Lares does find indications that his ritual to add "warping" to magical beings was part of research in which he was trying to find a way to remove warping, and this was what he was working on when everything... reverted. (technically Lares should be doing this in his lab, not the library... the activities should have probably been posted to a different thread once you returned to your lab from what the others were looking into.)
"We meant something important to the Cathars, I believe. They speak of fleeing an inquisition and call Al Kufra by the name Liberte which must mean something akin to liberty. I'm hopeful we can keep them thriving," comments Argentius to the Jerbiton.
"Perhaps you can learn more through your census, but I suspect we need to give them some space to organize," adds Argentius.
"What else have you learned?"
Chewing briefly at his lower lip, Plasmatoris glances from the Cathars to the Verditius. "I have learned that this covenant's inhabitants were not managed directly by a singular leader or chamberlain or manager. Instead, our fractious covenfolk had an acting representative for each of the factions - the Berbers, the Arabs, and the Cathars, here." He gestures towards directions where he assumes Arabs or Berbers might be for the first two, since he hasn't researched their living spaces yet, before gesturing towards the Cathars nearby. "Since these faction leaders were likely older, I also imagine their understanding of Latin and friendliness towards us has equally dwindled with their ages."
Plasmatoris drags his fingers through his tangled hair and frowns. "I think there were a number of... crafters I saw. Skilled crafters - carpenters, tinkers ... here, I have a list." He sorts through his notes and hands some charcoal-scribed notes on a thin slab of scrap wood. It lists the names of 4 cooks, 4 brewers, 4 carpenters, as well as a tinker, blacksmith, leatherworker and a mason. "All of our master craftsmen are now modestly skilled apprentices."
(@silveroak I had mentioned seeking out a translator of some kind, would I be able to have found one before stumbling here, or should I assume that they didn't come with him?)
"Yes, what you've learned is consistent with what I heard the Berbers saying to Lares and what I've learned from these good Cathars. And the Arabs will likely be the same. It might be worthwhile to figure out where the boundary is of what made the Iuventae. If there is a boundary. What is age? What is experience? Was there a geographical restriction? So many questions…"
Argentius's voice trails off for a moment before he looks back to the Jerbiton.
"I'm heading back to my sanctum until we gather again for dinner. We'll need to all share what we've learned and begin to develop a plan, especially a plan to manage and maintain order among the covenfolk. It could get complicated with them very quickly if we're not careful."
Argentius inclines his head in farewell to Plasmatoris and heads toward his sanctum.
Translating for Provencal the translators would be in this meeting already. There are no universal translators- there are people in each of the communities who also speak Latin. Lares children have the strongest latin amongst the Berbers, and some Arabs have decent Latin since they were the best educated.
Plasmatoris will delightedly send Argentius off with a wave. In fact, the Jerbiton will wanting him go with a thoughtful expression on his features. Then with a shake of his head, he will turn to try he man who was translating for them.
"It seems my next talk less me to discuss the situation with our Arab neighbors. Can you direct me their way?" Then assuming he got directions, he will head off. Plasmatoris will quickly get lost due to distraction, but when he does find the Ara b quarters, he will seek be a very translator.