
Yeah. I think I said this elsewhere. I'm a bit more scatterbrained about this saga than I was with Bibracte. Seems like I have little bits of things all over the place.

Do the apprentices do/get anything for Summer 1271 (after the prep classes but before school proper starts, as near as I can tell)?

So, I spent a lot of time thinking about this, I think I'm going to revise this moving forward, as the apprentices evolve.

For the summer after the Latin year, apprentices can only take practice in something, barring that, exposure in one of their existing skills. They can't really do anything magical, yet, so finesse and penetration are out. Concentration is OK, though.

Not counting Ambrose, of course, who can do magic already. :wink:

I thought I mentioned this before. Can't seem to find it, and it's not in the HRs, so I do need to put it there.

If the Arts involved aren't opened, you can do it, you just have a -3 for each Art.

What is the formula for adding virtues? I know the SQ must be 15 for minor and 21 for major. What I can't find is what the teachers generate each term. We should also list the virtues that are more easily taught because the teachers have them.

First post in thread. I'll see about adding it to HR thread when I have a moment.

I've been looking around and can't find it yet even though I know I saw something recently about it.

Julius will be looking to add a MMF ( metal) and affinity Terram. Neither of which any teacher has. He may add Inventive genius which at least one teacher has ( Fabrica ).

I could definitely find use for him in the lab then.

Regarding that crown concept, what is the consensus? Does it subtract 10 from the casting totals? and would we want it? We might need more of it, but once designed, anyone should be able to make it as a lesser device with the lab text. Maybe each teacher could have their own to showcase their style as well as their sigil. Ironically, with Fabricus' sigil, the wearer would look more haughty and intimidating while wearing it.

I also suggest that while wearing it they should be treated as a jester and need to go about entertaining others in the covenant in order to beg for food or go hungry that night.

The casting total may not effect him Ambrose much considering his MMF. But for spont spells it would work for a while. I wonder if we could use the PeMe to remove his understanding of magic. It could be used to remove his understanding of Latin or something like it.

I'd be wary of doing that, a botch could ruin an apprentice and would you want his grandma on you? I like the idea of suppressing the magic more than causing him to forget.

And which Averell already has. In fact, I created Averell to be a Lab geek.

SIGH Fabricus will grudgingly take these troublesome apprentices to his lab, though it might be a great burden on him, so that their talents can be properly focused. :laughing:

I think with Averell proving that he's currently incapable of producing even the smallest spontaneous effects he is better off in the lab where things are a bit more controlled.

Am I correct with this summary?

  • The regular school years are not measured in seasons, but in two semesters plus one free summer season.
  • The semesters are effectively 30 xp each.
  • We also get an "allowance" at some point to learn cantrips. Not sure whether this is in all years, or in what semester this happens.
  • Learning regular spells is not yet defined.

If that's correct, I'm not sure how that adds up to 75 xp. Learning Virtues is onerous, and can really set you back in your classes. I suspect this will have a few negative consequences within year-groups, as it will be virtually impossible to come up with an examination method that doesn't see half the class fail at the current state of things.

Mind, from a balanced-magi-at-gauntlet point of view, I think this will work fairly well, but if you look at it year-on-year, there'll be huge gaps in qualifications.

There is an extra curricular season that grants 15 xp.


It's going to be in all semesters after the first semester of the First Year, and they can be learned spontaneously at any time.

I explained the 75xp thing above.
Learning virtues is not anymore onerous than in a traditional apprenticeship.A master might teach a virtue for one of the seasons and not something else. If the teacher has a SQ of 13, then that's forgoing 13xp for a particular virtue and it might be where the Weak Parens flaw is earned. There is a total of 60 seasons in an apprenticeship, 11 seasons are spent teaching an Art or Ability one on one, there are three seasons of teaching spells and the first season of Opening the Arts where exposure is earned in addition to the underlying activities and then 45 seasons of exposure as a lab slave for a magus for a total of 48 seasons of exposure, or 96 xp. 11 seasons of teaching at 13 SQ is 143, 143+96=239 xp, and then there's the 120 levels of spells. A master is perfectly within his rights to teach a virtue for his season of teaching one year, and then the apprentice might only get 226 xp. And he might teach virtues more than once. And he might also teach additional seasons.
The school is teaching around 450 xp, and this isn't including the spells. I have some ideas for teaching spells, that I'm still playing around with. So, getting virtues isn't onerous at all. Apprentices graduating from the school are going to be extremely well trained and in a shorter period of time.

The extra-curricular season explained a fair bit; thank you. Are there guidelines on what those xp can be spent?

Right now it's the things being covered in Fiona's threads, and Twigberry's thread. I was thinking of waiting until the end of the school year and then allowing character to allocate those XP all at once from a comprehensive list I'll provide. They are kind of like adventure XP, except there isn't a limit to how many you can allocate to a particular Ability.

If you partake in extra-curricular activities with a teacher that has virtues you are interested in, can you apply some of the xp towards that? if so, what percentage?

Not yet.