Bargaining with Red

"This transformation will allow you to retain your Gift, for a time, but you will need to fuse it to who you are in terms of your greater essence if you wish to keep it beyond a year."

Argentius remains quiet for a time. "Then yes, I accept your offer, Great Red of the Desert, but I have one condition I beg of you: promise me that I will not be required to destroy my sodales or Al Kufra. Please let my pact spare them the Hunger of the Red. I will be your Servant and Hand against the Black. But let them be spared.

"So long as you maintain Al Kufra as your residence, and it does not become a stronghold of the Black it will be left alone."

"Then I accept this pact. I will serve The Red," communicates Argentius solemnly, accepting the difficult bargain that keeps him from oblivion.

While this service will bring difficult choices, the artificer feels an internal sense of pride that his ignominious death caught the notice of such a vast and powerful patron. Serving the Red's purposes against the Black is a vendetta Argentius believes fitting of one of his talents.

"Great One, your knowledge is as vast as the great desert and deep as your hunger. I would ask a question about a mystery: my sodales and I found ourselves cast back to our youth, our bodies and memories returned to the time after our training. But we don't know how this happened. Do you know what happened? Any insight or clue to help us understand it?"

"I know that two realms were involved, and that magic was one of them. What the other realm was I cannot say."

"Thank you. That is s start," responds Argentius taking mental note of the insight.

"So… how does this work? Will you return me to my body now? How much time has passed? If I'm to get vengeance on my enemies, time may be of the essence."

More time has passed than you might imagine- I will restore you in your body, You should have just enough time to return to your body before you need to head for the outer reaches of Morrocco to hunt the Horus beasts that dwell there."

"Ahh. Will all my clothing and precious things be returned to me? Or do I enter the desert like a babe? Will I have time to return to my home?" asks Argentius, his inquisitive mind considering the task ahead.

"And what is a Horus beast?"

"I have not kept track of your possessions, what is on your body is on your body" (in fact nothing was stolen, but the Red would not keep track)

When you ask about the horus beast you see an image of what appears to be a lion with the head of a hawk.

"I see. An interesting beast… Will other servants of the Red join me on this hunt?" asks Argentius.

"I am not a warrior or warrior magus… yet."

"Others will be fighting the same conflict with different assignments."

Argentius takes time to weigh the things he has heard.

"How do I communicate with these others? Is there a Brotherhood or organization I need to be aware of or connect to?"

"They will find you. Too much awareness can be a weakness."

"One last question: I have gifts to craft items of power, some of great power. Since I am not a warrior, would you allow me from time to time to craft items in your name to be used by your Servants in lieu of a season of battle?" asks Argentius.

"You do not need to be a warrior to be a hunter. Make your items for your use, but you still must hunt."

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"I understand. So it will be." Argentius's mind seems to calm, a peace or a resignation settling his thoughts.

"Then let us be about this."

You awaken under the blazing sun in the desert, and make your way back to the covenant at the end of the spring season.

A few clarifying questions:

  1. Are the magic rings still on his hands? Do they still work? His clothes are still there though torn from the spears, I'm assuming?

  2. Argentius no longer has the need to eat or drink, correct? And he discovers this in the several days journey back to Al Kufra.

  3. Casting tools are also still there?

  4. Great Power: does he discover this power on the way back or is this something he'll have to study out to uncover?

  5. Parma: He'll attempt to re-cast this when he returns to his body. Does it work?

  6. Given Argentius's intelligence, magic lore, faerie lore, magic theory etc., does he recognize that he now a magic human? Or is this still to be discovered?

(Ps. Thank you for working with me to find a way for Argentius to continue in play. Very appreciated!)

  1. yes to all
  2. correct
  3. yes
  4. he can discover this in whatever way you feel fits best for roleplaying
  5. His parma does work but it feels different (he can only use either parma or might for magic resistance- since might is currently 0 parma would be the obvious choice)
  6. He realized this while he was striking the bargain
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