we know which Arts and what power levels we can expect and need to prepare defenses against and create deterrent offensive resources against.
We need to have a mix so all of our magi have something to do.

Maybe we should just pick some from MoH and use their stats at the appropriate age?

Maybe a trio or so of slightly more powerful magi, who have banded together in making our lives miserable. Then we could have an area for each - one might be the combat, type, one the social type etc.

Sure. I think it works best if the threats are physical and tangible. Not some "enemies are souring the political climate against you"-plot, because that is hard to do something tangible with magic against. I mean, this is likely to happen as well, but I think we should focus on some threats to which we can respond to directly.
I don't know all the magi from MoH by heart, but my idea was to use some of these as the enemies (or rather: magi with the same capabilities, the personality and backstory may not necessarily match) to see what magic they have which we need to counteract. Saves us from having to first design the threats and then designing the remedies. But I don't know it it could work.

The varied and different threats could include:
-The classical Ignem magus, likely a Flambeau. But perhaps a tad too boring? Countermeasures would be Ignem wards, spells to put out fires, some way of killing him.
-A magus attacking with mundane auxillaries, boosted by his magic. This sounds like fun, and our response isn't risking 'meddling with mundanes' as it would if a mundane lord attacked. Countermeasures would be boosts for our own Grogs, and ways to ruin our enemies' magical boosts, they arms and armour etc.
-A Mentem magus who could either create chaos during a battle and ruin our Grogs' fighting abilities, but could also turn the mundanes against us, ruin our business etc. Mentem is a tricky weapon, because although realtively easy and powerful if used to manipulate people, the magic is either likely to be discovered as foul play or limited in duration so the victims return to their earlier, natural state - except angry. Countermeasures is InMe to sense this manipulation, other Mentem spells to counteract it, or Vim to unravel the spells. Plus in combat spells to shield your own Grogs from Mentem magics plus magic of our own to affect the enemy.
-A magus attacking with animated trees, wooden missiles, creeping thorned bushes etc. Could be done with conjured or summoned animals as well, but the dragon threat earlier was already Animal affiliated. Countermeasures could be wards or dedicated spells to destroy or repel the medium.
-Hostile weather magics, not only could this ruin things for our mundane resources it would also suck during a battle. Being struck by lightning is never nice. Countermeasures could be wards, spells to disrupt or change the hostile weather, Vim spells to unravel the Auram magic etc.
-A magus attacking with spirits or elementals or something etc.

... I feel so very useless already :smiley:

Since none of us are really Herbam or weather magi I find those two most interesting. We'd have to create ways around those specialties, or suddenly get extremely skilled at them. :slight_smile:

No, you feel challenged, and that makes you stronger...Oh wait, wrong house :wink:

So, as Andreva and Hector are bound to have caught up with the rest of the magi soon, did we ever find some concept for the next period?

The suggestions about a Cold Wizard's War were mentioned to be not quite Basuas' cup of tea. What do the rest of you designers say?

I'm not saying we shouldn't, just that Bausas' contributions might be fairly insignificant :wink:

Or very creative? :wink:

I can try...

I've no strong draw to any of the ideas. I suppose that I've never really done a magus who was focused on being able to fight other magi so it would be new, but Andreva wants to live a beautiful life with her pretty swords and her lavish caverns not war with and possibly kill her sodales. She'd go into the fighting other wizards thing with no enthusiasm and plenty of reservations.

That doesn't make it a bad idea it just makes it a stressful time in her life.

Well, it was just an idea.
Fighting other magi isn't something I see Janus actually wanting to do either. But if he has to he would relish the intellectual challenge of buildings the weapons, but the actual use of them would be meh. Sometimes situations arise that are no fun.

But if the situation feels inspirational to many of the magi (and the designer behind them) then it may not be the right idea.

How about the covenant gets "volunteered" as the place for some event? - A Tribunal with an attached Colloquium Delectorum, or a high stakes eristic moot, or a Gastronomers feast, hosting negotiations with fae and/or mundane powers or some such - some high-stakes gathering that needs to go off without a hitch you get dumped in your lap (a "reward" for having such pleasant, comfy, accessible by Portal, etc. base facilities at your disposal) with a few years to prepare for and need to divert resources into or lose major face. Heck, maybe some unfriendly magus times it to co-incide with the Expiry of the bas-reliefs...

A little politicking, maybe some adventures to acquire stuff, a lot of (possibly not in your wheelhouse) lab work, security, rapid construction/expansion, vanity projects, etc.