Tentative character sheet
Magus: Shirin Bint Tabestan
Birthname: Vashti Bint Amr
Sta: 2
Int: 3
Pre: 1
Qui: -2
Meticulous: +2
Stubborn: +1
Pussiant Craft (minor)
Inventive Genius (minor)
Personal Vis Source-Vim (Minor) [Gathered from her sweat]
Puissant Magic Theory (Minor)
Book Learner (minor)
Cyclic Magic- Fall/Winter (minor)
Pussiant Mentem (minor)
Strong Faerie Blood-Dwarf (Major) [I will switch it to a proper jinn fae when i have a proper title for it]
Verditus Magic *
Diabolic Past (Major)
Driven-Become Primus (Major)
Deficient Technique-Intelligo (Major)
Primogeniture Lineage- (minor)
Social childhood
Charm 2 [Being Witty]
Folk ken 2 [Opposite Sex]
Guile 3 [Authority Figures]
Parsi 5 [Formal Speech]
Awareness 2 [Alterness]
Stealth 2 [Sneak]
Later Life (2 years)
15xp Awareness
15xp Stealth
magi life
Artres liberales 1 [Astronomy]
latin 4 [Hermetic Use]
magic theory 3 (5)[Crafting]
parma magica 1 [Ignem]
Craft Tailor 4 (7)[Embroidery]
Philosophae 3 [Metaphysics]
Order Lore 1 [Politics]
Verditus Lore 1 [Initiations]
Art of Memory 1 [Mind Palace]
Finesse 1 [Precison]
Secondary Sight 1 [Fae]
Fairie Lore 1 [Jinn]
Infernal Lore 1 [Demons]
Skilled Parens 60
35 craft
15 Philosophae
5 Order Lore
5 Code of hermes
5 Faerie Lore
5 Infernal Lore
5 Art of Memory
5 Finesse
Creo 0
Muto 5
Intelligo 1
Rego 2
Perdo 5
Mentem 8 (11)
Imaginem 5
Corpus 5
Spells 150 (tech/form+11)
Memory of a Distant Dream CrMe 15 Eye, Sun, Ind
Recollection of Memories Never quite lives MuMe 4 Eye, Sun, Ind
Trust of Child Like Faith PeMe 10 Eye, Diam, Ind
Loss of but a moments memory PeMe 15 Eye, Mom, Ind
Calm the Motion of the Heart Peme 15 Voice, Mom, Ind
Blessing of Childlike Bliss PeMe 25 Eye, Sun, Ind
The call to Slumber ReMe 10 Voice, Mom, Ind
Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe 20 Eye, Sun, Ind
Tastes of the Spices and Herbs MuIm 5 Touch, Sun, Ind
Aura of Enobled Presence MuIm 10 Touch, Sun, Ind
Wizards Sidestep ReIm 10 Per, Sun, Ind
Dispel the Phantom Image PeIm 1 Voice, Mom, Ind
The Wound That Weeps PeCo 15 Voice, Mom, Ind