Arnau d'Orfes. Firecaster & Merc. (development)

Probably, yes.
You'd need to use it for that, but... This screams Full Metal Alchemist to me: I'm sure there must be a way to design something awesome looking, just like the various methods the alchemists there use.

Like, he could have his flint on his dagger's pommel, and scrape it on a prepared surface on his arm protection, drawing sparks that become flames he throws at his enemies.

It's a good fury. The OoH is secular enough that it may bring him trouble with a lot of magi, for example, and there are enough pagan cults in ars.

How would he react towards a devout Moslem or Mercurian Pagan that was still respectful of Christianity and tolerant of diversity?

With dilike, but not overt violence unless the guy did something stupid. He does not like them at all, but full out violence is not nefessarily the best reaction. He is intolrant, but not (totally) stupid. He knows he is right in his beliefs, and okeone questioning them is not an option

Sounds good?

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allrighty then.
One thing you need to be mindful of is a third common faith of difference, one you will encounter frequently. The pontifex of Andorra, Carmen of Flambeau, is half Jewish. Her mother grew up in one of the calls in Barcelona.
Perhaps Arnau should stay away from Barcelona :laughing:

Well, jews are useful. Missguided but useful, so we tolerate them. Generally. :stuck_out_tongue: Think about a crusader knight (crusading orders) and how he would see other faiths. In general he can be tolerant but he tends to think of he other dudes as enemies. He tends to be at war with them after all.

But then, i only tend to fully define the personality of my characters as i play them. More than usually i tend to surprise myself :slight_smile:

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The character has prejudices and is flawed. This is natural and human. And characters can have cathartic moments and do often surprise us. But remember, your enemies are political. You are of a people resisting being conquered and taking their lands back. The religion part is coincidental, but it is omnipresent.

Indeed. Where is the issue here? :slight_smile:

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There is none :smiley:
Are there any final issues that need be resolved or are you ready for the final draft?

To know if i can get a pirite oc quality to help in my firecasting. The rest is mstly done. I also need to review my inceptions but right now i am 700 km away from my books, so i will not do that until thursday. The character is finished anyway. Only those minor details to touch up.

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So, Fire Caster.

We have that as an accelerated ability that follows the CrIg guidelines to create fire (minor focus)?

Broader than an Ex Misc ability (can vary range, guideline, duration and target), yet a little harder. Compared to Elementalists, it seems a little more powerful (they need a major + a minor to do ReIg), but, OTOH, he can't increase it with other forms, so let it burn.

EDIT: Well, I was tinkering with Arnau yesterday. I removed the inceptions si9nce they were complicated to use for what I would get out of them; for starters, they required a lab equivalent to hermetic lab in requisites and cost, and hermetic labs in "covenants style" give me a headache. So I decided that I do not need that info anymore :slight_smile:

What I found is that I misscalculated his XP, so I have plenty of XP to spend, like 90 XP :open_mouth: Tinkering with his abilities and age. Final version in a few hours.

I still need to know if he can have a pyrite of quality and what bonus would it provide (+3 create fire?). I liked the fixer's (I think) idea of him hitting the pirite against his armor's rugged forearm to create sparks and intensify them until it is an uproar of flames hat he directs at his enemies. Oh yeah baby :smiling_imp: Cool image FTW. The pyreite would be in the cross of Talladora, his sword.

lol I was thinking about it yesterday, I'd said +3 too.

Ok, final version of the character is up. if there are no comments, I will put it up in the new topic and start roasting people.

groovy :mrgreen:

Where do I have to put the character? Just in a new thread, or is there a specific thread for this?


A new clean thread. It should be reserved for you and only you. I will delete other peoples posts for you if need be and you desire. First post should be the character as he is in play, and edited/updated as you go along. In that thread, post full descriptions as if we were reading the character in published cannon. Further include any other characters associated with that main one, and any background stories or pics or whatever. But the top post should be the character. Or maybe a ToC with links, but that is over the top crazy :laughing:
you can the use this thread as a worksheet, scribble pad, records of development, etcetera.

Great. Transfering the data in brief.

I put him on the wiki too :smiley:

Thank you! I have a profession:wiki of 0, so I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

I really like the background, and the way you and Fixer can write such fluid English is impressive. I mean, you have all seen how bad my Spanish is :laughing:
Good reading, and I like the creative elements. And you accurately capture the spirit of the Almogavars without even trying that hard. By 1230, they have evolved greatly from the foot hill irregular skirmish troops and marauders they started out as. These guys are elite paramilitary. The Catalan Company is due to conquer Sicily and part of Greece by the end of the century. It is not about the style or dress anymore, it is about culture. And you totally captured it with that bit about the knights to chicken to make the assault and the Flame Brothers did it instead. I caught some flack from a playtester while writing that bit for Grogs, because I stated that they were equivalent to cavalry. That guy, stuck on a narrow view of the middle ages, rebuked that statement. David backed me up because I was able to point out the same or similar quote from various learned historians.
And the story of the Flame Brothers, the Flambeau connection, their culture and structure, all of it is brilliant.
:smiley: +10

Yes, that is how it is properly pronounces in Catalan. And that's where Roberto is going to be. Shall we put together an interaction, or get someone else to?