As companion I would like to go for a Knight that has some skills in social abilities so that he is able to deal with the local nobilities. A Rough would be interesting too.
For the grogs I would still go for 1 Guard, 1 Personal Servant, 1 Hunter.
The Hunter will not be very useful in Malta but for a traveling covenant he would be of use. I assume that we will need some carriages and Horses and some coven folk to handle the animals. Or will we start directly in Malta?
Its roughly 60 nautical miles from Sicilia to Malta so it´s only around 15 hours of sailing. Of course you will need the right winds.
50 Build Points:
Summa in Mu Q12L15 ->27 BP
Set of tools (enchanted items) in total level 30 -> 6 BP
Skilled Grog (tailor) -> 6 BP
20 pawn of vis -> 4 BP
70 lbs silver -> 7 BP
I like to have at least one Book. We should also have some Summa in abilities like Magic Theory, Pharma Magica, ….
It´s likely that we have some tools for the archeological excavations.
Always useful, can also be used to get in contact with some locals, and can make sails and fishing nets, clothes, flags.
No comment
I think will need lots of money to get the covenant started. Even if we are able to create some money we are not allowed to spend too much of this created stuff. There was some limit but I can´t find it at the moment.
Romany is the language of the Gypsy, or Rom people. It's roots trace to India and though the first documentation of it is still centuries off there is no real clear date when it arrived in Europe. Additional languages would probably be beneficial. You may advance your maestro by seasons instead of he usual method, keeping in mind that you will have to work the traditional seasons, and an apprenticeship takes up 3 seasons (1 season training 2 seasons work) for the duration.
Yes, primary concept is still a hospital. Although if my Maestro had his way it would be a museum/school for art that incidentally also healed people!
Something for peeps to think about during character creation (including grogs). The common tongue of the caravan in Romany. The common tongue of the Order is Latin. The common tongue of the people of Malta is a form of Arabic. The common tongue of our new rulers is Italian. That's a lot of languages to learn, so our more social characters could specialize. For example, my Maestro will eventually speak Arabic, Latin and Romany, so it would be great if someone else picked up Italian. Additional useful languages could include forms of Greek or Spanish.
Lastly, a geographic curiosity - I realized that Malta is almost exactly 200 miles from anywhere interesting - Tunis, Triploi, Palermo, Catanzaro. Siciliy may by 60 miles as the pelican flies, but the southern end seems to be mostly villages just like the ones on Malta. Regardless, that should only be a coupla days sail.
And what is the method used for making characters past gauntlet? How much vis do we get per year post gauntlet? Can we buy LR during character creation or must the mage do it themselves?
Past Gauntlet progression is 30xp per year for Magi (undefined but presumed 15 xp per year for everyone else, per standard rules). However, you may have joined the caravan at some point prior to the game. At this point you switch to season by season with books and other source qualities to be defined after our Build Points are set. As I understand it, there will be many resources available pre-game that will be taken or otherwise not be available when the caravan dissolves.
Vis per year has not been defined. Until I hear otherwise I am assuming 4 per Personal Vis Source, and spending seasons extracting or writing/trading follow the book rules.
If you do join the caravan pre-game, JoelHalpern is making a CrCo longevity specialist and should be available to make a ritual for a reasonable price. For anything, Silveroak will likely negotiate with you directly.
If you do not want to do seasonal progression in the caravan you may simply continue with 30/yr.
Income is from personal vis sources and lab activities, there is no allowance. Buying a longevity potion is based on the following assumptions:
Creo will be twice as high as corporum, vim will be 1/2 corporum. Thus any mage selling longevity potions could have made 5/6 the magnitude of the potion from extracting vis, ergo he will charge the person's age/5 (actual cost of the potion)+magnitude vis for the service. If this is someone in the caravan they are also interrupting their research, which counts the magnitude as double. So if you reach 35 before joining the caravan and but a magnitude 10 longevity potion, it will cost you 17 vis. If you get to the caravan and then buy a longevity potion at age 35 at magnitude 8 it will cost 23 vis.
The exception is any pre-game player characters who may charge what they wish...
and yes, 4 per year for a personal source is what I will be using.
or from their own activities. The standard advancement rules do not give a vis income, and indeed it is not standard in covenants for junior members...
An important part of what we have to do on Malta, in addition to setting up our quarters and labs, setting up the hospitla, setting up income sources, and getting staff, is to find some vis sources.
So my magus can do Vis extraction to earn the vis needed for a longevity potion. What can I assume as Lab Bonus and Aura?
I was planning to let my magus been in the caravan all his live. In terms of longevity potion this could be expensive.
The senior member of the caravan (which was not a proper covenant after all) just died.
Senior members of other covenants would not be leaving to form a new covenant.
They can come from another covenant, I'm just saying that if they are involved enough in a covenant to be drawing a salary in absentia then they aren't likely to be the ones sticking around to convert the caravan into a new covenant. An older mage does not always mean a well connected and politically established mage.
And if you do have a source vis from another covenant then that should probably be taken as a personal vis source...
I suppose if you really want to play a retired senior member of another covenant you can take personal vis source during the 'buildup' which gets exchanged for hermetic prestige when you depart the old covenant.
JoelHalpern – Tomas, Bonisagus longevity specialist
Redcap Companion
Shield Grog for Magus
Shield Grog for redcap
Exasperated Cultist – Justinia Ex Miscellanea, Faerie blooded Fertility specialist, difficulty w/ spont
Jebrick - ?
Quinchris – Tytalan Spymaster/Leader
Kingjawa – Indiana Jones type Greek Jerbiton, gentle gift, some aquam/auraum
Apprentice companion
Shield Grog
Me – Tartessos, Doomsday Prepper Verditius
Master Paphos, Stonemason/Maestro/Mythic Companion
Shield grog
Gamekeeper/Gardener (mostly rabbits/chickens)
Forge Companion/Mason, apprentice to Master Paphos
Flavius – Frederic of Flambeau, Elementalist, guardian of the covenant
Knight Companion
300 Build Points total, 50 per player. Flavius and Kingjawa have submitted their first draft, Mine were traded for a Mythic companion.
Muto Summa L15/Q12 (27)
Intellego Summa L15/Q12 (12)
9 magnitudes of lab texts (9)
6 magnitudes Enchanted items (6)
Skill 6 Tailor (6) I don’t think we spend points for them when using a Grog slot
Skill 6 Scribe (6) same issue, let’s play them and save the points
45 assorted pawns Vis (9)
120 lbs Silver (12)
Once we have our BP settled, we can advance characters by season.
I have submitted a request for a forum, it is taking a while but I have been assured it is coming, that will make sorting these details out a lot easier.
I'm more wondering if they would earn vis while not at the Wagon Train if they were in another Covenant for 10-20 years. If that is too much I'll deal with a personal vis source.
I'm looking at a mage with Atlantian blood/magic(RoP:M) at the moment. My thinking is that since vis is so scares the Roman Tribunal that perhaps we could have something/one to look in the sea.
There is an archane ability in GotF called Way of the Forest or Way of Nature. Is it possible to have that as Way of the Sea(s)?
That is actually in the core book as Ways of the (land), tough I would certainly extend that to the sea.
Let me clarify something else here- This game is intended to be multi-generational, and focused on developing characters over time. I am willing to allow characters who are well past their gauntlet, that does not mean I am trying to encourage it. So I am not planning on giving extra benefits to those who are further past their gauntlet that younger characters will not be able to enjoy.