The Three Rogue Firedrakes
The trio of Firedrakes known as the Three Rogues are direct scions of the Dragon Sigmundo. The elder dragon has many such offspring scattered in these mountains, and he has little compassion for any of them individually. Most of these firedrakes are mere beasts, such as he was in his youth, and he considers it a contest of survival of the strongest to see who will be the one to inherit his mantle as a dragon.
Sigmundo is jealous of these three for they were born with that which he had to earn and develop through struggle and sacrifice; Human (-like) Intelligence. They are considered Rogues for several reasons. By their pater’s standard they circumvent the whole spirit of his contest by banding together (a quite human trait). But they have made an alliance with the local magi in the past, assisting them versus the ogres of Bone Hill and in their struggle against the 'afrit of the Palace of Burning Bronze, and in return receiving a small payment and immunity from future hunts.
Each of the three have consumed large quantities of vis lately, and it has had various effects upon them. Simon overate and botched once, but ate more and recovered.
New information has been revealed about the three firedrake brothers. They are the grandchildren of Sigmundo, but raised from hatchlings by the great dragon himself. Sigmundo's strongest and most fearsome child, his son Diablo Rojo, was a wild and untameable drake of bestial mentality and unbridled ferocity. He had mated with a Red Wyvern (fire breathing Vibria), and though his mate was much weaker she had the gift of intelligence. Sigmundo himself, having adopted many human guises over the years, had taken a lover named Valerie Valencia, and told her of his true secret nature. She helped him steal three eggs from the clutch, and assisted Sigmundo in initially raising the three hatchling drakes. But one day, Valerie Valencia had to part ways, for she was with child (by Sigmundo) and felt that it would be best to raise it amongst humans. This child, a son, eventually sired the maga known as Vibria of Flambeau. The three drakes are her cousins.
At the current moment, the drake trio is disunited. Maurice has learned to take human guise, and has set up a clandestine operation in Las Salines. Venkath has learned to fly, and has grown more ambitious and ruthless and a feared legend in the Pyrenees. Simon has stayed in the area, but his activities have changed. The owlbear population has dwindled very low, and he feels guilty about it. So he has become a vegetarian dragon (he only eats herbivores and vegetarians).