Ars Magica 5th Ed.: Magi of the Old North

The Fae are good... plenty of circle stones around; Castlerigg, Swinside and Long Meg the largest, around 50 in total in Cumbria alone. I have been dusting off my copy of Loch tribunal... it seems we will be close to both the most aggressive covenant in the area and the Monksend Castle (Hermitage castle). That would be fun.

Heh I seem to only play Merinita and Criamon. This will be my first of this type of character in Ars Magica. I think the closest thing I've come to a combat Magus was a Merinita that went insane and retired in the Faerie Realm thinking of himself as "The Prince of Winter". By the end he could do damage with ice and cold, but he didn't start that way at all.

I can be really annoying with the Timing mystery.

Speaking of annoying, I'm posting a ridiculous amount on the main forums, Lol.

Also, I've never done Elemental Magic so bear with me.

I've never played a Flambeau, so currently I'm looking at what weird & wonderful things I can conjure to do damage. I've never played a Bonisagus, so might try that if a Flambeau wouldn't fit. I'm trying to make sure I don't do anything that would overlap with other people too much.

Am I OK taking Potent Magic (from The Mysteries?)

Oh and yay! It looks like our forum is ready as soon as Emelric wants to start putting topics in it!

Should we wait for him to do that? I have a feeling he might use a secretary :slight_smile:

I'm... trying... not... to post... "First!" ... oh god forgive me I am immature.

I don't know how these forums work. Is it possible for a moderator to nuke a thread? If so then we can post and discuss character generation and particular topics in respective threads, then if it's cluttered or what not he can clean it up.

I don't know what he can do with a thread, but it's probably polite to let the storyguide choose the format they like first.

Make a character creation thread for your character. I can start a Covenant thread so we can get the ideas in one place and an OOC thread. Emelric can make any stickies he wants. Generally for house rules.

Hi everyone, apologies for the absence. Please do start character threads in the new forum. I'll have a chance tomorrow or Wednesday evening to give feedback. One guideline that I'd prefer to stick to is to keep character generation to material provided by the core rulebook and the House supplements (no Mythic Companions though).

How do I create a thread for my character? I am a newbie to this sort of thing so any help would be much appreciated.

Do you see a «New Topic» button above the list of threads? If not, there might be something in your account settings, but I am fairly newbie too.

Thank you. It was my settings as I had not joined the Play by Post sub group. All working now.


Am I too late to join?


Any chance I am not too late?