Catapult of Vilano

This magic staff said to copy an effect invested in Vilano’s own talisman can make one man the equivalent of a siege engine. The user merely touches the head of the staff to an appropriate projectile. Then whips the staff around as easily as if wielding a sling. Sending the stone hurling through the are like a catapult.

Hurl The Weighty Stone
Rego Terram 40
R: Touch D: Inst T: Inv size +1
Base: 20, +1 touch, +1 size, +10 unlimited uses.
This effect, hurls a large stone projectile with the speed and crushing power of a catapult. This is a indirect rego spell and must be targeted with a finesse roll it has a has a range increment of 20. Unlike lower powered versions of this effect larger projectiles can be used effectively. A small stone suitable for a sling does +20 while something sized for a catapult does +25.

For added fun have the staff also empowered as an item of virtue to give you up to a +3 for your finesse roll to hit.