Continuing my conversion of 1st Ed Spells to 5th Ed, discussions are found on this thread:
Boil Water Elemental
Level: Gen , R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
Heats and damages a creature composed of water, such as a Water Elemental. A base level 10 spell will inflict a Light Wound, 20 a Medium, 30 a Heavy, 40 an Incapacitating, and 60 will kill it.
(Base effect, +2 Voice)
Sense of the Fires Nearby
Level: 30, R: Per, D: Conc, T: Hearing
The locations of all fires within earshot become apparent to you. Fires are energetic, and healthy campfires (with plenty of fuel) can be heard screaming almost a mile away. Especially large fires can be heard even farther, while dying fires are reduced to whispers. Candles produce sounds similar to soft whistles. Some overlapping or distant fires might require Concentration + Perception 6 + to pick out. With a Concentration + Int roll of 9+ you can concentrate on a specific fire heard and get some idea of what sounds are around it.
(Base effect 10, +1 Conc, +3 Hearing)
Destroy the Spirit of Fire
Level: Gen, R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
Weakens and possibly destroys a creature composed of fire, such as a Fire Elemental. If the spell penetrates the creature’s Magic Resistance, the Elemental loses Might equal to the spell’s base level.
(Base effect, +2 Voice)
Quench the Rippling Flame
Level: 10, R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
Puts out a bonfire, leaving the ashes warm.
(Base 4, + 2 Voice)
Bind the Fiend of Fire
Level: 45, R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
You can control a creature made of fire, and may give it one complex command at a time. The creature may resist a specific command on an Intelligence or Cunning roll of 12+, but this does not end the spell. If you try to bind an elemental again when its first binding wears off, you risk one extra botch die for every day the elemental has been in your service.
(Base 25, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)
Summon the Fiend of Fire
Level: Gen, R: Arc, D: Sun, T: Ind
You can summon any fire elemental if you know of it and have an Arcane Connection to it. Because of their nature, Arcane Connections to elementals are not as specific as they are to other creatures. For example, fire from a forge would serve as a connection to any elemental that inhabits such places. The level of the spell must exceed the Magic Might of the elemental to be summoned.
(Base Gen, +3 Arc, +2 Sun)
Ward Against the Fiends of Fire
Level: Gen, R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
No creature composed of flame, such as a Fire Elemental, whose Magic Might is equal to or less than the level can affect anyone within the circle, or if it is within the circle, affect those outside. Fire creatures cannot directly or indirectly break the magic circle.
(Base Gen, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)