Best Story Flaws?

Same goes with lecherous, it's very much a "know your audience" kind of flaw.

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Re: Curse of Venus, I have seen this played well, it was hysterical.


Agreed - it requires a table with a particular sense of humour, but it works well when everyone is on the same wavelength and having fun with it.

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I've had to remind players about limits on Personality and Story Flaws--a lot of players see them as a cheap way to "pay off" their Virtues instead of opportunities for roleplaying.

I had one that player who got quite huffy when I allowed another player to control the Familiar he had at outset via the Magical Animal Flaw--and the Familiar didn't simply act as an extension of the player with the Flaw. (That player also had a lot of problems with conveniently "forgetting" situational Hermetic Flaws and also trying to stretch the spell guidelines in crazy ways.)